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HiPerSIM 2001.9.20 3:07 PM ページ 1
n HiPerSIM Development Tool Kit
A complete set of hardware and software development tools are provided with HiPerSIM to enable software developers to:
・Simulate interactions with various terminal types using a PC
・Load operating system, middleware and application software into a test chip
・Monitor and debug application execution flows using another PC
This comprehensive set of development tool kit empowers software developers to quickly develop their application
Contactless R/W
Evaluation Chip
APDU command tool
• Fujitsu development tool
• cJDK (Java Card Development Kit)
by Sun Microsystems
Solution Set
flash load
Contactless R/W
New Generation High Performance
Softune V5
FRAM Marketing Dept., Marketing Div., Electronic Devices Group
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©2001 FUJITSU LIMITED Printed in Japan
AD05-00026-2E October 2001M
A High Performance Open Platform
For Telecommunications and Multi-Application
Smart Cards
HiPerSIM 2001.9.20 3:08 PM ページ 3
High Perfomance Smart IC Manager
Broad Network Reach
Dual-Mode Interface
Support for international communication
protocols (IP, TCP, UDP) enables
HiPerSIM applications to interoperate
with a wide range of network
environments, including Internet, mobile
and corporate local and wide area
The input-output system supports both contact
mode ISO 7816-3 T=0 and T-1 protocols, as
well as ISO 10536, 15693, and 14443
contactless protocols. The chip can flip-flop
between contact and contactless modes thereby
further enhancing the operational possibilities
of the applications.
(USAT Interpreter Application)
The USAT Interpreter Application processes
byte-coded mark-up language pages, such as
those transmitted by WWW and WAP servers.
The microbrowser displays the pages that it
receives and allows user interactions.
HiPerSIM 2001.9.20 3:08 PM ページ 5
HiPerSIM delivers full 3GPP and GSM standards
compliance, making it an ideal solution for current
and future mobile communications networks. The
HiPerSIM Telecommunication Solution Set conforms
to all core 3GPP and ETSI standards, including:
3GPP TS 31.102 USIM application
ETSI TS 102.221 UICC terminal interface
ETSI TS 102.222 Administrative commands
WAP-198 WIM-2000-218 Wireless Identity Module
n The USIM Application implements
commands that are specific to authenticating a mobile
phone to a GSM or 3G network.
n The UICC Application incorporates a
standard set of smart card commands that are also
used by SIM and USIM cards. The modular
HiPerSIM design allow both wireless and smart card
applications to use these commands.
n The WIM Application executes the Public
Key infrastructure (PKI) capabilities of HiPerSIM. It
ensures that a HiPerSIM powered smart chip can
interact securely in a WAP network.
n Plus, HiPerSim’s high-powered, multiapplication platform opens a new world of
application opportunities to wireless carriers and card
n The USAT Library provides the interfaces to
the SIM Application Toolkit commands. It allows
applications to easily build commands, send the
commands to the handset, and return the handset’s
response to the application.
n The USAT Interpreter Application
(MicroBrowser) processes byte-coded mark-up
language pages such as those transmitted by WWW
and WAP servers, providing a simple but powerful
tool for Internet-based mobile services.
Smart chips are increasingly becoming more powerful.
Users demand that they execute multiple applications.
To increase the usefulness of the chips, contact and
contactless modes are required. Moreover, applications
are becoming more sophisticated and are guided by
emerging industry standards.
There is a need for a set of software facilities that
can deliver the system management functions,
programming tools and operational environment to
effectively meet these requirements.
The HiPerSIM Solution Set features software
modules that have been designed to deliver highperformance chip resource management and
application execution.
HiPerSIM provides advanced features that
transform smart card operations into full-fledged
operating systems.
Memory Manager
File System
Task Manager
s Dynamic Application Management System
n Multi-Tasking
n Memory Manager and Protection
Using the field-tested Mach operating system kernel
with multi-threading, HiPerSIM provides true
concurrent execution of multiple applications. Each
application on HiPerSIM is a Mach thread and runs
with its own execution stack, providing a level of
application separation and firewalling that is not
available on any other smart card.
