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Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ __
1. Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population? A) random assignment B) replication C) correlation D) naturalistic observation E) random sampling 2. A dog's salivation at the sight of a food dish is a(n): A) conditioned stimulus. B) unconditioned stimulus.
C) unconditioned response.
3. Skinner is to shaping as Bandura is to: A) punishing. B) extinguishing. C) discriminating.
D) modeling.
D) conditioned response.
E) neutral stimulus. E) generalizing. 4. If rats are allowed to wander through a complicated maze, they will subsequently run the maze with few errors when a food reward is placed at the end. Their good performance demonstrates: A) shaping. B) latent learning. C) delayed reinforcement D) spontaneous recovery. E) modeling. 5. Which of the following is true of negative reinforcement and punishment? A) Negative reinforcers increase the rate of operant responding; punishments decrease the rate of operant responding. B) Negative reinforcers decrease the rate of operant responding; plmishments increase the rate of operant responding. C) Negative reinforcers decrease the rate of operant responding; plmishments decrease the rate of operant responding. D) Negative reinforcers have no effect on the rate of operant responding; punishments decrease the rate of operant responding. E) Negative reinforcers decrease the rate of operant responding; punishments have no effect on the rate of operant responding. 6. In order to teach an animal to perform a complex sequence of behaviors, animal trainers are most likely to use a procedure known as: A) classical conditioning. B) delayed reinforcement C) latent learning. D) generalization. E) shaping. 7. In classieal conditioning, the
signals the impending occurrence of the _ _~_._.
A) US; CS B) UR; CR C) CS; US D) CR; UR E) US; CR 8. According to B. F. Skinner, human behavior is controlled primarily by: A) biological predispositions. B) external influences. C) emotions.
A) peripheral
B) autonomic
C) central
D) s:
E) conscious thoughts. D) uneonscious motives.
9. The tendency for a CR to be evoked by stinmli similar to the CS is called: A) spontaneous recovery. B) conditioned reinforcement. C) latent learning.
10. The somatic nervous system is a component of the Y;~athetil;--­
E) shaping. D) generalization.
1L When you question whether anecdotal evidence can be generalized to all people, you are applying:
A) overconfidence. B) the placebo effect. C) the hindsight bias. D) random assignment E) critical thinking.
12. An allergy attack triggered by the sight of plastic flowers best illustrates the process of:
A) latent learning. B) delayed reinforcement. C) generalization. D) secondary reinforcement.
E) spontaneous recovery.
13. Which of the following provides evidence that a CR is not completely eliminated during extinction?
A) latent learning
B) partial reinforeement
C) spontaneous recovery
0) generalization
E) discrimination
14. Without any explicit training from adults, many 8-year-old children know how to tum the ignition key in order to start their parents' cars. This best
illustrates the importance of:
A) observational learning. B) e1assical conditioning.
C) operant conditioning.
D) spontaneous recovery.
E) discrimination.
15. Some of Pavlov's dogs learned to salivate to the sound of one particular tone and not to other tones. This illustrates the process of:
A) shaping. B) latent learning. C) secondary reinforcement 0) discrimination. E) extinction.
16. Because Saleem was spanked on several occasions for biting electric cords, he no longer does so. Saleem's behavior change best illustrates the value of:
A) negative reinforcement
D) operant conditioning.
B) e1assical conditioning.
E) observational learning.
C) conditioned reinforcers.
17. An animal trainer is teaching a miniature poodle to balance on a balL Initially, he gives the poodle a treat for approaching the ball, then only for placing its
front paws on the ball, and finally only for climbing on the balL The trainer is using the method of:
A) successive approximations.
D) classical conditioning.
B) delayed reinforcement
E) secondary reinforcement.
C) latent learning.
18. The best evidenee that 4-month-old infants possess visual memory capabilities comes from research on:
A) imprinting. B) eonservation. C) the rooting reflex. 0) object permanence. E) habituation.
19. An infant's temperament refers most directly to its:
A) ability to learn.
B) social connectedness.
C) emotional excitability.
