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2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Review Exam + Final Exam
2nd Trimester AP Physics C
Review Exam
Format: 35 multiple choice questions
No penalty for guessing
Study Concepts (Multiple Choice) for
Chapter 23 Gauss' Law
Chapter 24 Electric Potential
Chapter 25 Capacitance
Chapter 26 Current and Resistance
Chapter 27 Circuits
Chapter 28 Magnetic Fields
2nd Trimester Final
Format: 35 Multiple Choice + three AP “like” Free Response
Free Response: Electric fields/Gauss’ Law, DC/RC circuits, Gravitation/Simple Harmonic
Score is 50% Multiple Choice, 50 % Free Response
No penalty for guessing
Chapter 11- Angular Momentum and Rolling
Chapter 12 Equilibrium Only (Sections 1-5)
Chapter 13 Gravitation
Chapter 15 Simple Harmonic Motion
Chapter 21 Electric Charges
Chapter 22 Electric Fields
Chapter 23 Gauss' Law
Chapter 24 Electrical Energy
Chapter 25 Capacitance
Chapter 26 Current and Resistance
Chapter 27 Circuits
Chapter 28 Magnetic Fields
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Chapter 11 Notes: “Chapter 11 Angular Momentum” +” Rolling Along”
Book: (Q3,Q6,1,4,5,8,9,11,13,24,32,43,45,49,55,58,67)
Notes: Last Trimester “Chapter 11 Angular Momentum” + this trimester “Rolling Along”
 When is angular momentum conserved? (lots of examples in last tri notes)
 Be able to conserve angular momentum for a variety of collisions and orbits
o With pin <3,5,6,7,8,9,10 in “Chapter 11 angular momentum” notes>
o Without pin <4 in “chapter 11 angular momentum” notes> <”Rolling along”
 Be able to calculate angular momentum
o Using a perpendicular radius <2,4> (Q6)
o Using rxF with cross product <3> (24)
o Using object that is a system <5>
 Know that torque is the cross product of rxF and defined as dL/dt <3, “Chapter 11
angular Momentum” chart>(32)
 Understand that rolling is the vector addition of translation and rotation <9,10,11,12>
 Find linear momentum of rolling wheel <14>
 Rolling as rotation about the bottom point <10,11,13,15> (Q3,1)
 Derive the equation for the acceleration of a sliding and a rolling object on an incline
plane (up or down) <18>(4)
 Find work to speed up or slow down a wheel (5)
 Find the speed/kinetic energy of a rolling/sliding object on an incline plane (up or
down)<16,17,19,20,21,25,26> (8,9,11)
o Highest height
o Is it rolling or sliding?
o Work nonconservative if sliding
o Projectile motion after rolling down incline
 Be able to solve problems with rolling objects that slip (13)<2012 Mech 3>
 What objects win rolling races? <22,23,24>
Chapter 12
Notes < Group Work from Break, notes Rotation hanging sign with hinge point>
 Draw freebody for various systems at rest <group work>
 Write force equations <group work example problem>
 Write torque equations <group work>
Chapter 13
Book: (Q2, Q5, 1, 6, 17, 24, 36, 39, 43, 49, 52, 64, 93)
Notes <1-36 >
 Know Kepler’s 3 laws <1>
1. Apply the third law <2,3>
 Be able to derive Newton’s Law of Gravitation using Kepler’s 3rd law <4>
 Find the force of gravity on an object inside a solid planet or shell<5,11> (24)
 Find the force of gravity on an object outside a planet <4-17> (24)
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Find the gravitational force on an object given a system of objects
1. Treat gravitational force as a vector <6-9> (Q2,Q4,1,6)
2. Find where the gravitational force equals zero <9>
