Download Chapter 5 Digestive System and Nutrition The Digestive Tract Roof

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Chapter 5
Digestive System and Nutrition
The Digestive Tract
Roof of the mouth composed of two parts.
 Anterior ____________.
 Posterior ____________.
Tonsils help protect against infection.
Three pairs of salivary glands send fluids through ducts to the mouth.
The Digestive Tract
Teeth ___________________________________
Each tooth has two main divisions.
 _______________.
 _______________.
Tongue mixes chewed food with saliva and forms a bolus in preparation for swallowing.
The Pharynx
The pharynx receives air from the nasal cavities and food from the mouth.
Swallowing is a ___________________ that occurs in the pharynx.
 Soft palate moves to close off nasopharynx, and the trachea moves under
the ________________ to cover the glottis.
The Esophagus
The esophagus______________________
Rhythmic _____________ pushes food along the digestive tract.
Sphincters ________________________
The Wall of the Digestive Tract
Mucosa - _________________________.
Submucosa - ______________________.
Muscularis - _______________________.
Serosa - _________________________.
The Stomach
Stomach ___________________________.
Columnar epithelial lining releases gastric juice containing enzyme ___________.
Walls of stomach have folds which help churn and mix food and gastric juices.
 Chyme _________________________
The Small Intestine
The small intestine ___________________
Receives _____ from liver to emulsify fat.
Walls contain ____________ which increase surface area for absorption.
 Nutrients are eventually transported into the cardiovascular system and
fats are transported into the lymphatic system.
The Large Intestine
The large intestine ________________________
 Ascending __________________________.
 Transverse __________________________.
 Descending _________________________.
 Sigmoid ____________________________.
The Large Intestine
Polyps _____________________________
May increase likelihood of colon cancer.
 Can be removed surgically.
________ is caused by infection of the lower intestinal tract and nervous stimulation, and
results in increased peristalysis.
__________________ can be caused by a lack of water and fiber, and leads to dry, hard
Three Accessory Organs
The pancreas _______________________
The liver ___________________________
 Jaundice.
 Cirrhosis.
The ________________ stores excess bile.
The body requires three major classes of micronutrients to supply energy and optimum
cellular metabolism.
Carbohydrates are digested to simple sugars, which are, or can be converted to,
Quickest, most readily absorbed source of energy for the body.
Complex carbohydrates should make up the bulk of the diet.
Adequate protein formation requires ___________ different amino acids, including
_________ essential amino acids.
Body is unable to produce ___________ amino acids.
Amino acids are not stored in the body, and thus a daily supply is needed.
Fat and cholesterol are both lipids.
Intake of fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
 Plaque deposits contain ___________
 For optimal cardiovascular health, less than _______of calories should
come from fat and less than ________ from saturated fat.
Vitamins and Antioxidants
____________ are inorganic compounds used by the body for metabolic purposes, but
cannot be produced in adequate quantities.
_______________ are vitamins that defend the body against free radicals.
 Molecules that carry an extra electron.
The body also requires minerals.
Macrominerals are present at a minimal level of 5 grams each.
 Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chloride.
Microminerals are present at levels under 5 grams each.
 Iodine, Copper, Mangenese, Zinc, Iron.
Calcium and Sodium
______________ counteracts osteoporosis and generally strengthens bones.
____________ helps maintain osmotic balance, but too much sodium can intensify
Eating Disorders
Most often defined as body weight _____ or more above ideal weight.
 Most likely caused by a combination of
 Increases risk of heart disease.
Eating Disorders
Habit of eating to excess and then purging by artificial means.
 Alters blood composition leading to heart rhythm problems and kidney
Morbid fear of gaining weight.
 Self-induced starvation.
The Digestive Tract
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Accessory Organs