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Unit 1: Scientific Method and Ecology Study Guide
Things to study:
What is a hypothesis
What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory
What’s the definition of a theory
What is a controlled experiment
What are the steps of the scientific method
Definitions of species, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
How does Earth/all living things get their energy?
Know how to read a food web and a food chain
What are producers and consumers
What are autotrophs and heterotrophs
Know the difference between herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, decomposers and detritevores
Three types of symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalisms, parasitism
Know how to read an energy pyramid
How much energy is transferred between each trophic level
Carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle
Water cycle
1. The biosphere contains ___________________________________________.
2. The study of interactions among organisms and between organisms is called _______________.
3. One rabbit is an example of a ___________ (species/population/community).
4. A group of the same rabbits living in the same area is called ______________
5. A species makes up a ____________ (population/community). A group of different populations makes up
a _________ (biome/community).
6. The source for all living things is the ___________.
7. Autotrophs are also known as ___________ (producers/consumers) because they make their own food.
Heterotrophs are also known as __________ (producers/consumers) because they have to find their
8. What are the two ways autotrophs make their food? _______________ and _________________
9. A herbivore is a consumer that only eats ______________.
10. A carnivore is a consumer that only eats ______________.
11. An omnivore is a consumer that eats ________________.
12. A decomposer is a consumer that _____________________.
13. Plants are known as ______________ (producers/consumers)
14. Algae found at the bottom of the ocean is a ________________ (producer/consumer)
15. An organism that uses energy from the environment to produce it’s own food is called a(an)
___________ (heterotroph/autotroph).
16. Define a primary consumer. What do they normally eat?
17. A snake that eats a mouse that has eaten a bug that fed on grass is know as what type of consumer
__________________________ (primary/secondary/tertiary).
18. How much energy is passed on or transferred at each trophic level of an energy pyramid?
19. What happens to the rest of the
20. What to plants and animals use their energy for? ____________________________________________
21. The repeated movement between water and Earth’s surface and atmosphere is called the _____________
22. Define transpiration. ______________________________________________.
23. Define evaporation. ________________________________________________
24. Define condensation __________________________________________________
25. Define precipitation ____________________________________________________
26. How is carbon stored in the atmosphere? _____________________________
27. What are the key players in the nitrogen cycle? ________________________
28. Define commensalism and give one example. _______________________________________________
29. Define mutualism and give one example. __________________________________________________
30. Define parasitism and give one example
31. You suggest that leaving your trashcan outside might cause maggots to appear. This is a
_______________ (conclusion/hypothesis/procedure/result)
32. A hypothesis is always _________________________ (correct/wrong/testable)
33. Define a controlled experiment. ______________________________________
34. Define a theory ________________________________________________________
35. How is a theory different from a hypothesis?
36. What are 3 abiotic factors in an ecosystem?
37. What are 3 biotic factors in an
38. If an animal leaves its usual habitat to find food because of sudden rainfall, this would be a result of a(an)
___________________ (abiotic/biotic) factor.
39. An animal leaves its usual habitat because its home has been invaded by another species. This is a result
of a(an) _______________ (abiotic/biotic) factor.