Use the gravitational force as a centripetal force <10,12,13,14,18,19,20,21,36> (43,
49, 52, 93)
1. Be careful with your R values!<13>
2. Find the period of a satellite<2,10>
3. Find velocity of a satellite<12,13>
4. Find the centripetal acceleration <14,21>
5. Find the moment of inertia of a system<21>
6. Find the angular momentum of a system (circular or elliptical) <21,36>
Find the acceleration due to gravity <15,16> (17)
If we treat the planet as rotating, find acceleration due to gravitational force on an
object on the rotating planet <18-20>
Know that changing speed by using a thrust will change the orbit
1. Be able to identify a new orbit <22,35,36>
Be able to find the work done by the gravitational force <5,23,25,26,33,37>
Find the potential energy associated with the gravitational force <24,25,27,36>
Find the total energy of a satellite in an elliptical orbit-know derivation
<31,32,36,37> (36, 39, 64)
Find the escape speed for a planet-know derivation <28,29> (36)
Know the kinetic energy associated with a circular orbit <30>
Chapter 15: Oscillations
(Homework assigned: Q1,Q2,Q4,5,7,8,11,24,26,28,30,32,34,35,40,64,89)
<Notes 1-41>
Be able to identify simple harmonic motion <1,2,3> (Q2)
Know what happens if a spring is cut in half, put in parallel, series<3> Lab(26)
Know how to find acceleration at any position of SHM<3>(Q1,Q4)
Know the energy conversions for SHM<4,6,8,9,10,11,12> (7,28,30,32,35,89)
Be able to identify potential and kinetic energy graphs versus position or
Know how to find potential energy from a variable force<7>
Given an equation of position determine the frequency, period, amplitude, speed at a
point, time to reach a point, maximum acceleration<16,17,28,31> (11)
Given a spring with mass determine: the period of motion, maximum acceleration, the
maximum velocity, energy stored, the mass, the amplitude, <20,22,23,24,25,26,27,29,30
> (5,7,8,11,28,30)
Write equations for position, velocity, acceleration as a function of time<13,18,19,27>
Find amplitude that a block can have so that it doesn’t slip<30>(24)
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Know what motion results if an object follows SHM in both x and y directions<16,31>
Know how to find the spring constant using equilibrium (89)
Simple Pendulum – period equation-know derivation<33-35,37-41>(40)
Find the period for a physical pendulums <41,43>(44,49)
Find the period for angular simple harmonic motion<40,44>(73)
Dealing with SHM acceleration equation as one force among other forces <48>
Chapter 21: Electric Forces : Let’s get charged up!
(Homework assigned: Ch 21 problems Q1,Q4, Q7,Q8,1,4,7,9,11,57,63)
< Notes : 1-16>
 How many electrons are in a charge?<2>(57)
 Know Coulomb’s Law and be able to apply it.<3,4,5,6,8,11,12,13,14,15>(Q8,1,4,9)
o Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on a positive or negative
charge due to other specified point charges.<4,5>(Q1,Q7,)
o Analyze the motion of a particle of specified charge and mass under the
influence of an electrostatic force.
 Find where the electrostatic force is zero<7>(Q1,11,63)
 Know the types of charging<9>
 Know what grounding is and be able to apply it.<10>
 Determine charge after objects touch (Q4,4,7)<11>
 Understand induced charge
o Describe the process of charging by induction. <9,12,13>
o Explain why a neutral conductor is attracted to a charged object.<9>
Chapter 22 Electric fields “Can you Field these notes? They are electric!
