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The mechanism of bacterial
William Hayes
Bacterial conjugation differs from orthodox sexual systems in several striking respects. Not only is
there an incomplete and one-way transfer of genetic material from male to female bacteria, but
the male state is conferred by a transmissible element, the sex factor, which has alternative cytoplasmic and chromosomal locations. This sex factor behaves like a virus with a novel mode of
spread and is the prototype of a variety of more recently discovered infective elements, some
of which are important in medicine. The characteristics they are responsible for range from
the production of bactericidal substances to the conferment of resistance against antibiotics.
If we look for a common denominator underlying the
numerous expressions of sex that are found in nature, a
rather simple central theme emerges. It is an alternating
cycle, in the first phase of which two 'haploid' cellscells possessing only a single set of chromosomes and
genes-pool their genetic material to form a 'diploid'
cell or zygote. In general, this zygote may be formed by
the union, or conjugation, of the parental cells which
then fuse to become one, or by the penetration of a
female gametic cell (egg) by a male gamete (sperm). In
either case the diploid zygote, or its descendants, subsequently completes the cycle by segregating haploid
progeny cells, in which the inherited chromosomes or
genes may be reassorted. The process whereby such
reassortments arise is called 'genetic recombination' and,
when the parental cells differ in various characters, it
leads to the inheritance of new character patterns by the
offspring. Recombination is of fundamental evolutionary
importance as a very efficient way of testing new character
combinations for their fitness for the environment. This
importance is shown by the common observation in man
that, apart from twins from a single ovum, no offspring
of the same parents ever appear the same.
Twenty years ago J. Lederberg and E. L. Tatum [1]
discovered that even the humble colon bacillus Escherichia
coli possesses a sexual mechanism that is mediated by
conjugation. Hitherto, no overt sexuality had been
recognized among the bacteria. This discovery, which at
the time appeared to S. E. Luria [2] to be among the
most fundamental advances in the whole history of
bacterial science, was no accident, but the outcome of a
carefully conceived experiment to test whether genetic
recombination occurred in bacteria. E.coli is an organism
of great synthetic ability which can build up all the
amino acids and vitamins of the B group that it requires
from glucose and an inorganic source of nitrogen. On the
other hand, it is easy to obtain mutant strains of E. coli
that have lost the capacity to synthesize one or more
amino acids, and so are unable to grow unless these
amino acids are present in the culture medium. Let us
refer to these amino acids as A, B, C, D, and to the
mutant strains that cannot synthesize one or more of
them as A-, B-, and so on.
W. Hayes, M.B., Sc.D., F.R.C.P.I., F.R.S.
Was born in Dublin in 1913 and educated at St Columba's College, Co.
Dublin, and Dublin Unverslty. He spent much of the war in India, and was
for several years In charge of the central Salmonella reference laboratory.
Since then, he has been Senior Lecturer In Bacteriology at Dublin University and at the Postgraduate Medical School of London. Since 1957
he has been Director of the MRC Microbial Genetics Research Unit,
and is at present designate Professor of Molecular Genetics at Edinburgh
In the critical experiment of Lederberg and Tatum,
the parental types were two mutant strains of a laboratory stock called K12, each unable to make at least two
different amino acids; typical strains would be referred
to as A-B-C+D+ and A+B+C-D-. Cultures of these
parental bacteria are unable to grow on a synthetic agar
jelly lacking amino acids, and in practice never produced
colonies when spread alone on such a medium. Yet if a
mixture of the cultures was spread on the same medium,
colonies of A+B+C+D+ bacteria, possessing the inheritable
capacity to synthesize all their amino acids, arose. They
were in a proportion of about one for every million
parental bacteria.
These bacteria were clearly genetic recombinants,
resulting from pooling of the genetic material of the two
reciprocally defective parents followed by selection of
those recombinant progeny that inherited a non-defective reassortment of genes. The use of doubly-mutant
parental strains excluded the possibility that they were
mutational reversions, since the minimum probability of
such an occurrence is of the order 1 o-u. to 1 o-18 per cell
generation. Moreover, since recombinants never arose
unless intact bacteria of both parental types were present,
it was correctly assumed that the genetic transfer is
mediated by cell to cell contact, that is, by conjugation.
Not long after the discovery of conjugation, the existence of gene linkage was clearly demonstrated. Recombinants, as described above, are selected on the basis of
their inheritance of particular nutritional capabilities.
If they were analysed for the concomitant inheritance of
other characters in which the parents differed, and which
were not selected by growth on synthetic medium, these
characters were found to appear in differing but fixed
proportions. This is compatible with a system in which
the genes that determine these characters are arranged
in a given order and at fixed distances from one another
on a linear chromosome [3].
