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Electricity and
Unit 4
S8P5: Students will recognize characteristics
of gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major
forces acting in nature.
B. Students will demonstrate the advantages
and disadvantages of series and parallel
circuits and how they transfer energy.
Electric Charge
All matter is made up of very small
particles called atoms.
 What are the 2 types of charged
particles in atoms?
 1. Protons- positively charged
 2. Electrons- negatively charged
Parts of an Atom
 Each element on the
Periodic Table has a
different number of
• Protons have a
positive charge
• Found within the
nucleus of the atom
• Change the number
of protons 
change element
Parts of an Atom
 An element on the
Periodic Table has the
same number of
electrons and protons.
• Electrons have a
negative charge
• Found outside the
nucleus in the
electron clouds
• Change the number
of electrons  ionize
the element (give it a
Parts of an Atom
 Most elements also
have neutrons
(except for
• Neutrons have
no charge
• Found in the
nucleus of the
The Law of Electric
Law of Electric Charges: like charges
repel and opposite charges attract
 Like
charges repel
 Opposite
charges attract
Electric Force and Electric
Electric Force: the force of attraction
or repulsion on a charged particle
that is due to an electric field
 The greater the amount of charge,
the greater the electric force.
 The closer the charges are, the
greater the electric force.
 Electric Field: the space around a
charged object in which another
charged object experiences an
electric force
Three Ways to Charge an
Friction: Charging by friction happens when
electrons are “wiped” from one object onto
Conduction: Charging by conduction happens
when electrons move from one object to another
by direct contact.
Induction: Charging by induction happens when
charges in an uncharged object are rearranged
without direct contact with a charged object.
Electrical Potential Energy
 Electrical
charges can be stored
on or in objects as potential
 Examples:
 Electricity in a battery
 Rubbing your socks on carpet
 Electricity in clouds
Static Electricity
Static Electricity
 the accumulation of electric charges
on an object that are at rest
 generally produced by friction or
 When something is static, it is not
3 examples of Static Electricity
 Clothes from a dryer sticking together
 Balloon sticking to clothes after
rubbing it on your hair
 Negative charges on the bottom of a
cloud during a thunderstorm
Electric Discharge
Electric discharge:
the release of static
electricity as charges
move off an object
2 examples of
electric discharge:
 1. Walking across
carpet and
touching a metal
 2. Lightning
Electrical Kinetic Energy
 electrical energy due to the flow of electrons
Electric current
 the rate at which electric charges pass through a
given point (the rate that electrons flow)
The greater the flow of charge, the higher the current.
Electrons move from negative to positive.
Electric charges will always flow from a region of
higher potential energy to a region of lower potential
 The difference in potential energy between two
locations is known as potential difference (voltage).
Electrical Conductors
 Electrical
 a material in which electrons
can move through easily
 Electrons (e-) are loosely
 Examples: Most metals
(copper, aluminum, and
Electrical Insulators
Electrical insulator
 a material in which electrons are not
able to move easily
 Electrons (e-) are tightly held
 Examples: Plastic, rubber, glass, wood,
and air
DC and AC
2 types of electric
 DC: direct current
 AC: alternating
In a direct current, the
charges always flow in
the same direction (one
 Ex. Dry cell battery
In an alternating
current, the charges
continually shift from
flowing in one direction
to the reverse direction
at regular intervals (two
 the push or force that
causes electrons to move
from negative to positive
 a measure of how much
work is needed to move a
charge between two points
• The size of the current
depends on the voltage.
• The greater the voltage, the
greater the current.
• A greater current means that
more charges move in the wire
each second.
 a measure of how difficult it is
for electrons to move through
a material
 electrical energy is converted
to thermal energy and light
(Ex.: a light bulb)
You can think of resistance as
Copper - low resistance
“electrical friction.”
A resistor is an object that is
added to a circuit that restricts
the flow of electrical energy.
An object’s resistance depends
on its material, thickness, length,
and temperature.
Good conductors, such as
copper, have a low
resistance. However, poor
conductors, such as
Tungsten, have a higher
Tungsten - high resistan
Batteries are chemical cells.
