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What particles form the
nucleus of an atom?
2nd 6 weeks
Class Battle Between:
Bauer, Cannon, Hermsdorf,
Lawton, and Muller
What is the smallest particle of
an element that retains the
properties of that element?
A) protons and neutrons
B) electrons only
C) neutrons and electrons
D) protons and electrons
E) none of the above
Which of the following is NOT
a part of Dalton’s atomic
A) a proton
B) an atom
C) a molecule
D) a neutron
E) an electron
• A) Atoms that combine do so in simple
whole-number ratios
• B) Atoms of the same element are alike
in mass and size
• C) Atoms are always in motion
• D) All elements are composed of atoms
Who was the first person to
suggest the idea of atoms, in
the fourth century B.C.?
In which of the following sets
are the symbol of the element,
the number of protons, and the
number of electrons given
A) Galileo
B) Atomos
C) Thomson
D) Dalton
E) Democritus
A) Cs, 55 protons, 132.9 electrons
B) He, 4 protons, 4 electrons
C) Zn, 30 protons, 60 electrons
D) F, 19 protons, 19 electrons
E) In, 49 protons, 49 electrons
Which of these statements is
What does the 84 in the name
krypton-84 represent?
• A) The nucleus of an atom is positively
• B) Protons have a positive charge.
• C) The neutron is found in the nucleus
of an atom.
• D) Electons are negativley charged and
have a mass of 1 amu.
Consider an element Z that has two naturally
occurring isotopes with the following percent
abundances: the isotope with a mass number
of 20 is 25% abundant; the isotope with a
mass number of 22 is 75% abundant. What
is the average atomic mass for
element Z?
Which of these elements does
not exist as a diatomic
A) 21.0g
B) 42.0g
C) 21.5g
D) 2.0g
E) 20.5g
Select the correct statement
about subatomic particles
• A) Electrons, protons, and neutrons all have
the same mass.
• B) Electrons are negatively charged and are
the heaviest subatomic particles.
• C) The mass of a neutron nearly equals the
mass of a proton.
• D) Neutrons have no charge and are the
lightest subatomic particle.
• E) Protons are positively charged and the
lightest subatomic particle.
A) The mass number
B) The sum of the protons and electrons
C) The atomic number
D) None of these
A) I
What are the Group A
elements known as?
A) Representative elements
B) Transition elements
C) Inner transition elements
D) Metallic elements
E) Periodic elements
The modern periodic table is
arranged in order of
increasing atomic______.
Of the elements Pt, Sc, V, Li,
and Kr, which is a nonmetal?
A) Kr
B) Li
C) V
D) Pt
E) Sc
A) Radius
B) Mass
C) Number
D) Charge
How many energy sublevels
are there in the second
principal energy level?
Which subatomic particle plays the greatest
part in determining the physical and
chemical properties of an element?
A) muon
B) quark
C) proton
D) electron
E) neutron
The principal quantum number
indicates what property of an
A) position
B) electron cloud shape
C) speed
D) energy level
E) spin
A) 3
B) 4
C) 1
D) 2
E) 5
When an electron moves from
a lower to a higher energy
level, the electron_____.
A) always doubles its energy
B) absorbs a quantum of energy
C) moves closer to the nucleus
D) absorbs a continuously variable
amount of energy
Which element is a transition
A) Cesium
B) Tellurium
C) Tin
D) Copper
How many electrons does barium
have to give up in order to achieve
a noble-gas electron configuration?
Above what number are the
transuranium elements?
What is a beta particle?
A) A helium nucleus
B) An electron
C) A photon
D) A hydrogen nucleus
A) 2.5g
B) 1.3g
C) .63g
D) 2.5g
A) 110
B) 92
C) 102
D) 82
Which of these processes
results in the “splitting” of
If the half-life of sodium-24 is 15 hours,
how much remains from a 10.0g
sample after 60 hours?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
A) A fission reaction
B) An ionizing reaction
C) A fusion reaction
D) A chemical reaction
Which cells are the most
sensitive to ionizing radiation?
How many protons, electrons, and neutrons
does an atom with an atomic number 50 and
a mass number 120 contain?
• A) Cells that divide slowly
• B) Cells that divide rapidly
• C) Cells that do not divide
What is each vertical column
of elements in the periodic
table called?
Who first arranged the elements according to
atomic mass and noticed a periodic recurrence
of their physical and chemical properties?
A) John Dalton
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Henry Mosely
D) Antoine Lavoisier
E) Dmitri Mendeleev
Which of the following
categories includes the
majority of the elements?
A) Metalloids
B) Gases
C) Nonmetals
D) Metals
E) Liquids
A) 70 electrons, 50 protons, and 50 neutrons
B) 50 protons, 50 electrons, and 70 neutrons
C) 70 neutrons, 70 protons, and 50 electrons
D) 120 neutrons, 50 protons, and 70
A) Transition
B) List
C) Group or family
D) Row
Which scientist developed the
quantum mechanical model of the
A) Niels Bohr
B) JJ Thompson
C) Erwin Shrodinger
D) Ernest Rutherford
E) Albert Einstein
What is the next atomic orbital
in the series 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s,
A) 3f
B) 3d
C) 2f
D) 2d
E) 4s
What is the number of electrons in
the outermost energy level of an
oxygen atom?
What is the basis for
exceptions to the Aufbau
• A) Some elements have unusual atomic
• B) Electron configurations are only probable.
• C) Electron spins are more important than
energy levels in determining electron
• D) Filled and half-filled energy sublevels are
more stable than partially-filled ones.
What orbital is filled when
iodine gains an electron to
become a negative ion?