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D) physieal health.
E) language development.
20. B. F. Skinner believed that teaching machines could promote effective learning because they allow for both:
0) shaping and immediate reinforcement.
A) continuous reinforcement and latent learning.
B) positive reinforcement and punishment.
E) observational learning and spontaneous recovery.
C) classical and operant conditioning.
21. After learning to fear a white rat, Little Albert responded with fear to the sight of a rabbit. This best illustrates the process of:
A) secondary reinforcement. B) generaliz.ation. C) shaping. 0) latent learning. E) spontaneous recovery.
22. Two years ago, the de Castellane Manumctnring Company included its employees in a profit-sharing plan in which workers receive semi-aunual bonuses
based on the company's profits. Since this plan was initiated, worker productivity at de Castellane has nearly doubled. This productivity increase is best
explained in terms of:
A) observational learning. B) latent learning. C) operant conditioning. 0) classical conditioning. E) spontaneous recovery.
23. The unreliability of introspection contributed to the waning popularity of:
A) structuralism. B) psychiatry. C) empiricism. 0) behaviorism. E) functionalism.
24. The predictability rather than the frequency of CS-US associations appears to be crucial for classical conditioning. This highlights the importance of
_ .._ _ in conditioning.
A) shaping B) discrimination C) generalization 0) cognitive processes E) intermittent reinforcement
25. Because ofthe discomfort and embarrassment associated with his childhood bedwetting, Andrew becomes nervous whenever he has the urge to urinate. If
genital arousal subsequently makes Andrew unusually anxious, this would best illustrate:
A) shaping. B) generalization. C) spontaneous recovery. 0) secondary reinforcement. E) the overjustification effect.
26. The best evidence that animals develop cognitive maps comes from studies of:
A) shaping. B) generalization. C) latent learning. 0) secondary reinforcement.
27. A subliminal message is one that is presented:
A) while an individual is under hypnosis.
B) below one's absolute threshold for awareness.
C) in a manner that is unconseiously persuasive.
E) spontaneous recovery.
0) with very soft baekground music.
E) repetitiously.
28. A stimulus that aequires reinforcing power by association with a primary reinforcer is called ____ reinforcer.
A) delayed B) negative C) partial 0) conditioned E) positive
29. Who introduced the term behaviorism?
A) Garcia B) Skinner C) Watson 0) Bandura E) Pavlov
30. Professor Lopez believes that severe depression results primarily from an imbalanced diet and abnormal brain chemistry. Professor Lopez favors a
-..,.___ perspective on depression.
A) neuroscience B) psychodynamic C) behavior genetics 0) cognitive E) psychoanalytic
31. Children learn to fear spiders more easily than they learn to fear flowers. This best illustrates the impact of
on learning.
A) spontaneous recovery B) conditioned reinforcers C) shaping 0) cognitive processes E) biological predispositions
32. Escape from an aversive stimulus is a
A) positive B) negative C) secondary 0) partial E) delayed
33. Our inability to consciously perceive all the sensory information available to us at any single point in time best illustrates the necessity of.
A) selective attention. B) relative clarity. C) retinal disparity. 0) perceptual constancy. E) the phi phenomenon.
34. Like European Christians who risked their lives to rescue Jews from the Nazis, civil rights activists ofthe 1960s had parents who:
A) consistently used reinforcement in combination with punishment to shape their children's moral behavior.
B) modeled a strong moral or humanitarian concern.
C) consistently used psychological punishment rather than physical punishment in shaping their children's behavior.
0) consistently used permissive rather than authoritarian childrearing practices.
E) consistently explained to their children the harsh consequences of immoral behavior.
35. After repeatedly taking alcohol spiked with a nausea-producing drug, people with alcoholism may fail to develop an aversive reaction to alcohol because
they blame their nausea on the drug. This illustrates the importance of
in classical conditioning.