Batteries convert chemical
energy into electricity.
A battery can provide the
voltage (push) that is needed
to keep current flowing in a
• Electric charges are
repelled by the negative
terminal and attracted
toward the positive
Photocells are devices that
convert light energy into
electrical energy.
 Ex. Solar panels
Electric Circuits:
Parts of an Electric Circuit
What is a circuit?
-a complete, closed path through which electric charges flow
Just like a roller coaster, an electric circuit forms a loop; it begins
and ends in the same place.
All circuits need 3 basic parts.
1. Energy source- provides energy to the circuit; can be a
battery, a photocell, or an electric generator at a power plant
2. Wires- connect the other parts of a circuit; made of conducting
materials that have low resistance, such as copper
3. Loads- change electrical energy into other forms of energy;
examples include light bulbs, appliances, televisions, and electric
A Switch to Control a
A switch is used to open and close a circuit.
In order for loads (like the lights in this classroom) to work, the
switch needs to be closed to allow charges to flow through.
If a switch is open, the load will not work.
Types of Circuits
What are the 2
types of circuits?
 Series circuits
 Parallel circuits
Series Circuit
Series Circuit:
 a circuit in which all the parts are connected in a single loop
 only one (single) path for charges to follow; so, the charges
moving through this circuit must flow through each part of the
Series Circuits:
Advantages and
 The bulbs and batteries will last longer.
 Use less power
 The current is the same throughout the circuit; therefore,
lights shine with equal brightness.
 Lights get dimmer as more lights are added.
• Each device (light bulb, etc.) receives a fraction of the
total voltage.
• Adding more bulbs resistance goes up, current
goes down, and bulbs get dimmer
 Only one path for charges to flow.
• A break in a series circuit causes charges to stop
flowing; if one light in a series circuit goes out, the
other lights go out, too.
Parallel Circuit
Parallel circuit – a circuit that has more than
one path for the flow of electricity because
the parts are joined in branches or multiple
Parallel Circuits:
Advantages and
 Advantages:
 The voltage (potential difference) across
each part is the same.
• Each bulb will glow at full brightness
regardless of the number of bulbs.
 There are multiple paths for charges to
• If one bulb breaks, the other bulbs will
still work.
 The bulbs and batteries will die faster.
 Use more power
 The current is not the same in the
Combination of
parallel circuits
 too many devices
can cause wires
to overheat
Safety Features:
 fuse - metal
melts, breaking
the circuit
 circuit breaker bimetallic strip
bends when hot,
breaking the
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
S8P5. Students will recognize characteristics of
gravity, electricity, and magnetism as major kinds of
forces acting in nature.
c. Investigate and explain that electric currents and
magnets can exert force on each other.
 Magnetism
 The properties and interactions of
 Due to the arrangement of
 Closely related to electricity
Magnetic Force
 Magnetic
 Force of attraction or
repulsion generated by moving
or spinning electric charges
 Increases as magnets move
closer together and decreases
as magnets move farther apart
Magnetic Poles
Magnetic Poles
 Regions on a magnet where the magnetic force
exerted by a magnet is the strongest
 Like poles repel.
 Opposite poles attract.
 A broken magnet creates new poles.
Magnetic Field
 Magnetic
 Area around a magnet where
magnetic forces act
 Magnetic field lines show the
direction of the field (NS)
Molecular Expressions: Electricity and Magnetism - Interactive Java Tutorials: Magnetic Field
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Earth’s inner core is
made of a solid ball of
iron and nickel
surrounded by a liquid
layer of molten iron
and nickel.
The circulation of the
molten iron and nickel
in the Earth’s outer
core produces a
magnetic field.
Therefore, Earth acts
like a giant bar magnet.
A compass needle
is a small bar
magnet with a north
pole and a south
The needle aligns
with the magnetic
field lines of the
Earth’s Magnetic Poles
A compass’
needle points to
the north
geographic pole
due to the south
magnetic pole
being nearby.
