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Liberate your Sensuality,
Creativiy and Feminine Power
Lisa has studied with top Tantra and sexuality
teachers such as Margot Anand, Shakti Malan,
Vajra Ma, Daivid Deida, Micheala Boehm and Bodhi
Avinasha. She has been facilitating sacred sexuality
workshops for women and couples for ten plus years.
She has extensive knowledge of Goddess practices
through her two year training with the Thirteen Moon
Mystery School. She has written and directed two
theater productions, The Tao of Sex and Bloodlines/
Women’s Moon Stories-and has toured her one
woman shows, Riding the Dragon and Keep It Wet
across the west coast.
A comedian and a slam poet, she was a finalist in the
1998 National Poetry Slam. She was an in-house and
freelance writer for a major greeting card company
while raising her beautiful daughter as a single mother.
She currently resides in Santa Barbara, California,
where she does private sex and intimacy coaching
and holds sexuality circles for women.
About Lisa Citore
Module 1: Remember Your Primal, Elemental Nature
9 Month Course
Module 2: Heal Your Pain Body and Supercharge Your
Pleasure Body
Module 3: Rediscover the Qualities of the Feminine
Module 4: Embody Your Unique Feminine Essence
Module 5: Create a New Relationship with the Inner and
Outer Masculine
Module 6: Expand Your Sexual Repertoire
Module 7: Become Your Own Best Lover
Module 8: Access the Deeper Feminine Sexual
Module 9: Offer Your Feminine Sexuality as a Blessing
to the World
1. We are responsible for generating our own sexual desire and
2. We will never be fully met by another – meaning our sexual
and emotional satisfaction in our relationships is ultimately our
responsibility. Though we will be met in moments, that may
last for a year or two at best, these moments are precious gifts
to be received with gratitude and without entitled expectancy.
3. The only way we will be met in long term relationships is to
meet ourselves-by devotionally offering what we most want to
receive, again without expectancy for anything in return.
Over the nine month course which
meets one Saturday every month, you
will gain a deeper understanding of
your feminine sexual energy, along
with practices for healing, cultivating,
balancing and directing your feminine
life force so that it can supercharge
your health, your relationships and your
success in the world.
Drawing from her twenty plus years of
Tantric study and exploration to develop
practices specifically for female bodies,
Lisa has created power packed learning
experiences for women, which are
wildly fun and deeply transformational.
In addition to meeting one Saturday a
month from 10 am – 5 pm, each woman
also receives a monthly one on one
phone check in with Lisa, and there
is an online forum for participants to
communicate with one another between
Remember Your Primal Elemental Nature
The foundational nature of the
Feminine is freedom. Yet due to the
roles we play at home and at work,
many women do not feel free. Where
do you desire more freedom in your
In this module you will:
• Experience your Self as elemental
energy through shamanic
invocation and embodiment of the
four elements
• Gain a deeper understanding of
sexual energy and the anatomy of
the subtle sexual body
• Learn how our subconscious
patterning blocks our sexual, life
energy flow
• Learn how to clear blocks in the
physical and subtle body
Heal Your Pain Body
and Supercharge Your Pleasure Body
As we strengthen the muscles of our
feminine sexual being, we replace
subconscious programming, which is
based on pain from the past, forming
new neural pathways, which allow
us to experience more and more
pleasure in the present moment.
In this module you will:
• Reclaim your feminine desire
and sexual energy from the
• Connect deeply with your vagina
and pelvic temple,
• which is the foundation of your
feminine power
• Learn how to generate sexual
arousal from within through breath
and subtle movement
• Learn how to channel your
sexual, life force energy through
your body-flowing it inward and
vertically, giving it to yourself
versus outward and horizontally to
Rediscover the Qualities of the Feminine
Feminine power comes from our
ability to surrender and receive, to
stay soft and open, listening to our
bodies, trusting spontaneous creation
as it flows through us, moving us in
the direction of divine desire.
