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Abiotic­­nonliving part of an environment Absorption­­the transfer of light energy into an object Adaptations­­characteristics that help an organism survive Air Mass­­large body of air with similar moisture & temp as the land over which they developed 5. Air Pressure­­force of the air pushing down on Earth’s surface 6. Anatomical­­relating to the structure of the body 7. Asexual Reproduction­­process which a single organism can reproduce by itself 8. Asteroids­­small, rocky bodies that move with a solar system 9. Atmosphere­­layer of air that surrounds Earth 10. Axis­­line through an object around which it rotates 11. Balanced Forces­­2 or more forces that act on an object & result in no motion 12. Beneficial­­producing a positive result 13. Biotic­­Any living part of an environment 14. Carrying Capacity­­largest # of individuals of a species that a certain environment can support 15. Cell­­smallest living part of any living thing 16. Chemical Properties­­characteristics of a substance that determines how it interacts with other substances 17. Chromosome­­in the cell; carries the genetic information for an organism 18. Climate­­average tem & rainfall of an area over many years 19. Comets­­small body of ice & dust that orbits the Sun 20. Commensalism­­Relationship between organisms where one benefits & other is unaffected 21. Community­­group of different species that live together 22. Compound­­made of 2 or more elements chemically combined 23. Conclusion­­decision based on the results of an experiment 24. Condensation­­changing from a gas to a liquid 25. Conductor­­allows electricity, heat, or sound to pass through 26. Conservation of Matter­­states matter can not be created or destroyed 27. Constant Speed­­Distance traveled in a set amt. of time (speed=distance/time) 28. Consumer­­organisms that eat other organisms 29. Controlled Variables­­(Constants)variables in an experiment which stay the same 30. Convergence­­Process where tectonic plates collide 31. Core­­innermost layer of the Earth 32. Crust­­thin, rocky outer layer of Earth 33. Data­­information, often facts or figures, obtained from experiments and surveys 34. Decomposer­­organism that feeds on dead organisms 35. Detrimental­­causing damage, harm, or disadvantage 36. Dependent Variables­­factor being measured in an experiment 37. Deposition­­dropping off of sediments 38. Dimensions­­measurement of the size of an object (length, width, height) 39. Divergence­­process where tectonic plates move away from a boundary 40. Eclipse­­blocking of the light & casting a shadow from one object on to another 41. ????Ecosystem­­living & nonliving things in an environment 42. Elasticity­­ability to go back to original shape or size after being stretched or squeezed 43. Electric Circuit­­a complete path along which electricity moves 44. Element­­made of only one type of atom 45. Energy­­Ability to cause change or do work 46. Erosion­­movement of sediments by wind, water, glaciers, & gravity 47. Evaporation­Changing from a liquid to a gas 48. Extinction­­when there aren’t any more of that species left 49. Feedback­­the return of information about the results of an experiment 50. Food Chain­­sequence of who eats whom in a community 51. Food Web­­interactions of food chains in an ecosystem 52. Fossil­­remains, imprints or traces of prehistoric life 53. Friction­­force that resists motion between objects that are touching 54. Function­­the way something works 55. Gene­­section of DNA on a chromosome that determines a specific trait 56. Graduated Cylinder­­a tall, narrow container that measures volume of liquids 57. Heredity­­passing of traits from parents to offspring 58. Humidity­­amount of water vapor in the air 59. Igneous­­rock that forms from magma that cools 60. Insulator­­Does NOT allow electricity, heat, or sound to pass through easily 61. Independent Variables­­the one variable that is changed; the variable you are testing 62. Inference­­how you explain what you see or observe 63. Inherited Characteristics­­a characteristic that is passed from parent to offspring 64. Investigation­­an experiment, series of steps used to answer a testable question 65. ???Jet Stream­­high speed wind current in upper level of atmosphere 66. Law of Conservation of Energy­­energy can’t be created nor destroyed in chemical or physical changes 67. Magnetic Field­­a region where a magnetic force can be observed 68. Mantle­­layer of rock between Earth’s crust and core 69. Matter­­anything that has mass & takes up