 Magnetic poles
are NOT
aligned with
poles. They
Magnetic Domains
Magnetic Domains
 Groups of atoms with aligned magnetic poles
 Like tiny magnets of different sizes
 In a magnetized object, the
domains are all aligned.
 In a non-magnetized object, the
domains are not aligned and
cancel each other out.
Magnetic Materials
 Few metals such as iron, cobalt,
and nickel are attracted to magnets
or can be made into permanent
Types of Magnets
 Ferromagnets:
made of iron, nickel, cobalt, or
mixtures of these metals (ex.
 Electromagnets: magnets
formed when current passes
through a coil of wire
(solenoid) surrounding an iron
Permanent Magnets
 Permanent
 Magnets that keep their
magnetism after they are
removed from a magnetic field
 Keep their magnetic properties
longer than temporary
 Some are made of alnico: an
alloy of aluminum, nickel,
Permanent Magnets
 Permanent
magnets can be
 Place a magnetic material (iron,
cobalt, or nickel) in a strong
magnetic field.
 This causes the magnetic
domains in the material to line
 This creates a strong magnetic
Temporary Magnets
 Temporary
Magnets made from
materials that are easy to
Tend to lose their
magnetism easily
 Ex. Soft iron items like
paperclips and nails
Magnetism in Nature
 They are formed when
charged particles from the
sun (known as solar wind)
hit oxygen and nitrogen
atoms in the air. The atoms
become excited and then
give off many colors of light.
 The charged particles can
crash into the atmosphere
at and near the magnetic
• North Pole
 Northern lights: aurora
South Pole
 Southern lights: aurora
Magnetism and Electricity
Moving charges,
like those in an
electric current,
magnetic fields.
Around a currentcarrying wire the
magnetic field
lines form circles.
Magnetism and Electricity
As the current in
the wire
increases, the
strength of the
magnetic field
The direction of
the magnetic field
around the wire
reverses when
the direction of the
current in the wire
 Electromagnetism
 The interaction between
electricity and magnetism
 Solenoid
 A single wire wrapped into a
cylindrical wire coil that produces
a magnetic field when electricity
passes through it.
 If wrapped around an iron core,
an electromagnet is formed.
 Electromagnet
 A magnet formed when current
passes through a coil of wire
(solenoid) surrounding an iron
 The iron core becomes
magnetized only when current
flows through the wire.
 The
strength of an electromagnet’s
magnetic field can be increased by:
 Adding more wraps of wire to the
 Increasing the current passing
through the wire by increasing the
 Increasing the size of the iron core
Properties of an
 Has
a north and a south pole
 If placed in a magnetic field, it will
align itself along the magnetic field
 Will attract magnetic materials and
be attracted or repelled by other
 Useful because the magnetic
properties can be controlled by
Electric Motors
 Electric Motors
 Devices that convert electrical energy into
mechanical energy Electric Motor
 An
rotates between
the poles of a
 The process in which
an electric current is
produced in a wire by
changing a magnetic
 Michael Faraday
(1831), a British
scientist, discovered
this process.
An electric current can
be produced by moving
a magnet through a coil
of wire
Electric Generators
Electric Generators
 Devices that use electromagnetic induction to
convert mechanical energy into electrical
Electric Generator Animation
 As the crank is
turned, the
rotating coil
crosses the
magnetic field
lines of the
inducing a
current in the
Electric Generators
After the wire coil makes one-half of a revolution,
the ends of the coil are moving past the opposite
poles of the permanent magnet.
 This causes the current to change direction:
• Alternating Current (AC)
 Power plants use
generators which have
many coils of wire
wrapped around huge
iron cores. The rotating
magnets are connected
to turbines which are
large wheels that rotate
when pushed by water,
wind, or steam.
• Nuclear power plants
use thermal energy
from a nuclear
reaction to boil water
into steam in order to
turn the turbines.
• Wind mills are
connected to
Electric Generators
 Example
 Hydroelectric
 The Potential
Energy (PE) of
lake water is
converted to
Kinetic Energy
 Mechanical KE
turns the
generator shaft
which generates