In this module you will:
• Expand your feminine capacity to
surrender through trust exercises
• Expand your feminine capacity to
• and run pleasure in your body
through sensual practices
• Expand your feminine magnetism
and power to attract through the
dance of desire
• Learn how to deeply listen and
communicate with your body
• Open your feminine heart knowing
through your sexual energy
Embody Your Unique Feminine Essence
Feminine essence is both a woman’s
resting place and where her greatest
gifts are. She is who you are if you
could be anyone you wanted to be. If
you are afraid of her, she will be afraid
of you and afraid to come out into the
world. But if you befriend her, she will
serve your life and everyone you love.
In this module you will:
• Experience the different archetypes
of the Feminine through archetypal
dance and play
• Identify your unique feminine
essence through guided meditation
• Gather your personal feminine
super powers
• Reclaim your essential feminine
Self through initiation ritual
Create a New Relationship
with the Inner and Outer Masculine
As we reclaim our relationship with
the Feminine, our relationship with
the Masculine shifts from one of
separation and power struggle to
union and co-creation.
In this module you will:
• Remap your relational history with
the masculine and reclaim your
power to choose
• Release anger at the Masculine
through forgiveness ritual
• Release unconscious patterns
of manipulation, control and
resistance to the Masculine
• Reclaim the Divine Masculine as
your ally through inner marriage
dance and ritual
Expand Your Sexual Relational Repertoire
Who we think we are is only a limited
version of who we really are, which is
creational energy-and our bodies the
vessels through which this creational
energy flows through. The more we
can open beyond our personalities
into the vastness of our Being, the
more this sexual, creative, life force
energy can flow through us- and the
more available we are to how it wants
to show up in us in order to serve
our lives and our relationships in any
given moment.
In this module you will:
• Explore how opposite behavioral
responses and unnatural
movements can free you from
habitual patterning to be more of
who you are
• Learn the art of transforming
negative emotions into sexual
desire, beauty and power
• Reclaim your sexual opposite
• Learn how to offer yourself as pure
creational sexual energy
Become Your Own Best Lover
In this module you will:
• Gain adeeper understanding of
your subtle sexual circuitry and
how the three different kinds of
orgasms (clitoral, vaginal and
cervical) are connected to the
chakras and organs
• Learn your erogenous zone map
and a sure-fire self touch practice
to open your body to heightened
sensation and increased oxytocin
• Discover the pleasure of the
orgasmic journey rather than the
• Explore the connection between
your vagina and your voice- and
how you can feed your sexual
energy with sound and awaken
your creative expression with your
sexual energy
• Reclaim your orgasmic feminine
power through self pleasuring ritual
Access the Deeper Feminine Sexual Mysteries
As we become aware of the larger
relational field, we discover that
everything is constantly making love
with itself, receiving and offering
itself to Existence. As we learn how
to merge through the subtle body,
we experience intimacy and ecstasy
beyond our personal relationships,
expanding our capacity to flow
creational power as well as pleasure.
In this module you will:
• Experience your sexual energy as a
universal force of Creation
• Learn how to attune to the
relational field
• Experience merging and making
love with the subtle body
• Gain access to spontaneous
inspiration and intuitive knowing
• Learn how to use sexual energy
to transmute negativity and create
resonance in any collective field
Offer Your Feminine Sexuality
as a Blessing to the World
Our sexual energy is a divine gift for
our own and others nourishment and
It is the most potent energy on earththe stuff life is made of. How might
we use this divine energy in service to
the greater good of humanity and all
of life?
In this module you will:
• Reclaim the divine nature of your
sexual energy through ordination
• Explore what your sexual power
wants to do in the world
• Learn the components of a sex
magic ritual
• Create an offering for the world
from your sexually awakened,
• empowered Feminine essence
• Witness and receive each other’s
• Receive a personal blessing and
transmission from Shakti
Women’s Sexual Mystery School
Special V-Day discount
Before Feb 14th $90/Module
Regular price $120 per module
The Women’s Sexual
Mystery School meets
the first Saturday of every month
for 9 months (with the exception
of July) beginning March 7
April 4, May 2, June
6, July 11, Aug 1, Sept 3, Oct 3,
Nov 7
9 month commitment
isn’t necessary, but strongly
Please email
[email protected]
with any questions