(Homework assigned: Ch 22 Problems Q1, 11,14,24,28,29,34,48,64, )
Notes <1-26>
 Understand the concept of electric field, be able to:
o Define it in terms of the force on a test charge. <2,12>
o Describe and calculate the electric field of a single point charge.<2>
o Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field produced by two or
more point charges. <13-17> (11,14,64)
 Vectors!!!!!!
o Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on a positive or negative
charge placed in a specified field. <2-9>
 Know that the force is with the field for positives and against for negatives
 Be able to draw a freebody with the force due to the electric field as one
vector <6,7>
 Be able to solve a projectile problem with a charge in an electric field <8>
 Be able to solve for force, acceleration, displacement using two
dimensional electric field <9>(48)
o Draw electric fields for various charge distributions <10,11,14,15,16,17>
 Know rules for drawing (Q1)
o Find where the electric field is zero due to two point charges<13>
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
o Use the principle of superposition (adding vectors) to calculate by integration
 The electric field at the center of a circular arc of charge <23,24>(24,29)
 The electric field on the axis of a thin ring of charge <25,26> (28)
 The electric field due to a disk of charge <27>(34)
Chapter 23 Gauss’ Law
Notes <1-44>
(Homework assigned Chapter 23: Q1, Q3, Q6, 3, 5, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 27, 32, 37, 41, 44, 45,
47, 50, 51, 55,58,59,63,68,69,71,74,79 )
Understand the relationship between electric field and electric flux, be able to <2-9>
Calculate the flux of an electric field through an arbitrary surface or of a field
uniform in magnitude over a Gaussian surface and perpendicular to it.<2,3,4,5,6>
o Calculate the flux of the electric field through a rectangle when the field is
perpendicular to the rectangle and a function of one coordinate only. <3,6> (Q3,3)
o State and apply the relationship between flux and the electric field. <2-8>
o Know that the electric field at any arbitrary point depends on all charges in the
area but the electric flux/field for the outside charges reduces to zero for an
enclosed surface <7>(Q1,12)
Understand Gauss’s Law, be able to:
o State the law in integral form, and apply it qualitatively to relate flux and electric
charge for a specified surface. <8>
o Apply Gauss’ law, along with symmetry arguments, to determine the electric
 For a line of charge <29,30>
 for a plane of charge,<31>(41)
 for oppositely charge plates <32-33>(37)
 for a spherical charge distribution (concentric spheres too!), <14-18,2227>(47,51)
 For a cylindrically symmetric charge distribution. <35>(27)
o Apply the law to determine the charge density or total charge on a surface in
terms of the electric field near the surface.<28> (19)
 Use Gauss’ Law for Insulators
o Spheres <36-40,42,43>(50,51,58)
o Cylindrical <41,44>(74)
 Use Gauss’ Law for non uniform charge distributions
o Spheres <42,43>(55)
o Cylinders <44>(32)
Understand the nature of electric fields in and around conductors, be able to:
o Explain the mechanics responsible for the absence of electric field inside a
conductor, and know that all excess charge must reside on the surface of the
o Show that all excess charge on a conductor must reside on its surface and that the
field outside the conductor must be perpendicular to the surface.<11-13>
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Understand induced charge and electrostatic shielding, be able to
o Explain why there can be no electric field in a charge-free region completely
surrounded by a single conductor, and recognize consequences of this result.<1114> (Q6,12,18)
o Explain why the electric field outside a closed conducting surface cannot depend
on the precise location of charge in the space enclosed by the conductor, and
identify consequences of this result. <20>
Be able to use induction for conductors and find the charge on the inside and
outside surfaces of shells <,20,21,22,24,25> (21,59,79)
Be able to describe and sketch a graph of the electric field inside and outside a charged
conducting sphere. <15,17,22,26>
Be able to describe and sketch a graph of the electric field inside and outside a charged
insulator sphere. <36,38>
Chapter 24 Electric Potential
Notes <1-49>
Understand the concept of electric potential, be able to:
o Calculate the electrostatic potential energy of a system of two or more point
charges, and calculate how much work is required to establish the charge system.
o Calculate how much work is required to move a test charge from one location to
another in the field of fixed point charges.<4,5>
o Determine the electric potential in the vicinity of one or more point charges.
