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Formation of a Solar System Notes
Integrated Science 2
Formation of a Solar System
Within each galaxy are many _________________ (plural of _____________)
A nebula is a _________________________________________________________ from which
stars and eventually solar systems are formed.
A nebula can be many colors depending on the chemical makeup of the gas.
Our solar system, which is about ____________________________ formed from the nebula left
over after a large star blew apart in a ________________________
Heavy elements in our solar system, such as __________ and _________were formed in a
supernova. The abundance of heavy elements in our solar system is so great, that our sun is
thought to be a forth or fifth generation star (having accumulated heavy elements from more than
one supernova)
Gravitational attraction of the particles in the nebula pull the cloud into a ___________________.
Most of the __________ concentrates in the center.
Draw the spinning disk of a solar nebula
Gravitational pressure at the center of this
disk forces atoms so close together that
they begin to ______________________,
forming a star like our sun.
II. Formation of Planets
• Debris in the outer disk begins to ___________________and __________________, forming
Heavier elements are pulled towards the center of the solar system, so the inner
(_________________________) planets are small and dense.
List the Terrestrial planets: ______________________________________________
Solar winds blast light gasses away from the center, so the outer (____________________)
planets are composed primarily of gasses, and are much bigger.
List the Jovian planets: ________________________________________________
The young planets gain mass from the ______________________ of debris in their orbit.
III. Planetary Development
The surfaces of early planets are heated by a heavy _____________________ of
Through a process called _____________________, the heavier elements accreted to a planet sink to its
core, while the lightest elements float on the planet’s surface.
In the box to the right, draw a differentiated planet.
Surface Evolution continues as a result of
____________________, __________________ and/or
Jovian planets undergo differentiation, but we are unsure about
surface evolution after that.
IV. Formation of Moons and Rings
Planets have moons for 2 different reasons
A. A large object in space _______________________________, throwing out debris that collects into a
__________________ (Ex: Earth’s moon)
B. _____________________ have been captured by the planet when they came too close, getting trapped
by the ____________________________ of the planet (Ex: The moons of Mars)
C. All planets have moons except __________________ and ________________.
Some planets also have rings
Rings are either __________blown away from the planet but trapped in its gravitational field OR
they are ________________________________________________________________
Only the ___________________________ have rings.