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Customer Experience
5 steps to taking the surprise
factor out of marketing
Staying on top of all the moving pieces that accompany
marketing planning, execution, and management can be
extremely challenging and can lead to unwelcome
surprises—especially for marketers who lack a clear line of
sight to resources, budgets, priorities, and timelines. When
planning runs inefficiently, it can start to feel like all the
work isn’t doing its job: studies show that only 61% of
today’s marketers believe their marketing strategy
is effective.
Here are 5 steps you can
take to help eliminate
the surprise factor
from marketing:
Plan with confidence
The thought of assembling spreadsheets, pivot tables,
and PowerPoint presentations is enough to make
most marketers consider giving up before they even
start. Juggling different calendars to schedule
messages, send out email blasts, publish press
releases, and set up future campaigns can be
daunting and the process of syncing them can take
hours or even days more than it needs to.
With a centralized calendar, marketers can gain a
complete view of their campaigns, visualize important
milestones, and easily make adjustments to planned
execution if needed.
Infor Marketing Resource Management How To
Maximize budget spend
It’s bad enough when marketers juggle spreadsheets
to create calendars, but things really get messy when
they use spreadsheets to manage the marketing
budget. A marketing budget can be a volatile beast,
influenced by factors such as data, competition, or
even spur-of-the-moment executive decisions. At
times, it can be so hard to make informed decisions
that insight into ROI seems impossible. But marketers
who calculate ROI are 1.6 times more likely to receive
higher budgets, and without a full view, marketers risk
overspending or—even worse—leaving money on
the table.
To increase control and calculate ROI, marketers need
to be able to track and manage their budgets without
spreadsheets, automating their processes and
optimizing budgets.
Effectively manage resources
The task of executing a marketing campaign can rely
on resources both inside and outside an organization.
From design to review cycles to approvals, keeping
track of milestones throughout the campaign
creation and execution process can lead to an
overwhelming abundance of email communications,
requiring the management of information across
several disparate systems, and leading to time wasted
on administrative tasks.
Infor Marketing Resource Management How To
Because of these issues, 62% of companies
outsource all or part of their digital marketing tactics,
primarily the most difficult types to execute. Having
enough information to manage all activities and task
workflow is critical to a successful campaign launch.
There are too many moving parts to simply rely on
email or the phone.
To be successful, marketers need to improve visibility
and control over their most important asset—the team.
By tracking and monitoring work allocations and effort,
marketers can give their people the tools they need to
do their jobs more easily.
Get a complete view
Many marketing teams are deeply fragmented, and
their decisions are often opinion-driven rather than
data-driven. Without a full view into these key areas,
campaigns will inevitably fail, leaving marketers
juggling several bits of information to try and figure out
what went wrong. But studies show that only 27% of
marketers have a process in place to aggregate,
organize, and manage the visual assets being used
across their marketing teams.
To create more effective campaigns, marketers need
to establish systems that track costs, standardize and
prioritize workflows, deliver real-time analytics, drive
more value, and report their progress more efficiently.
With 100% visibility over their operations, marketers
can achieve real-time insight and make informed
decisions to respond to even the toughest of
day-to-day challenges.
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Ensure compliance
Compliance monitoring is no longer optional.
Organizations need to adhere to company, industry,
federal, and other rules and regulations or it can have
dire consequences on the brand. Still, across the main
social media channels, there is an average
'compliance gap' of 58% among UK financial firms
and 34% for US-based firms.
Successful marketers make compliance a top priority
in campaign strategy. It’s imperative that activities and
their associated sign-off processes are tracked and
monitored to capture all audit-related details. To
maximize compliance and minimize risk, marketers
need to establish a clear audit trail over the approval
process to easily meet advertising and company
regulations and face audits without any fear of harm.
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