o Calculate the electrical work done on a charge or use conservation of energy to
determine the speed of a charge that moves through a specified potential
difference. <8,9,18,28>
o Determine the direction and approximate magnitude of the electric field at various
positions given a sketch of equipotentials. <19,20,21>
o Find where the potential is zero due to two point charges <14,15>
o Calculate the potential difference between two points in a uniform electric field,
and state which point is at the higher potential. <11,18>
o Use integration to determine electric potential difference between two points on a
line, given electric field strength as a function of position along that line.<23,25>
o Use a derivative to find the electric field given the electric potential as a function
of position<23,24,29>
 Use the principle of superposition to calculate by integration:
o The electric field and potential on the axis of a thin ring of charge, or at
the center of a circular arc of charge. <33,34,36>
o The electric potential on the axis of a uniformly charged disk. <35>
 Derive expressions for electric potential as a function of position.
 Oppositely-charged parallel plates. <26,27>
 A long, uniformly-charged wire, or thin cylindrical or spherical
shell. Or sphere with uniform charge <37,
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Understand the nature of electric fields in and around conductors, be able to:
o Explain why a conductor must be an equipotential, and apply this principle
in analyzing what happens when conductors are connected by wires.
o Be able to describe and sketch a graph of the potential inside and outside a
charged conducting sphere. <38,44>
Capacitance Notes(1-38)
Homework <2,5, 9,10,11,12,14a,32,34,35,42,43,44,45,46a,49,,53>
Chapter 25
 Know what capacitance depends on and be able to find the capacitance for a parallel plate
capacitor. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor. Describe
the electric field inside the capacitor, and relate the strength of this field to the potential
difference between the plates and the plate separation. Determine how changes in
dimension will affect the value of the capacitance. (4,6,7,8) <2,5>
 Find the energy stored by a capacitor (10,11,12)
 Find energy density (13) <32,39>
o Derive and apply expressions for the energy stored in a parallel-plate capacitor
and for the energy density in the field between the plates.
 Know what happens when the distance between the plates increases with and without a
battery (14)
 Be able to find a new capacitance with a dielectric (with and without battery)
(15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24) <42,45>
o Know what happens when a dielectric is added with battery attached (16)
o Know what happens when a dielectric is added with no battery attached (16)
 Be able to find the capacitance if a metal is placed between the two parallel plates (17)
 Be able to add capacitors in series and or parallel (28-36) <9,11,12>
o Find charge on any individual capacitor
o Find electric potential difference across any individual capacitor
o Find energy stored by combination or individual
o Describe how stored charge is divided between capacitors connected in parallel.
o Determine the ratio of voltages for capacitors connected in series.
 Be able to use Gauss’ Law to find electric field inside and outside a
o Cylindrical capacitor (37) <43>
o Spherical capacitor (38) <53>
 Be able to find the potential difference between plates of a
o Cylindrical capacitor (37) <43>
o Spherical capacitor (38) <53>
 Be able to use C=Q/V to determine the capacitance of a
o Cylindrical capacitor (37) <43>
o Spherical capacitor. (38) <53>
Understand the behavior of dielectrics, be able to:
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
o Describe how the insertion of a dielectric between the plates of a charged parallelplate capacitor affects its capacitance and the field strength and voltage between
the plates
o Analyze situations in which a dielectric slab is inserted between the plates of a
Current and Resistance Notes (1-35)
Homework assigned <Q2,Q7,3,4,6,7,16,20,23,25,40,52,73>
Chapter 26
Know what current is and be able to find the number of electrons/protons given a charge
in coulombs. Understand the definition of electric current, so you are able to relate the
magnitude and direction of the current to the rate of flow of positive and negative
Know the motion of charges in wires and be able to find the drift velocity (5-11)
Know the difference between current and current density. Write the relationship
between electric field strength and current density in a conductor, and describe, in terms
of the drift velocity of electrons, why such a relationship is plausible. (12-14)
Be able to find resistance (15-17)
Be able to find resistivity (18)
Know what the resistance of a wire depends on. Describe how the resistance of a resistor
depends upon its length and cross-sectional area, and apply this result in comparing
current flow in resistors of different material or different geometry (19-22)
Be able to use the temperature formula (23)
Know the difference between emf and terminal voltage (24-26)
Know how to find power (27-35)
o Know how to find kilowatthour (34)
o Know how to find cost (chapter 25 notes 29, chapter 26 35)
Derive expressions that relate the current, voltage, and resistance to the rate at which heat
is produced when current passes through a resistor.
