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Mental Health Unit Test
Test # _______
Directions: Mark all answers on the scantron with a pencil. Erase mistakes completely.
____1. Mental health is one of the ___ components that make up a person’s overall health.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
e. 6
____2. A(n) _______ occurs in response to our interpretation of a stimulus
a. change in blood sugar b. increase in heart rate c. drop in blood pressure d. emotional response
____3. Brain chemicals such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin; are called:
a. depressants b. acids c. stimulants
d. neurotransmitters
e. narcotics
____4. “Being free from disturbances that limit functioning” is the definition of:
a. mental health
b. emotional intelligence c. resentment d. confrontation
e. values
____5. When reading a person’s emotions, there are certain mannerisms and features that help an observer to identify what the
person is feeling. Identify the list that correctly places the signs to look for in order from most reliable to least
a. facial expressions, tone of voice, actions, words
b. tone of voice, actions, words, facial expressions
c. actions, words, facial expressions, tone of voice
d. facial expressions, words, tone of voice, actions
e. words, facial expressions, tone of voice, actions
____6. Which of the following tends to a greater factor in determining an individual’s success in relationships and their career?
a. Their IQ b. Their EQ
c. Their grade point average in college
____7. The brain’s function is to operate in a manner that enables human _____.
a. happiness b. energy c. relationships d. survival e. reproduction
____8. Which of the 2 lists below places the 7 steps of the mental process in the correct order?
1. A stimulus occurs
(we have a thought, see, hear, touch, feel, smell, taste
1. A stimulus occurs
(we have a thought, see, hear, touch, feel, smell, taste something)
2. We interpret the stimulus and assign it meaning.
2. We interpret the stimulus and assign it meaning.
3. Our brain releases neurotransmitter(s) in response to the
4. A behavioral response occurs
(running, laughing, yelling, whispering, grinning, flinching…)
3. An emotional response occurs
4. Our brain releases neurotransmitter(s) in response to the emotion.
5. A physiological response is triggered
(heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, relaxation…)
5. An emotional response occurs
6. A physiological response is triggered
(heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, relaxation…)
6. A behavioral response occurs
(running, laughing, yelling, whispering, grinning, flinching…)
7. Consequence/Outcome
7. Consequence/Outcome
_____9. Most of the stressors we experience in modern day America are _____ in nature.
a. demanding
b. threatening
____10. Which hormone, released by the adrenal glands, causes a person to have a tremendous surge of energy during the
stress response? a. dopamine b. endorphins c. cortisone d. glucose e. adrenaline
____11. Which hormone, released by the adrenal glands, combats swelling in case a person is injured during the stress response?
a. dopamine b. endorphins c. cortisone d. glucose e. adrenaline
____12. These are chemicals, released by the brain, that keep a person from feeling intense pain during the stress response.
a. dopamine b. endorphins c. cortisone d. glucose e. adrenaline
____13. Which one of the following is a stress management strategy that involves eliminating a stressor from your life?
a. prioritizing
b. planning c. purging
d. perspective
____14. Which of the 4 P’s of stress management would involve you choosing to view a stressor in a new manner in order to
reduce its impact on your life? a. prioritizing b. planning c. purging d. perspective
____15. The first step of the 7 step process, when it comes to stress, is called a:
a. demand b. threat c. stressor d. emotion e. behavioral response
____ 16. The brain of a mentally healthy person strives to maintain a chemical balance called:
a. hypochondria b. hemophilic c. osmosis d. homeostasis e. delta
____ 17. The positive pole of the emotional continuum is also called ____________.
a. schizophrenia b. depression c. mania d. hypochondria e. homeostasis
____ 18. The negative pole of the emotional continuum is also called _______________.
a. schizophrenia b. depression c. manic
d. hypochondria e. homeostasis
____ 19. If someone experiences regular anxiety because of a fear of being contaminated with germs and finds himself
performing rituals of hand washing to ease his anxiety, he probably has a mental disorder called:
a. a phobia of hand washing b. obsessive compulsive disorder
c. manic depression d. depression e. Schizophrenia
For 20. - 29., match the description to one of the mental disorders in the list:
a. obsessive compulsive disorder
b. panic disorder
c. schizophrenia
d. manic depression
e. general anxiety disorder ab. post-traumatic stress disorder
ac. depression
ad. phobia
ae. ADHD
abc. borderline personality disorder
20. May involve hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking, movement disorders, flat affect, social withdrawal, and
cognitive deficits. Person is out of touch with reality and may perceive stimuli that don’t exist.
