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World History The Middle Ages A. Chapter 14, Section 1 (pg. 379385) 1. The importance of the Monastery in Cluny, France 2. The Age of Faith 3. Problems in the Church 4. The reforms of Popes Leo IX & Gregory VII 5. Canon Law 6. How the pope established authority over Europe 7. friars 8. the Dominicans/ Saint Dominic 9. the Franciscans/ Saint Francis of Assisi 10. The Poor Clares & other female orders 11. cathedrals 12. Romanesque style 13. Gothic style & famous gothic cathedrals 14. How the crusades started (be sure to mention Alexius Comnenus & Urban II). 15. goal of the crusades 16. who participated in crusades and why 17. What the pope promised to crusaders. 18. Problems of the First Crusade & outcome of the First Crusade 19. Reason for the Second Crusade 20. Saladin 21. The Third Crusade, its leader & outcome 22. The Fourth Crusade & its outcome. 23. the two Children’s Crusades 24. the Reconquista 25. Isabella and Ferdinand & the Inquisition 26. impact of the Crusades B. Chapter 14, Section 2 (pg. 387392) 1. Reasons for improved farm production between 800-1200 CE including new techniques & horsepower 2. Guilds, what they did & types of guilds 3. impact of guilds 4. apprentice 5. journeyman 6. master 7. commercial revolution 8. fairs & trade 9. the increase of long distance trade in the middle ages 10. bills of exchange/letters of credit 11. usury 12. Changes that increased trade caused in society 13. population growth 14. dangers of the new medieval towns 15. “Town air makes you free” 16. burghers and their impact on towns 17. What medieval Europeans learned from Muslims 18. Universities/ university students 19. vernacular and works written in the vernacular in the middle ages 20. impact of the reintroduction of Aristotle on the Christian scholars. 21. Thomas Aquinas/Summa Theologicae 22. scholastics C. Chapter 14, Section 3 (pg. 393397) 1. Anglo-Saxons 2. Alfred the Great/ “land of the Angles” 3. King Canute 4. Impact of the death of King Edward the Confessor 5. William the Conqueror & Normandy/ Normans 6. Harold Godwinson 7. Battle of Hastings/ How William the Conqueror created a unified England 8. Henry II & Eleanor of Aquitaine 9. How was Henry a vassal to the French King? 10. Accomplishments in the legal system created by Henry II & common law 11. King John “Softsword” 12. The Magna Carta 13. King Edward I, burgesses & parliament 14. Louis the Sluggard 15. Hugh Capet/ the Capetian dynasty 16. How the Capetians were able to hold onto power 17. King Philip II/Philip Augustus & how he strengthened France 18. King Louis IX & how he strengthened France 19. The Estates-General & how Philip IV expanded it. D. Chapter 14, Section 4 (pg. 398403) 1. The incident between Pope Boniface VIII & King Philip IV 2. How the Pope became French for 69 years (be sure to include Philip IV & Avignon) 3. How the Pope went back to being Italian 4. Pope Urban VI as Pope 5. The Great Schism – what it was and how it began. 6. How the Great Schism ended & its impact 7. John Wycliffe & his beliefs 8. Jan Hus, his beliefs, and his death 9. Bubonic Plague/ its Origin and Effects 10. Hundred Years War 11. impact of the longbow 12. Joan of Arc & Charles VII 13. Impact of the Hundred Years War Don’t forget to study lecture material for your exam too!