Download cardiac cycle, ECG presentation

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Heart Function – Cardiac Cycle and the
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
R. Atrium
Pulmonary Artery
R. Ventricle
Vena Cava
L. Ventricle
L. Atrium
Pulmonary Vein
Pathway of Blood – Pulmonary and Systemic
Cardiac Cycle
All the changes that occur during one heartbeat – one cycle of
contraction/ relaxation (systole/diastole)
Measurable changes include:
• Pressure
• Volume
• Heart sounds
• Electrical impulses
Blood flows through the heart based on pressure differences
• Pressure differences caused by changes in volume
• Changes in volume caused by heart contractions
• Heart contractions caused by depolarization of muscle cells
Cardiac Cycle
•Opens Valve
•High to
Cardiac Cycle
Atrial contraction/ventricular relaxation  ventricular contraction
(“Lubb”) /atrial relaxation  atrial and ventricular relaxation
Atrial Systole = atrial contraction
 atrial pressure > ventricular pressure
 Bicuspid and tricuspid valves open
Ventricular Systole = ventricular contraction
 ventricular pressure > atrial pressure
 semi-lunar valves open
 Bicuspid and tricuspid valves close (“Lubb”)
Atrial and Ventricular Diastole = atrial and ventricular relaxation
 Arteries pressure and atrial pressure > ventricular pressure
 Semi-lunar valves close (“Dupp”)
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Cycle
Click here for video clip of Cardiac Cycle
Click here for a video clip of a normal heart beat
Heart Conduction System
Intrinsic Conduction (conduction from within)
 Heart contractions occur independently of the nervous system.
 Cardiac muscle fibers connected in 2 networks: 1) in atrial
walls, 2) in ventricular walls. When any part of a network is
stimulated, all fibers in it contract as a unit.
 Electrical stimulation begins in the SA node, the ‘pacemaker’.
SA node AV node Right and Left Bundle Branches
Purkinje Fibers
Heart Conduction System
Electrical Pathway:
SA node (atria contract together)  AV node AV bundle
(ventricles contract together)  Purkinje Fibers
Heart Conduction System
Click here for video clip of Heart Conduction System
Electrical stimulation causes muscles to contract
Polarization in muscle cell is due to distribution of
Sodium and Potassium ions
 Electrical stimulation  voltage sensitive proteins
rearrange Sodium and Potassium ions  Calcium ions
are released  bind to troponin  opens myosin
binding sites on actin  muscle contraction
Heart Conduction System
How an Impulse is Conducted-The Action Potential
1. Heart Muscle Cell--Polarized
2. Heart Muscle Cell--Depolarized
*caused by movement of ions
Heart Muscle Cell –-(Re)polarized
Outside cell
Inside cell
Outside cell
*When cells
depolarize, they
*When many cells
depolarize, the
heart contracts.
The Electrocardiogram (ECG)
 Measures electrical conduction throughout the cardiac cycle
 Works by measuring electrical changes of de- and re-polarization
 Sequence:
• SA node triggers Atrial depolarization (P-wave, contraction,
blood to ventricles)
• Atrial repolarization (QRS waves, relaxation)
• AV node triggers Ventricles depolarization (QRS waves,
contraction, blood to arteries)
• Ventricles repolarization (T wave, relaxation)
The Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Abnormal ECG’s
Figure 13.15
ECG and Cardiac Cycle
Click here for a video clip of a normal heart beat
Click here for a video clip of an abnormal heart
beat – ventricular fibrillation