All of these results suggested the operation in E. coli of a
more or less orthodox sexual system, in which a diploid
zygote, formed by the fusion of two haploid parents and
containing the full genetic complement of each, later
produced haploid recombinants. This view was reinforced by the finding that crosses involving a particular
variant of one parent produced a remarkably high proportion of relatively stable diploid bacteria that continued to form haploid recombinants. However, although
the number of character differences-markers-available
for study at that time was rather small, analysis of the
diploids revealed a peculiar anomaly; a particular segment of chromosome from one of the parents was found
consistently to be missing from the recombinants. This
suggested that this segment was specifically eliminated
from the zygotes. Moreover, with increase in the
number of markers studied, other anomalies began to
appear. For example, recombinants seemed to inherit
most of their characters from one of the parents, and the
progeny of crosses in which recombinant strains were
used as parents often showed inherited character patterns
very different from those expected. Thus the sexual
system of E. coli, which at first had seemed rather simple
and orthodox, took on such increasing complexity that
it seemed likely that some important aspects of its true
nature remained to be discovered.
Male and female bacteria
The first clue came from the observation that treating
one of the two parental strains with streptomycin
abolished the capacity of the cross to yield recombinants,
while treatment of the other parent did not, although both
were equally sensitive to the drug as judged by survival
[4, 5]. From this it was deduced that there was a one-way
transfer of genetic material from a donor (male) to a
recipient (female) strain; the donor could be dispensed
with once its function had been fulfilled, but survival of
the recipient, in which the whole process of recombination and segregation took place, was essential. The fact
that recombinants inherited most of their characters
from the recipient parent further suggested that the
genetic contribution of the donor bacteria to the zygotes
is fractional. Then the remarkable fact came to light that
the donor state is genetically determined, not, as one
might expect, by a chromosomal gene or genes, but by
an infectious agent called the sex factor or 'F' (for
'fertility'), which exists separately in the cytoplasm.
This factor promotes conjugation between donor bacteria
that harbour it (termed F+) and recipient bacteria (F-)
that lack it, followed by its own efficient transfer to the
recipients which are thus themselves converted into F+
donors [5, 6]. The efficiency of this process approaches
1 oo per cent under optimal conditions, despite the low
frequency of recombinants for chromosomal genes, so
that sex in E. coli can be said to be highly infectious.
More recent research has revealed that the sex factor
consists of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule of
about the same size as the chromosomal DNA of an
average bacterial virus. One of its functions is to determine the formation of a new antigen at the surface of the
male bacteria. This antigen appears to alter the surface
charge so that the bacteria can now make intimate contact with females. However, the most unusual property
of the sex factor is that it can exist in different states
within its host cell. The key to this discovery was the
accidental isolation, from an F+ strain, of a new type of
male with quite novel behaviour. These were Hfr ('high
frequency of recombinants') males, and they conjugate
with females with the same efficiency as F+ males. However, in this case the unions are followed by transfer of
the bacterial chromosome instead of the sex factor, with
the result that recombinants containing chromosmnal
genes from the male arise about I ooo times more frequently than in crosses with F+ males; on the other hand,
both the female population at large and the recombinants
remain female, so that the sex factor has lost its infectious
character. Nevertheless, it is clear that the sex factor
itself is not lost, since Hfr males may revert to the F+
state [5, 6]. A further point of distinction lies in the effect
of acridine orange. F+ males can readily be 'cured' of
their sex factor by the drug, to become females: it
appears specifically to inhibit sex factor replication. Hfr
males, on the other hand, are very refractory to attack
by the drug.
The features of chromosome transfer
The true nature of the differences between these two
types of male was revealed by a brilliant series of experiments by E. L. Wollman and F. Jacob at the Pasteur
Institute, Paris [7, 8]. Let us briefly look at two of these
experiments, which have had a fundamental bearing on
our knowledge of the states of the sex factor and of the
nature of chromosome transfer. The first is the famous
'interrupted mating' experiment. In this, samples of a
mixture of Hfr male and female bacteria were removed
at intervals during their mating, and violently agitated in
a mixer to separate the mating individuals. The mixture
was then diluted and spread on agar jelly to isolate recombinant colonies. After this, the recombinants issuing
from each sample were analysed to see what genes they
had inherited from the male bacteria. It turns out that for
each gene there is a specific period after mating during
which it is completely excluded from recombinants by
interruption of the mating. After this, its incidence among
recombinants rises until the level characteristic of uninterrupted crosses is attained. In other words a male
bacterium transfers each of its genes to the female at a
specific time after the commencement of mating. Moreover, the time sequence in which the various genes are
transferred was found to coincide with the order of
arrangement of the genes on the chromosome as determined by genetic analysis. This means that a culture of
Hfr male bacteria comprises a homogeneous population,
of which all the bacteria transfer their chromosomes
from the same point and with the same orientation.