A) Cations
B) Anions
C) Affinity Electrons
D) Valence Electrons
E) Orbital Electrons
A) 6s
B) 5p
C) 4p
D) 4d
Compared with the electronegativities of
the elements at the left end of a particular
period, the electronegativities of the
elements at the right side of that same
period tend to be _____.
What is the name given to the
electrons in the highest occupied
energy level of an atom?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
E) 10
A) higher
B) lower
C) unpredictable
D) the same
What is the maximum charge
an ion is likely to have?
How many valence electrons does
an atom of any halogen have?
A) 6
B) 8
C) 7
D) 4
Which of these elements does
not exist as a diatomic
A) H
B) F
C) I
D) Ne
What does an unstable
nucleus NOT do to become
more stable?
A) Change its number of electrons
B) Rearrange its protons
C) Emit radiation
D) Change its number of protons and/or
A) 5
B) 3
C) 2
D) 6
E) 4
What particle is emitted in
alpha radiation?
A) Electron
B) Photon
C) Helium nucleus
D) Hydrogen nucleus
What is the charge on an
alpha particle?
A) -2
B) 0
C) -1
D) +2
E) +1
What does gamma radiation
consist of?
Who discovered radioactivity?
A) Ernest Rutherford
B) George Geiger
C) Antoine Becquerel
D) Marie Curie
E) Albert Einstein
How are the number of
neutrons in the nucleus of an
atom calculated?
The most penetrating form of
radiation is ____.
A) Helium nuclei
B) Electrons
C) Photons
D) Hydrogen nuclei
A) Gamma radiation
B) Visible radiation
C) Alpha radiation
D) Beta radiation
• A) Subtract the number of electrons from the
number of protons
• B) Add the number of electrons and protons
• C) Subtract the number of protons from the
mass number
• D) Add the mass number to the number of
How do the isotopes
hydrogen-1 and hydrogen-2
A mystery element Q is a nonlustrous
solid and a poor conductor of
electricity. To what category of
elements does it belong?
• A) Hydrogen-1 has no protons; hydrogen-2
has one.
• B) Hydrogen-2 has two protons; hydrogen-1
has one.
• C) Hydrogen-2 has one more electron than
• D) Hydrogen-2 has one neutron; hydroge-1
has none
A) Metals
B) Nonmetals
C) Metalloids
D) Transition metals
E) Semimetals
The term used to describe an atom’s
tendency to attract electrons to itself
when it is chemically combined with
another element.
A) Electronegativity
B) Electronation
C) Electron affinity
D) Electrochemical attraction
E) Electrolysis
What types of atomic orbitals
are in the third principal
energy level?
A) s and p only
B) s, p, and d only
C) p, d, and f only
D) s, p, d, and f
E) p and d only
Who discovered the electron?
A) John Dalton
B) Albert Einstein
C) JJ Thompson
D) Niels Bohr
E) Ernest Rutherford
Which of the following energy
levels has the lowest energy?
A) 4p
B) 4s
C) 4f
D) 3d
What is the maximum number
of electrons in the third
principal energy level?
What is the maximum number
of d orbitals in a principal
energy level?
A) 18
B) 2
C) 32
D) 8
A) 2
B) 5
C) 1
D) 3
E) 10
Which of the following
elements has the lowest
The energy required to remove an
electron froma gaseous atom is
called the _____.
A) Heat of vaporization
B) Polarization energy
C) Ionization energy
D) Excitation energy
E) Electrolytic energy
A) Bromine
B) Fluorine
C) Lithium
D) Carbon
How does the energy of an
electron change when the electron
moves closer to the nucleus?
If three electrons are available to fill
three empty 2p atomic orbitalsm how will
the electrons be distributed in the three
• A) It increases
• B) It stays the same
• C) It decreases
• A) Three in one orbital, none in the
other two
• B) Two electrons in one orbital, one in
another, none in the third
• C) One electron in each orbital
What did Rutherford’s
experiment demonstrate?
• A) that electrons orbit the nucleus
• B) that atoms are made of positively and
negatively charged particles
• C) that most of an atom’s mass is
concentrated in a relatively small portion of
the atom’s entire volume
• D) that all neutrons are located in the nucleus
Which of the following states that no more
than two electrons can occupy an atomic
orbital and that two electrons in the same
orbital must have opposite spins?
A) the Aufbau principle
B) Hund’s rule
C) Dalton’s theory
D) the Paulie exclusion principle
What is the charge of a
particle having 9 protons and
10 electrons?
A) 0
B) 1+
C) 1D) 2+
E) 2-
• A) the same as that of a neon atom
• B) the same as a that of a potassium
• C) 1s22s22p5
• D) 1s22s22p63s1
In Bohr’s model of the atom,
where are the electrons and
protons located?
What element has the electron
1s22s22p63s23p2 ?
• A) The electrons and protons move
throughout the atom.
• B) The electrons orbit the protons, which are
at the center of the atom.
• C) The electrons and protons are located
thorughout the atom, but they are not free to
• D) The electrons occupy fixed positions
around the protons, which are at the center of
the atom.
How does atomic radius change
from left to right across a period
in the periodic table?
The electron configuration of a
fluoride ion, F-, is ____.
A) It first increases, then decreases
B) It first decreases, then increases
C) It tends to increase
D) It tends to decrease
E) It does not change
A) Silver
B) Nitrogen
C) Silicon
D) Selenium
Why is the radius of a positive
ion always less than the
radius of its neutral atom?
• A) The number of principal energy
levels is always reduced
• B) The atomic orbitals contract all by
• C) The nucleus pulls the remaining
electrons in closer
• D) Electron speeds are reduced