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Download Basic immunology - Karolinska Institutet
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Title : Basic immunology Course number : 2302 Credits : 3.0 Date : Language : English Level : Doctoral level Responsible KI department : Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biologi Specific entry requirements : Learning outcomes : To understand basic principles of innate and adaptive immunity and how different components of the immune system cooperate. To be able to relate, compare and understand experimental aspects of immunerelated disease in a clinical perspective. To adapt knowledge gained of the function of the immune system by being able to analyze and discuss an immunological/clinical case (group project). To present the group project and discuss the results as well as work in pairs with clinical cases. Contents of the course : The course is separated into two parts. In part 1 we discuss basic immunological mechanisms within the innate and adaptive immune response. In part 2 we apply the knowledge in clinical settings such as defence against infection, autoimmune and allergic disease or transplantation. Part 1: Introduction An overview of the immune system T cells B cells Antigenpresenting cells Innate vs adaptive immune responses Methods to study immune reactions. Part 2: Immune defence against bacterial and viral infections Primary immunodeficiencies Autoimmune disease Allergy Vaccination Clinical Immunology Transplantation Tumour Immunology Questions and discussions Presentation of projects. Teaching and learning activities : The course is given fulltime during a total of six days separated into two parts. The teaching is mainly in lecture/seminar form but also includes project work studying cases individually and pairwise, as well as in small groups. The group projects are then presented orally on the last day of the course. The project work requires studies between the two course parts, including meetings with mentors. Course literature (Abbas) and cases are handed out at the course start. An immunological quiz is connected to the different chapters in the book so that the student will be able to digest the relatively big material. The course is designed so that clinically active doctors will be better able to combine it with work in the clinic (Mondays and Fridays contain no scheduled course work) .The purpose of dividing the course into two parts is that the participants should have time to thoroughly study the literature from part 1 (fundamental immunological mechanisms) before teaching of the applied immunology in part 2 starts. Considering the substantial literature requirement plus the cases and project work, we estimate that an extra 32h of study is needed, which is not included in the schedule. Examination : Webbased exam on the course content. Oral presentations of smallgroup project work. At this occasion special attention is given to that all students are actively participating. The clinical cases are examined by written reports. Compulsory elements : Project work and attendance at the project presentation is compulsory as well as work with two clinical cases. In the case of absence a separate occasion is organized with presentation for the course organizers. The webbased exam is mandatory. Number of students : 12 50 Selection of students : Selection will be based on 1) the relevance of the course syllabus for the applicant's doctoral project (according to written motivation), 2) date for registration as a doctoral student (priority given to earlier registration date) More information : The course is divided into two parts, consisting of three days each . Between the two parts the participants perform project work, including meetings with mentors as well as study the literature. Teachers include specialists in different fields of immunology including both basic and clinical researchers: examples: Peter Bergman, Ola Winqvist, Rolf Kiessling, Helena Erlandsson Harris and Guro Gafvelin. Litterature includes Abbas (Basic Immunology) the book is free and is handed out at the course start and clinical cases as well as handouts etc. The course location is at Department of Microbiology Tumor and Cell biology, Karolinska Institutet, Solna. Course responsible : Lisa Westerberg Institutionen för mikrobiologi, tumör och cellbiologi [email protected] Contact person : Mikael Karlsson Institutionen för mikrobiologi, tumör och cellbiologi