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Propaganda Packet Project
Communication Skills
Now that we have discussed what propaganda is and how to find it, you will find some examples on your
own. For the next few days, you will be putting together a Propaganda Packet. Your packet will include
various types of propaganda, and will exhibit your understanding on how to deal with propaganda.
Here is what your packet should include:
 Two examples of the use of propaganda from the Internet. These must be from reliable,
appropriate websites. (See Mrs. S. for a list of suggestions)
 One example of the use of propaganda in a political cartoon from a newspaper.
 One example of an advertisement that uses propaganda to sell or promote a product or service.
 Your packet will be a total of 9 pages. Below is a list of the breakdown of each page.
o Page 1: Creative title page, which includes title, your name, class period, date, and
illustration or graphic.
o Page 2: Internet Propaganda #1 with one sentence caption written by you.
o Page 3: Answers to Propaganda questions about Internet Propaganda #1. (See information
o Page 4: Internet Propaganda #2 with one sentence caption written by you.
o Page 5: Answers to Propaganda questions about Internet Propaganda #2. (See information
o Page 6: Political cartoon with one sentence caption written by you.
o Page 7: Answers to Propaganda questions about Political cartoon. (See information below)
o Page 8: Advertisement with one sentence caption written by you.
o Page 9: Answers to Propaganda questions about Advertisement. (See information below)
Special Note: You must cite the source of each example at the bottom of the page!
The “propaganda” questions that need to be answered in for each example are:
1. Who does this piece of information benefit? (1-2 complete sentences)
2. Why did they create the piece of information in this way? (2-3 complete sentences)
3. Who do you think put this information together in this way? Is it a reliable source? How do
you know? (2-3 sentences)
4. How did you spot the use of propaganda? Which of the seven techniques are used in this
piece of information? (There might be more than one!) Explain how the technique is used?
(The number of sentences will depend on how many techniques are used, but you should have
at least 4 sentences here.)
5. Do you agree with the idea, information, or rumor that is trying to be conveyed? Why or Why
not? (4-5 sentences)
The “caption” underneath each of your examples should respond to the following question:
 What is your initial reaction to this piece of information and its use of propaganda? (At
least 1-2 complete sentences)
We will work on this project in class, however you will be expected to do a lot of the work on your own.
Your final packet must be typed! We will have scheduled time in the computer lab. The final project will
be due on ____________________.
Grading Rubric for Propaganda Packet
The project is worth a total of 100 points, broken down as follows:
Four total appropriate examples: 2 from Internet,
1 from newspaper, 1 advertisement- 5 points each
20 points total
Accurate Responses to Propaganda questions for EACH
example. Must be typed- 10 points each
40 points total
Citations and typed captions on each example
Page- 5 points each
20 points total
Grammar, Organization, Creativity, Neatness
10 points total
Title Page-
10 points total
100 points