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Catalyst: Answer the following questions silently in your
notebook. Stay in your seat and silently raise your hand
if you have a question.
1. If you are in a very cold but very clean
place, will you get sick? Why or why not?
2. Would you use a band-aid that
somebody else touched first? Why/why
3. Surgeons wash their hands very
thoroughly before all surgeries. Why do
they do this?
4. Why have your stomach and sweat
both evolved to be acidic?
Last night I had a strange dream...
One of Mr. B’s
looking at
Timmy, Billy,
and Bobby
Three robbers named
As soon as my students heard a
Timmy, Billy, and Bobby made noise, they immediately stopped
a plan to steal my
paying attention to me and
computers. The classroom
looked to see what was
door was open so they
happening. This brought
walked in.
attention to the robbers.
I heard Janeth’s screams and ran
Anthony caught Timmy and
to get markers. I used them to
put him in a headlock! He
draw targets on the robbers.
showed his partner Janeth
This made the robbers slow
that he caught a robber.
down. When Alexis saw the
Janeth then started screaming
target, he caught Billy!
to alert everyone else in class.
Johan also heard Janeth’s
screams and went after the
robbers. He caught the last
robber just as the robber
grabbed onto a computer.
All of the robbers were
caught and carried off to jail.
No computers were stolen
and everyone lived happily
ever after.
Do you remember the
Unit Overview
1. Pathogens + 1st
line of defense
2. 2nd line of defense
+ specific defenses
3.Vaccines +
Second Exposures
10b.1 - I can compare and contrast
the non-specific and specific immune
defenses by drawing a comic
demonstrating the role of each one.
Repel all pathogens equally
What is a 2nd defense:
non-specific - inflammatory response blood vessels expand to let white
defense? blood cells into the area;
phagocytes engulf bacteria + kill
- heat helps to fight infection (fever)
Insect bites cause
Specific Defenses:
Let’s Watch 1st
Specific defense Humoral immunity - B cells
- white blood 1. B cells recognize antigens
(small part of a pathogen with
shape that fits an antibody)
Antigen-antibody must fit
like a lock and key
2. Activated B-cells become:
- plasma cells (make
- memory B-cells
3. antibodies - proteins that
attach to antigens floating in
blood to stop them and flag
them for attack
Draw this
1. Why is the humoral
response considered a
specific defense?
2. What are antibodies and
what do they do?
3. What type of cell makes
antibodies? Are these types
of cells always active in
your body?
Specific defense
- white blood
Cell-mediated immunity 1. Helper T cells activated by
an antigen presented by
2. Helper T cells activate:
- B cells
- killer T-cells to kill
infected cells
- memory T cells
1. How are
helper T cells
2. Once
activated, what
do helper T cells
3. What do killer
T cells kill?
Specific Defenses:
Let’s Watch Again
One of Mr. B’s
looking at
Timmy, Billy,
and Bobby
As soon as Mr. B’s students
Three robbers named
heard a noise, they immediately
Timmy, Billy, and Bobby
(pathogens) made a plan to stopped paying attention to Mr.
steal Mr. B’s computers. The B and looked to see what was
happening. This brought
classroom door (nonspecific
attention to the robbers
defense #1 - skin) was open
(nonspecific defense #2 so they walked in.
Mr. B (B cell) heard Janeth’s
Anthony (phagocyte) caught
screams and ran to get his
Timmy and put him in a
markers (antibodies). He used
headlock! He showed his
them to draw targets on the
partner Janeth (helper T cell) robbers. This made the robbers
that he caught a robber.
slow down. When he saw the
Janeth then started screaming
target, Alexis (another
to alert everyone else in class.
phagocyte) caught Billy!
Johan (killer T cell) also
heard Janeth’s screams and
went after the robbers. He
caught the last robber just
as the robber grabbed onto
a computer (infected a cell).
All of the robbers were
caught and carried off to jail.
No computers were stolen
and everyone lived happily
ever after.
Immune Comic!
Your task is to draw your own comic strip about a pathogen trying to infect the
body. Use my “dream” as an example. Be creative and show that you know the
role of each part of the immune system!
Helper T cell
activates B
Helper T cell
cell. B cell
pathogens brings white
killer T cell
get past skin blood cells to
to kill
helper T
pathogen for
destruction by
Exit Slip
1. What are the two lines of non-specific defense?
2. What are the two types of specific defense?
3. What type of cell engulfs antigens and presents them?
4. What type of cells activate other white blood cells to start an
immune response?
5. What type of cells produce antibodies to clear pathogens
from your blood?
6. What type of cells kill infected body cells to stop the
pathogen from spreading?
CST/Final Review!
We have 2 weeks before CSTs and our class final.
CST scores help the school get its rating and determine
school funding. It’s important to represent our school and
community well! This is also a huge opportunity to make
our 80% class goal!
You have packet 1 (out of 2). This will be due Tuesday!
Use this diagram as a guide
+ draw your comic on the
back of this handout.
Use this diagram as a guide
+ draw your comic on the
back of this handout.