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Midterm Exam Review
US History I
Part I: Articles of Confederacy and
Who were the Anti-federalists?
People who were against approving
the new Constitution
What was the document outlining the
first form of government of the U.S.?
Articles of Confederation
What is the name of the set of
amendments (changes) in the
Constitution that were passed to
protect individual rights?
Bill of Rights
What is the term for the powers given
to separate branches of government
to keep any one branch from gaining
too much power?
Checks and Balances
What were the people called who
supported the new Constitution?
This term means the official approval
of the Constitution?
Part II: The Divisive Politics of Slavery
Which man’s election into the
presidency led to the secession of
Southern states from the Union?
Abraham Lincoln
What required Northerners to return
escaped slaves to their masters?
Fugitive Slave Act
Who was the escaped slave who was a
famous “conductor” of the
Underground Railroad?
Harriet Tubman
Who was the author of Uncle Tom’s
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who was elected as the president of
the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
What major political party was born
out of the slavery issue?
Republican Party
What part of the country depended
on slavery because of their plantation
What part of the country opposed
slavery because they did not need it in
their industry?
Part III: The Civil War Begins
What were some advantages of the
South during the Civil War? (List three)
Demand for its cotton, better generals,
soldiers eager to defend their way of
What were some advantages of the
North during the Civil War? (List
More people, more factories, more
food production, better railroads
What was the name of the first battle
that was won by the Confederates and
was inspired to win by General
Stonewall Jackson?
Bull Run
What freed all slaves behind
Confederate lines?
Emancipation Proclamation
Who is the general who successfully
defended the Confederate capital?
Robert E. Lee
Who was the General who led the
Union Army?
Ulysses S. Grant
Part IV: The North Takes Charge
What battle turned the tide of the
Civil War?
What was the purpose of the
Gettysburg Address and who
delivered this address?
The purpose was to honor the dead
and ask Americans to rededicate
themselves to preserving the Union.
Abraham Lincoln delivered this
How did the Civil War end (hint – who
The Confederates surrendered.
Who shot and killed President
Lincoln? Where did it happen?
John Wilkes Booth at the Ford’s
Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Part V: Reconstruction and Its Effects
Who was the first African-American
Hiram Revels
Who was the president after Lincoln’s
Andrew Johnson
Define “Radical Republicans”.
Republicans who wanted to destroy
the political power of former
Define “Carpetbaggers”.
Northerners who moved to the South
after the war
Who were the secret group of white
Southerners who used violence to
keep blacks from voting?
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
What was the period of rebuilding the
nation after the Civil War called?
Define “scalawags”.
White Southerners who joined the
Republican Party
13th Amendment
Abolished Slavery
14th Amendment
Gave African Americans citizenship
15th Amendment
Gave African Americans the right to
Tell four things the Freedman’s Bureau
did to help newly freed slaves
provided food, provided housing
provided medical aid, established
schools, offered legal assistance
Part VI: Changes on the Western
What was the Homestead Act?
A law that offered 160 acres of land
free to anyone who would live on and
farm it for five years
What was the policy in which Native
Americans would give up their beliefs
and culture and become part of the
white culture?
Define “Grange”.
A social organization for farmers, but
soon began to concentrate on battling
the railroads
What type of home was made from
prairie turf?
What is populism?
A political movement that sought
advancement for farmers and
laborers during the late 1800s
Part VII: The Expansion of Industry
Explain the “Bessemer process”
a cheap and efficient process for
making steel, developed around 1850
What did Christopher Sholes invent?
the typewriter
Who used a trust to gain total control
of the oil industry in America?
John D. Rockefeller
Who established the world’s first
research laboratory in Meno Park, NJ
where he perfected the incandescent
light bulb and later invented an entire
system for producing and distributing
electrical power?
Thomas Alva Edison
Who was Mary Harris Jones?
an organizer in the women’s labor
movement who fought for the rights of
women and children
Explain vertical integration (You can
draw & label a picture if that makes it
easier for you to explain.)
vertical integration – a company’s
taking over its suppliers and
distributers and transportation
systems to gain total control over the
quality and cost of its product
ex. Carnegie attempted to control as
much of the steel industry as he could.
He bought out his suppliers – coal
fields, iron mines, ore freighter, and
railroad lines – in order to control the
raw materials and transportation
Explain horizontal integration (You can
draw & label a picture if that makes it
easier for you to explain.)
companies producing similar products merge
ex. Carnegie also attempted to buy out
competing steel producers.
Old Navy, Gap, Piperlime, Banana Republic – clothing
stores owned by same company
Darden – Restaurant Company that owns the following
restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Longhorn
Steakhouse, Bahama Breeze, Yard House, Seasons 52,
The Capital Grille, Eddie V’s
Department Stores/Companies Merge – Sears, Kmart,
Land’s End, Craftsman, etc
Explain how America has changed
since the time of the Civil War.
(List three ways or draw a picture(s) to
show the changes. Label your picture.)
Slavery has been abolished; African Americans are
citizens with the right to vote. African Americans have
more opportunities (own homes, have jobs, get an
education, etc.)
America’s military is stronger and more technologically
advanced. There is less discrimination in the military.
The federal government has more power and the states
are not as independent.
Choose one invention from the late
1800’s, early 1900’s. Write a
paragraph (five sentences) explaining
how the invention has changed the
way Americans live. (Be sure to have
an introductory sentence, three detail
sentences (examples), and a
concluding sentence.) – For your
review, you can just fill in the chart.