A) biological predispositions B) generalization C) negative reinforcement D) cognitive processes E) spontaneous recovery
36. Because Mr. Baron demonstrates appreciation only for very good classroom answers, his students have stopped participating in class. Mr. Baron most
clearly needs to be informed of the value of:
A) generalization. B) modeling. C) shaping. 0) latent learning. E) spontaneous recovery.
37. Natassia believes that boys learn to be more aggressive than girls primarily because boys are more frequently exposed to external pressures to fight.
Natassia's belief most directly exemplifies the
A) behavioral B) evolutionary C) cognitive 0) psychodynamic E) neuroscience
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38. At 3 o'clock in the morning, John has already slept for 4 homs. As long as his sleep continues, we can expect an increasing occurrence of:
A) sleeptalking. B) hypnagogic sensations. C) muscle tension. 0) REM sleep. E) Stage 4 sleep.
39. Elijah has leamed to expect that whenever he studies diligently for tests, he will receive good grades. This suggests that associative learning involves:
A) respondent behavior.
B) cognitive processes.
C) primary reinforcers.
0) intermittent reinforcement.
E) shaping.
40. Incorporating new information into existing theories is to _ _ _ _ as modifYing existing theories in light of new information is to _
D) sensorimotor stage; preoperational stage
E) assimilation; accommodation
conservation; habituation
imprinting; maturation
object permanence; insecure attachment
41. Last year, Dr. Moritano cleaned Natacha's skin with rubbing alcohol prior to administering each of a series of painful rabies vaccination shots. Which of
the following processes accounts for the fact that Natacha currently becomes fearful every time she smells rubbing alcohol?
A) negative reinforcement B) classical conditioning C) latent learning OJ operant conditioning E) observational learning
42. Children of abusive parents often learn to be aggressive by imitating their parents. This illustrates the importance of:
A) delayed reinforcement. B) spontaneous recovery. C) observationalleaming. D) respondent behavior. E) shaping.
43. As members of the human family, we all share a common:
A) value system. B) personal space. C) gender schema.
DJ biological heritage.
E) gender role.
44. Dr. Matsuko's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-rearing practiccs on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is most likely that
Dr. Matsuko is a(n)
A) cognitive B) developmental C) biological 0) psychodynamic E) educational
45. Rhesus macaque monkeys are more likely to reconcile after a fight if they grow up with forgiving older stumptail macaque monkcys. This best illustrates
the impact of:
A) observational learning. B) immediate reinforcement. C) spontaneous recovery. OJ respondent behavior. E) shaping.
46. The nineteenth-century theory that bumps on the skull reveal a person's abilities and traits is called:
A) evolutionary psychology. B) behavior genetics. C) molecular biology. D) biological psychology.
E) phrenology.
47. A gestalt is best described as a(n):
A) binocular cue.
B) illusion.
C) perceptual adaptation.
0) organized whole.
E) perceptual set.
48. After Pavlov had conditioned a dog to salivate to a tone, he repeatedly sounded the tone without presenting the food. As a result, _ _ _ _ occurred.
A) generalization B) negative reinforcement C) latent learning 0) extinction E) discrimination
49. For purposes of effective child-rearing, most psychologists favor the use of:
A) shaping over modeling.
B) reinforcement over punishment.
C) spontaneous recovery over extinction.
0) classical conditioning over operant conditioning.
E) primary reinforcers over secondary reinforcers.
50. It's easier to train a pigeon to peck a disk for a food reward than to flap its wings for a food reward. This illustrates the importance
A) primary reinforcers B) generatization C) spontaneous recovery D) biological predispositions E) shaping
____ in
5 L By directly experiencing a thunderstorm, we learn that a flash of lightning signals an impending crash of thunder. This best illustrates:
A) operant conditioning. B) the law of effect. C) observational learning. D) classical conditioning. E) generalization.
52. A Skinner box is a(n):
A) soundproofed cubicle in which organisms are classically conditioned in the absence of distracting noise.
B) aversive or punishing event that decreases the oecurrence of certain undesirable behaviors.
C) "slot machine" used to study the effects of partial reinforcement on human gambling practices.
0) ehamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reward.
E) television projection device designed for use in laboratory studies of observational learning.