space 70. Medium­­material that energy can transfer through 71. Metamorphic­­rock that forms from other rocks as a result of heat & pressure 72. Microscope­­a tool that uses a combination of lenses to magnify an image 73. Minerals­­naturally occuring, inorganic, crystalline solid, element or compound 74. Mixture­­when 2 or more things are combined, but don’t change into something new 75. Multicellular­­made of many cells 76. Mutualism­­relationship between organisms where both benefit 77. Nonrenewable­­resource that can’t be replaced within 100 years 78. Opaque­doesn’t allow light to pass through (can’t see through) 79. Organ­­group of tissues that work together to carry out a specific job 80. Organism­­any living thing 81. Organ System­­group of organs that work together to carry out a specific job 82. Parasitism­­relationship between organisms where one organism benefits & other is harmed 83. Periodic Table­­chart of known elements organized by properties 84. Phase Change­­change in state of matter (solid, liquid, & gas) 85. Photosynthesis­­process by which producers make their own food 86. Physical Properties­­how something looks, smells, or feels 87. Pitch­highness or lowness of a sound 88. Population­­group of same species living in the same place at the same time 89. Precipitation­­any form of water that falls to Earth from the clouds 90. Predator­­organism that captures & feeds on another organism 91. Prediction­­a statement about what may happen in the future based on prior knowledge 92. Prey­­organism that is captured & fed upon by another organism 93. Procedure­­a series of steps to answer a testable question 94. Producer­­organisms that make their own food 95. Pure Substance­­matter that can’t be separated into other kinds of matter by physical process 96. Qualitative Observation­­characteristics of objects­NOT with numerical measurements 97. Quantitative Observation­­characteristics of objects which CAN be measured using numbers 98. Reflection­­light bouncing off an object 99. Refraction­­bending of light when it passes from one material to another 100. Renewable­­resource that can be replaced in less than 100 years 101. Repeated Trials­­number of times you run an experiment to receive more accurate results 102. Repulsion­­a magnetic force that pushes objects apart 103. Response­­reaction of an organism to a stimulus 104. Revolution­­motion of one body around another, like Earth around Sun 105. ???Rock­­made of different minerals 106. Rotation­­spinning of a body, like Earth on its axis 107. Rusting­­chemical reaction; a metal reacts with water & oxygen to form a different compound 108. Scattering­­light reflected in all directions by an uneven surface 109. Scientific critique­­analyzes the strengths & weakness of an experiment 110. Scientific law­­a rule of nature that doesn’t explain why 111. Sedimentary­­rock that forms from sediments 112. Sexual Reproduction­­sex cells from 2 organisms join to create a new organism 113. Soil­­made of organic matter, rock fragments, mineral grains, water, & air 114. Species­­similar organisms that can mate to produce fertile offspring 115. Stimulus­­signal to which an organism responds 116. Structure­­the way something is put together 117. Sublimation­­changing from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase 118. Survival Rate­­# of individuals alive after a given period 119. Symbiosis­­close, long­term interaction between different species (commensalism, mutualism, parasitism) 120. Tectonic Plates­­pieces of Earth’s crust & upper mantle that move 121. Telescope­­tool that uses a combination of lenses to make distant object appear larger and nearer 122. Testable Question­­a question that can be answered through an investigation 123. Tissue­­group of the same kind of cells working together to do a certain job 124. Transform­­process where tectonic plates slide past each other at a boundary 125. Translucent­­allows some light to through (can’t see clear image through it) 126. Transmission­­to pass through air or some other medium 127. Transparent­­allows all light to pass through (see objects through it clearly) 128. Thermometer­­a tool to measure temperature 129. Unbalanced Forces­­2 or more forces resulting in a change in object’s motion 130. Unicellular­­made of one cell 131. Vaporization­­changing from a liquid to a gas 132. Variable­­something that can change in an experiment 133. Velocity­­speed of an object in a specific direction 134. Volume­­How much space an object takes up 135. Weathering­­process by which rocks are broken down