HiPerSIM optimally manages the allocation and return
of memory spaces required by multiple applications.
Subdivision of the entire memory into file systems that
are physically separate from each other is supported.
n Flexible File System
The ISO 7816 file system semantics and security
functions are supported enabling flexible hierarchical
files with ISO 7816-4 file views (2-byte file name, short
file identifiers, current file and directory) and ISO
7816-9 access control lists. Files and directories can
have names of arbitrary characters and of arbitrary
n Dynamic Application Management
An intelligent and resource-aware Application Manager
module handles various data transmission protocols
(ETSI 03.48, SIM, IP, TCP, UDP) and optimally routes
the data from the transport and network level to
applications. It also is in charge of the dynamic loadingdeletion of the applications.
n Universal API (Application Program
Interface) and Smart Card Platform
Calls to the Input/Output, Cryptography, Task
Manager and File System are unified in a common set
of interface, enhancing convenient accessing of the
services of these modules. The Smart Card Platform
API supports the ISO/IEC 7816 and ETSI SCP 102
series of standards to facilitate development of fully
standards-compliant applications by card issuers and
third party developers.
HiPerSIM 2001.9.20 3:09 PM ページ 7
High-performance chips that are designed to run
multiple applications require the strictest security
Robust security controls (firewalls) are built into
the architecture and operations of the HiPerSIM
Solution Set.
n Multiple File System Hierarchies
Each application is allowed access to only one file
n Separate Execution Stack
Each task runs on its own execution stack, such that it
sees only its execution history.
n File Access Control List
Before any operation is allowed on a file, the security
condition for performing that operation on the file is
n Signed pages
Pages provided to the USAT browser can be signed and
encrypted using ETSI 03.48 methodology.
n Cryptography
A comprehensive Cryptography Library is supplied such
that specific cryptographic regimes can be created for
each situation. ECC, RSA and DES are supported as
standard functions. PKCS#11 “Cryptoki” specification
for key management framework, with every application
associated with its own Cryptoki token, plus
implementation of WIM PKI specifications.
The Java Card virtual machine runs on top of the
system services of HiPerSIM. The Java Card API
allows applications written for one smart card
platform enabled with Java Card technology to run
on any other such platform.
The HiPerSIM solution has a modular structure such
that card issuers, wireless carriers, and card
manufacturers can select the components that they
individually require. The sets are shipped in any of
the following packages.
Benefits of the Java Card technology include:
n HiPerSIM Modules
n Platform Independent
Manufacturer Set: Includes the basic system resources
management modules and the hardware control and the
input-output interfaces.
Developer Set: In addition to the Manufacturer Set
components,this set includes the Application Manager
and the ISO 7816 application framework.
Telecommunication Set: In addition to the above
modules, the full set of UICC, USIM, WIM, USAT
library, and virtual machines (interpreters) are included
in the package.
Java Card technology applets that comply with the Java
Card API specification will run on cards developed
using the JCAE. This allows developers to run Java
Card applets developed on other platforms on
HiPerSIM, and vice versa.
n Multi-Application Capable
Multiple applications can run on a single card driven by
Java Card on HiPerSIM. The Java programming
language produces small, downloadable code elements
that makes it easy to securely run multiple applications
on a single card.
Application Manager
n Dynamic Loading of Applications
The Dynamic Application Management of HiPerSIM
efficiently manages the loading of Java Card applets,
allowing card issuers and administrators to dynamically
respond to changing customer needs.
ISO 7816 System Semaritics and Security
n Flexible
The Object-Oriented methodology of the Java Card
technology provides flexible smart card programming.
n Compatible with Existing Smart
Card Standards
The Java Card API is compatible with international
standards such as ISO7816 and application-specific
standards such as EMV.
HiperSIM Application Programming Interface
File System
Task Manager
Hardware Abstraction Layer
Global Support
Full technical support is provided, and training
programs are held in different regions around the