53. Using rewards to bribe people to engage in an aetivity they already enjoy is most likely to inhibit:
A) respondent behavior. B) continuous reinforcement. C) latent learning. OJ spontaneous recovery.
E) intrinsic motivation.
54. Almost half the birds in the yard were brown cardinals and the rest were bright red cardinals, so Jimmy perceived them as two distinct groups of birds.
This best illustrates the principle of:
A) proximity. B) closure. C) similarity. 0) connectedness. E) relative clarity.
55. A learned association between a response and a stimulus is to _ _ _ _ as a learned association between two stimuli is to _ _ __
0) secondary reinforcement; primary reinforcement
A) latent learning; observation learning
B) generalization; discrimination
E) acquisition; extinction
C) operant conditioning; classical conditioning
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56. The first experimental studies of associative learning were conducted by:
A) Watson. B) Skinner. C) Bandura. D) Pavlov. E) Deci.
57. The ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and similar stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus is called:
A) shaping. B) acquisition. C) discrimination. D) generalization. E) latent learning.
58. In order to quickly teach a dog to roll over on command, you would be best advised to use:
A) classical conditioning rather than operant conditioning.
D) immediate reinforcers rather than delayed reinforcers.
B) partial reinforcement rather than continuous reinforcement.
E) negative reinforcers rather than positive reinforcers.
C) latent learning rather than shaping.
59. A trainer wants to train a chicken to peck a key to obtain food. If she wants the chicken to learn this trick quickly and the behavior to be resistant to
extinction, she should use
reinforcement until the response is mastered and then follow with a period of
A) positive; negative B) negative; positive C) primary; secondary D) partial; continuous E) continuous; partial
60. Sir Charles Sherrington observed that impulses took more time to travel a neural pathway than he might have anticipated. His observation provided
evidence for the existence of:
A) association areas. B) glial cells. C) synaptic gaps. D) intemeurons. E) neural networks.
61. For the most rapid acquisition of a CR, the CS should be presented:
A) shortly after the CR.
B) shortly after the US.
C) shortly before the US.
D) at the same time as the US.
E) shortly before the CR.
62. Dogs conditioned to salivate to stimulation of the thigh also begin to salivate when stimulated on other body parts. This best illustrates:
A) spontaneous recovery. B) continuous reinforcement. C) latent learning. D) generalization. E) habituation.
63. Receiving delicious food is to escaping electric shock as ____ is to ___ ..._
A) positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer
D) reinforcement; punishment
B) primary reinforcer; secondary reinforcer
E) partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement
C) immediate reinforcer; delayed reinforcer
64. Accommodation refers to the:
A) diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus.
B) system for sensing the position and movement of muscles, tendons, and joints.
C) quivering eye movements that enable the retina to detect continuous stimulation.
D) process by which stimulus energies are changed into neural messages.
E) process by which the lens changes shape in order to focus images on the retina.
65. The tendency for children to imitate behaviors seen on television best illustrates the importance of:
A) shaping. B) modeling. C) respondent behavior. D) immediate reinforcement. E) spontaneous recovery.
66. By learning to associate a squirt ofwater with an electric shock, sea snails demonstrate the process of:
A) habituation. B) spontaneous recovery. C) classical conditioning. D) observational learning.
E) operant conditioning.
67. If a genetically based attraction to beautiful people contributes to survival, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. This best
A) gender typing. B) natural selection. C) behavior genetics. D) collectivism. E) individualism.
68. Rats easily leam to associate nausea-producing radiation treatments with:
A) loud sounds. B) bright lights. C) novel tastes. D) high-pitched sounds.
E) acrid smells.
69. Learning associations between one's own personal actions and resulting events is most relevant to the process of:
A) classical conditioning. B) latent learning. C) observational learning. D) operant conditioning. E) cognition.
70. An event that decreases the behavior that precedes it is a:
A) negative reinforcer. B) punishment. C) conditioned stimulus.
D) delayed reinforcer.
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E) secondary reinforcer.