21. One of the most common mental disorders that develops in children. Children with this disorder have impaired functioning
in multiple settings, including home, school, and in relationships with peers. It is hard for these children to control their
behavior and/or pay attention.
22. An anxiety disorder that is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts and/or repetitive behaviors. Repetitive behaviors
such as hand washing, counting, checking, or cleaning are often performed with the hope of lessening anxiety. Performing
these so-called "rituals," however, provides only temporary relief, and not performing them markedly increases anxiety.
23. A disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke
it. People with this disorder can't seem to shake their concerns. Their worries are accompanied by physical symptoms, especially
fatigue, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, trembling, twitching, irritability, sweating, and hot
24. A serious medical illness that causes shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal
ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms are quite severe.
25. An extreme, almost paralyzing fear of an object or situation that is generally believed by others to be harmless.
26. Persistent sad, anxious, or empty feelings. Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism. Loss of interest in activities or hobbies
that were once pleasurable. Fatigue, decreased energy, lack of motivation.
27. Unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain, heart
palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abnormal distress. People with this disorder have feelings of terror that strike
suddenly and for no apparent reason.
28. An anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred
or was threatened. Triggering events may include natural disasters, violent personal assault. People with this disorder have
persistent frightening thoughts and memories of their ordeal.
29. A serious mental illness characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and
behavior. This instability often disrupts family and work life, long-term planning, and the individual's sense of self-identity.
30. _____A mental disorder may interfere with a person’s ability to:
a. feel good about himself b. perform daily tasks c. maintain healthy relationships
d. all apply
31. _____Defense mechanisms are coping techniques people use to:
a. Deal with emotions they are uncomfortable expressing. b. Express their sincere feelings.
c. Communicate effectively
Match the defense mechanism to its description. Two have been answered for you.
a. Dealing with feeling such as fear, failure, or guilt by “making up for it” instead of accepting or
confronting the reality of the situation.
b. Staying away from situations that cause us to feel uncomfortable emotions.
c. Acting child-like in order to deal with uncomfortable emotions such as fear, guilt, or failure.
d. Not accepting the reality of a situation because the associated emotions are too difficult to face.
e. Creating a situation which makes you feel that others share your own
emotions or situation although they may not.
ab. Expressing an emotion you feel comfortable with rather than the one you’re
actually feeling.
ac. Re-directing an emotion toward a person you’re comfortable expressing
toward rather than the person who actually triggered the emotion.
ad. Subconsciously forgetting an experience that caused a traumatic emotional
ae. Making excuses in an attempt to comfort oneself when faced with an uncomfortable situation.
Reaction formation
Study the following emotional continuum and then answer 39.-42.
39._____ During which time frame is the person thinking rationally, is level-headed, and is open-minded?
40._____ During which time frame does it appear the person has no emotional energy? He or she may be apathetic and have
a sense of despair, hopelessness, and helplessness. Tunnel vision may set in.
41._____ During which time frame does it appear the person’s brain is more active than normal and it may be difficult to
concentrate, such as with ADHD?
42._____ During which time frame does it appear that the person’s brain has lost its ability to maintain homeostasis?
As a result, extreme fluctuations of mood are taking place. The person is extremely restless and impulsive for a
time, then experiences no energy, desire, or sense of hope for another period of time.
For 43. - 60. Mark A for true or B for false on your scantron.
43. _____ You should promise to keep it a secret if a suicidal friends asks you to promise not to tell anyone.
44. _____ Once a person has suicidal feelings, he will continue to be plagued with suicidal feelings the rest of his/her life.
45. _____ You should never ask someone if they have a specific plan to commit suicide. If so, they may be more likely to
follow through.
46. _____ Many suicidal people feel that their family would better off with them dead.
47. _____ Excessive drug or alcohol abuse is often a sign of depression.
48. _____ Arguing with a suicidal person will wake him/her up to the foolishness of his/her intentions.
49. _____ You should challenge or dare a suicidal person to commit suicide to find out if they are really serious.
50. _____ If a person threatens suicide, wait 24 hours to get them help. Most likely their feelings will change.