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Solar System Study Guide
Test Friday, March 10, 2017
A huge ball of superheated gases is known as what in our solar system? Star
A huge system of gases, dust and stars is known as what in space? Galaxy
A group of objects that orbit a star in the center and includes that star is called what? Solar system
An imaginary line that extends through both poles of a planet and can be found in Earth’s planet as well is known as
what? Axis
Another word that means orbit around an object. Revolve
A large object that orbits a star is a what? Planet
If you were to turn a model of Earth around on its axis, what does this motion explain?
Why Earth has day and night
What does a star’s color tell us about the star? How hot it is
Which phase of the moon would occur approximately two weeks after a new moon? Full moon
Which phase of the moon would occur right before a new moon? Waning crescent
Which phase of the moon would occur right after a full moon? Waning gibbous
Which phase of the moon would occur before a waning crescent? ¾ moon, last quarter moon, waning half moon
Which phase of the moon would occur after the first quarter moon? Waxing gibbous
Where is the moon located during its noon moon phase? Between the earth and the sun
A group of stars known as Ursa Major is a type of what? Constellation
You observe a bright object in the night sky for one week. Each night, the object is in a different position. This tells you
that the object is a what? Planet
True or False:
Planets shine with a steady light, while stars twinkle. True
Unlike stars, planets are easy to see because they glow with heat energy? False
Planets do not move in the sky, but stars do. False
Planets and starts orbit moons. False
The Milky Way is a star. False
A planet is an object that orbits a star. True
A star is an object that orbits a planet. False
The sun is a hot ball of oxygen and nitrogen. False
The sun is a star made mostly of hydrogen and helium. True
A universe is everything that exists in space. True
A galaxy is a huge system of gases, dust and stars. True
There is only one galaxy in space. False….there are millions of galaxy’s in space.
How do astronomers classify the size of our sun? average size for stars
Which planet is the brightest in our night sky? Jupiter
Which planet looks red in our night sky? Mars
When looking through a telescope, what planet has a bluish color in the night sky? Uranus or Neptune
Our solar system can be found in which galaxy? The Milky Way Galaxy
What large object floats in space above Earth to take pictures of stars and planets? Hubble Space Telescope
What causes the sun to appear to rise and set in the sky? The rotation of the Earth on its axis
Why do some of the positions of stars seem to change as seasons change? As the Earth orbits the sun we see different
parts of space at different times of the year.
What is the smallest planet in our solar system? Mercury
Which planet is considered the largest? Jupiter
What causes the moon’s phases? The moon’s orbiting the Earth
What explains why we have 365 days in one year? Time it takes the Earth to make one complete orbit around the sun
Which planets are considered the inner planets? Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Which planets are considered the outer planets? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
What can be found between the inner and outer planets? Asteroid belt
What color has our sun been classified as and what does it mean? Yellow…average temperature for a star
If our sun was a blue star how would it be different? It would be hotter
If our sun was a red star, how would it be different? It would be cooler
What is the definition of a satellite? Any object that orbits another object
There are many objects in space. Name all eight of the planets.
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Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune