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a slightly cooler region on the surface of the sun, caused by twisted magnetic fields
the largest dwarf planet in the asteroid belt
light waves emitted by the sun that cause sunburns
the core of a comet
the regions of jupiter that have light colored clouds
asteroids mostly made of pure nickel and iron
what causes erosion on the moon
to get a star's peak wavelength, we need to know its ____________.
moon phase that's NEVER visible during the day, only the night
largest moon in the solar system
"C" type asteroids are named that because of ___________
the 12 constellations that the sun directly blocks throughout the year
the actual angle we see something shift in parallax
light waves that can penetrate skin and organs but not bone
moon of jupiter that may have a huge ocean of liquid water under a deep sheet of ice
when the moon gets between the earth and sun, blocking out light
the name for the region on mars with tons of huge volcanoes
a collection of stars that seem to form a picture or shape
a circular hole caused by an impact and found on many bodies in the solar system
the "north star" in ancient Egypt
a moon that may not have any core - just solid slush all the way through
the star Spica is in this constellation
the distance that light travels in one year
a tower of hot gas that rises through the sun's chromosphere
the equivalent of longitude in astronomy
planet with the fastest winds in the solar system
moon phase where the moon is almost full
moon phase where the moon is almost full, but is getting darker
the flat plane of the solar system
the "surface" of the sun
moons that keep saturn's rings sharp
the effect of stars being hard to see because of city lights
the spot directly straight up
the study of everything beyond the Earth
planet with a very large core of iron
the layer of the sun where energy is generated and things are at their hottest
when the earth gets between the moon and sun, turning the moon red
the largest planet in the solar system. also has the most moons
the area where you'd be able to see a partial eclipse, but not a total one
a cliff formed by Mercury collapsing. Can be a mile deep and hundreds of miles long
castor and pollux are in this constellation
mirror that gives a picture where things are bent inwards
the large crater in the southern hemisphere of mars
the layer of the sun that can get as hot as 1 million kelvin
the powder covering the surface of the moon
a large collection of rocky fragments that orbit the sun between mars and jupiter
planet that spins so fast it squishes at the poles and bulges at the equator noticeably
a moon that's almost certainly actually the death star in disguise (!!)
the practice of using 3 or more telescopes to function like one big telescope
uranus and neptune have very odd _______________ that are off-center from the core
the type of light waves that we see
a graph showing the total light being put out by an object across all wavelengths
the largest gap in saturn's rings
a huge crater on Mercury that made an impact so big, it caused ripples around the planet
largest storm on jupiter. Twice the size of Earth
moon phase where the right half of the moon is illuminated
the layer of the sun where hotter material cycles with cooler material
a distance of roughly 3 light years. equal to the distance we'd get if we had a parallax of one second
the smallest unit for declination
the lens in a telescope that you look through
the apparent shift of foreground objects compared to background objects
the moon phase that comes after the waning gibbous
what we call the area of a comet where water is boiling and pieces are breaking off
constellation named after an instrument that appears in summer
moon phase where the moon would be high in the sky around 3 PM
the direction that nearly everything in the solar system spins and moves
the unit we use to measure declination
the "atmosphere" of the sun
the name for the dark, lava-hardened areas on the moon
longest type of light wave
what old images in astronomy were developed on
coldest moon in the solar system. Has cryovolcanoes
dwarf planet that has an atmosphere that freezes to the surface as snow in the winter
a technique of adjusting a telescope with lasers to "cancel out" atmospheric problems
the name for one of the boiling bubbles on the surface of the sun
moon phase where we see no light reflected from the moon towards earth
planet tilted completely on its side
the name for the amount of energy hitting every square meter of the earth every second
the layer of the sun where light bounces around for up to millions of years before escaping
an odd weather phenomenon that causes saturn's north pole to look like a hexagon
what happens to light when a star is moving towards us quickly
a measurement of the size of a light wave
a rainbow of light put out by a glowing object made of many elements
pluto's biggest moon
100. to get the total energy a star makes, we need to know its ___________ and its temperature.
most prominent star in bootes
102. small gap near the outer edge of saturn's rings
constellations that can be seen all year
104. a small particle emitted during nuclear fusion that can pass through nearly everything
a rainbow with dark lines telling us what's absorbing light we're looking at
106. a volcano on cold moons that spits out liquid water that hardens into ice
what we call any planet made mostly of hydrogen with a small rocky core
108. the day when the sun is in the sky for the shortest or longest possible amount of time
mars has large _____________ that can cover the entire planet for months
110. fractured moon of uranus with crazy terrain
the equivalent of latitude in astronomy
112. light waves that can cause water molecules to vibrate
when two stars appear to be next to each other but can actually be very far apart
113. the area where you'd be able to see a total eclipse
mirror that gives a spread out picture
114. last phase before we have a new moon
light is created when ________ jump up or down levels in an atom
116. the wobble in earth's spin
planet that has had most of its oxygen locked up as rust in the rocks
119. constellations that can only be seen part of the year
the lens in a telescope that points towards the stars
123. smaller than degrees, but not the smallest unit for declination
a mirror that simply reflects light
124. the unit we use to measure right ascension
physics is this kind of science
128. venus and uranus spin backwards. We call this ______________.
a telescope that works by bounding light with mirrors
133. what we get when a prominence breaks
a ball of dirty ice that orbits the sun in a highly elliptical orbit
134. the day when the sun is in the sky for exactly 12 hours
101. what we call the phenomenon where the sun rotates faster in the middle than at the poles
135. the name for the bright, rockier regions on the moon
103. a rainbow effect seen around the edges of cheaper lenses
137. what the storms on venus are mostly made of
105. light waves that our bodies emit as heat
138. a loop of gas that erupts from the sun and twists back down to the surface
107. astronomy is this kind of sciecne
139. a huge eruption of material from the sun that can put earth in danger
109. the device that causes modern digital cameras to work
140. a telescope that works by bending light with lenses
111. what saturn's rings are made of
144. the most volcanically active body in the solar system
115. a pattern of thin lines of color that tell us what a glowing substance is made of
145. a lens that doesn't bend light
117. the name for the motion light makes as it moves through the radiative zone
146. a lens that magifies close things
118. the small bump of a mountain we see in the center of large craters
147. the regions of jupiter where the clouds are deeper down
120. the angle we use for calculations in parallax
148. a measurement of how often light waves pass us
121. a lens that makes objects appear farther away
149. the huge valley on mars, caused by the tharsis region buckling
122. what mars' atmosphere is mostly made of
150. the only moon in the solar system with a thicker atmosphere than even earth's
125. hottest planet in the solar system
126. the name of the biggest volcano in the solar system
127. constellation we call "the scorpion"
129. the type of asteroids that are the most rocky ones
130. the "north star"
131. what happens to light when a star is moving away from us quickly
132. the cause of the seasons on Earth
136. this star's name is latin for "female warrior"
141. what the sun does to hydrogen to create energy
142. the most dangerous and energetic of light waves
143. constellation we call "the ram"
absorption spectrum, adaptive
optics, arcminute, arcsecond,
arcturus, aries, asterism, asteroid
belt, astronomy, axial tilt,
bellatrix, belts, blackbody curve,
blueshift, callisto, caloris basin,
carbon, carbon dioxide, cassini
division, central uplift, ceres,
charge-coupled device, charon,
chromatic aberration,
chromosphere, circumpolar
constellations, coma, comet,
concave lens, concave mirror,
constellation, continuous
spectrum, convective zone,
convex lens, convex mirror, core,
corona, coronal mass ejection,
counter-clockwise, crater,
cryovolcano, declination,
degrees, differential rotation,
dust storms, ecliptic, electrons,
emission spectrum, encke gap,
equinox, europa, experimental
science, eyepiece, first quarter,
frequency, full moon, fusion,
gamma, ganymede, gas giant,
gemini, granule, great red spot,
hellas planitia, hours, infrared,
interferometry, io, jupiter, light
pollution, light-year, lunar
eclipse, lunar highlands, lunar
seas, lyra, magnetic fields, mars,
mercury, metal, micrometeors,
microwave, mimas, miranda,
neptune, neutrino, new moon,
nucleus, objective, observational
science, olympus mons, parallax,
parallax angle, parsec,
penumbra, photographic plate,
photosphere, pluto, polar vortex,
polaris, precession, prominence,
radiative zone, radio, random
walk, redshift, reflecting
telescope, refracting telescope,
regolith, retrograde rotation,
right ascension, saturn, scarp,
scorpius, seasonal constellations,
shepherd moon, silicon, solar
constant, solar eclipse, solar
flare, solstice, spicule, straight
lens, straight mirror, sulfuric
acid, sunspot, surface area,
temperature, tharsis, third
quarter, thuban, titan, triton,
ultraviolet, umbra, uranus, valles
marineris, venus, virgo, visible,
visible angle, waning crescent,
waning gibbous, water ice,
wavelength, waxing crescent,
waxing gibbous, x-ray, zenith,
zodiac, zones