Apply the relationships for the rate of heat production in a resistor.
Chapter 27
Steady-state direct current circuits with batteries and resistors only
Homework Assigned (Q6, Q8,6,7, 37,40, 43, 51,55,59, 60,64,65, 67,69,100)
Notes Chapter 27 <all>
 What happens when batteries are in series and parallel? <2, 3>
o Know the difference between terminal voltage and emf. Calculate the rate at
which a battery is supplying energy to a circuit or is being charged up by a circuit.
. <4-6,17>
 Know what resistance depends on so that you know what happens for resistors in series
and parallel<7,9,11-13>
o Be able to find equivalent resistance, voltage, current, power
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
o Determine the ratio of the voltages across resistors connected in series or the ratio
of the currents through resistors connected in parallel.
o Calculate the equivalent resistance of a network of resistors that can be broken
down into series and parallel combinations. (40)
o Calculate the voltage, current, and power dissipation for any resistor in such a
network of resistors connected to a single power supply.
o Design a simple series-parallel circuit that produces a given current through and
potential difference across one specified component, and draw a diagram for the
circuit using conventional symbols.
 Know what happens when circuit has a short circuit <8,24>
 Know what ammeters and voltmeters measure and how to place them in circuits. State
whether the resistance of each is high or low.
o Identify or show correct methods of connecting meters into circuits in order to
measure voltage or current.
o Assess qualitatively the effect of finite meter resistance on a circuit into which
these meters are connected. <10>
 Be able to do Kirchhoff’s loop rule and junction rules <14-24>(Q6,Q8)
o Find current (43,37,51)
o Potential difference across two given points .. could be points a and b or across a
resistor (6,7,40)
o Power(7,43)
o Voltage
RC circuits <25-41> (59,65,69,67)
o Know what time constant is and be able to use it
o Be able to write a loop rule for charging and discharging (differential equation)
o Be able to solve differential equation for charge as a function of time
o Take the derivative to find current as a function of time
o Graph voltage of capacitor, voltage of resistor, charge on capacitor, current all as
a function of time
o Find Max charge, current
o Find time for a specific charge
o Deal with a circuit that has multiple branches and a capacitor
o Know how a capacitor acts initially
o Know how a capacitor acts after a long period of time
Chapter 28- Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Fields Notes AP Magnetism
Forces on moving charges in magnetic fields ( chart , 1-18)
Homework <Q7,2,5,13,18,68,82>
 Understand the force experienced by a charged particle in a magnetic field, be able to
o Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force in terms of q, v, and, B, and
explain why the magnetic force can perform no work.
o Deduce the direction of a magnetic field from information about the forces
experienced by charged particles moving through that field.
o Describe the paths of charged particles moving in uniform magnetic fields.
2013 AP Review Sheet
Review Exam +Final
Calculate pitch, period, velocity radius
Watch your velocities! Remember there are two components, one that is
parallel to the magnetic field and one that is perpendicular
o Derive and apply the formula for the radius of the circular path of a charge that
moves perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field.
o Describe under what conditions particles will move with constant velocity
through crossed electric and magnetic fields. (22-26)
 Mass spectrometers
 Electric fields : use energy conservation for speeding up
 Watch direction of forces
Compare and contrast electric fields/forces to magnetic fields/forces (chart)
o Which speeds charges up and slows charges down
o Which makes charges go in circles and helixes
Hall effect (19-21)
o Be able to recognize Hall effect when given a problem with a piece of metal and
finding electric potential across it….. must use electrons