Transfer of the whole chromosome occupies rather more
than 100 minutes which, remarkably, is more than four
times as long as the generation time under optimal
It then turned out that recombinants selected for inheritance of genes located near the extremity of the male
chromosome that is transferred last, frequently inherit
the Hfr male character, although they comprise only a
very small proportion of the total recombinants, due to a
high tendency to breakage of the chromosome so that its
distal end rarely enters the zygote. This implied that the
sex factor in Hfr males, instead of being free in the
cytoplasm as in F+ males, is an integral part of the
bacterial chromosome. This conclusion is supported by
the resistance of the sex factor in Hfr males to elimination
by acridine orange, as well as by more recent experiments
that show that its replication is under chromosomal
There was an important and novel outcome of the
interrupted mating experiment. As it could be shown
that the first half of the chromosome, at least, is transferred at a constant speed, the experiment enabled the
distance between any two genes to be measured in the
abolute terms of the time elapsing between their transfer
under standard conditions. If the speed of transfer continued to be constant, the whole chromosome would be
transferred in about 90 minutes so that the distance
between genes can be expressed as a true proportion of
the length of the chromosome as a whole. The observable
nucleus of E. coli, of which there are normally several per
bacteriwn, possesses only a single chromosome consisting
of double-helical DNA, so that it is easy to estimate
chemically the amount, and therefore the actual length,
of DNA in the chromosome. This turns out to be about
1200 microns-about 500 times as long as the bacteriwn
that contains it. Thus, if the asswnptions are correct, the
distances between genes, expressed in terms of transfer
time, can be translated into the real physical terms of
DNA length.
inherited only in association with a gene transferred very
late or terminally, even though this gene might be quite
different in different strains (figure 1c). Thus in the
formation of Hfr strains, the sex factor may insert itself at
any one of a nwnber of sites around the circular chromosome of an F+ bacteriwn. Following conjugation, the
chromosome opens up close to the site of insertion and is
then transferred to the female as a linear structure with
the sex factor at its tail.
The circular chromosome
The relationship between these three sexual types of
E. coli-the female lacking the sex factor, the F+ male in
which the sex factor exists and replicates autonomously
in the cytoplasm, and the Hfr male in which the sex
factor is inserted into the chromosome and is replicated
as part of it-is shown in figure 1. In addition, there is a
third type of male bacteriwn which is of practical importance as well as of theoretical interest. This originates
from Hfr bacteria and is called an 'intermediate male'
because it displays the behaviour patterns of both F+ and
Hfr males. That is, recombinants for chromosomal genes
are generated at high frequency, and, in addition the
intermediate male state is itself highly infectious and
spreads rapidly throughout the female population.
A major clue to the nature of intermediate males was
the finding that the majority of intermediate male strains
harbour a sex factor called F-prime (F'), which carries
in its structure a recognizable chromosomal gene or
genes originally located near the site of insertion of the
sex factor. This suggested that the properties of intermediate males are conferred by a sex factor which has
incorporated a fragment of bacterial chromosome. There
is now much evidence that the contrasting behaviour of
the various male types can be explained on the general
hypothesis that the sex factor is a continuous DNA loop
that can be inserted into and released from the chromosome by a single, reciprocal act of genetic exchange or
recombination (figure 2A) [10, r r].
Genetic recombination is a two-stage phenomenon. It
is first necessary for structurally similar or 'allelic' regions
of two chromosomes to 'pair' or come into apposition;
this is followed by breaking of the paired chromosomes
at precisely corresponding points, and their cross-wise
rejoining. At the level of molecular structure, it seems
highly likely that the genetic similarity which determines
pairing is the sequence of nucleic acid base pairs along
the DNA double helix. When this sequence is nearperfect over long allelic regions, as happens when part of
the chromosome of one E. coli K 12 strain is transferred
to another, the probability of recombination can be
shown to approach unity. In contrast, insertion of the sex
factor into the chromosome of an F+ cell to produce an
Hfr bacterium is a rare event, of the order ro- 4 to ro- 6
per cell generation, so that pairing in this case probably
results from very short or imperfect similarities of base
sequence. Pari passu the Hfr state is a reasonably stable
one, since re-establishment of pairing, leading to 'recombination out' of the sex factor, may be expected to be
equally rare. On the other hand, the situation will be
drastically altered if a sex factor carrying a segment of
bacterial chromosome is introduced into a female cell,
for here the sex factor carries a region of near-perfect
similarity to the corresponding region of the bacterial
chromosome. As a result, the sex factor is continually
Intermediate males and sex factor structure
The second experiment that helped to define the relationship of the sex factor to its host cell had a nwnber of
important results. It led to the isolation of some independent Hfr strains from the same F+ male culture and
it demonstrated that the ability of F+ populations to
generate recombinants for chromosomal genes is probably due to the development of clones of 'mutant' Hfr
cells within it. Hfr clones certainly form, and the most
interesting and important finding came from analysis of
chromosome transfer by the different Hfr strains
obtained. The strains were found to transfer their
chromosome from different starting points and often in
opposite directions (figure 1c). In addition, the pooled
data from all the strains revealed the extraordinary and
quite unexpected fact that whatever pair of genes one
might postulate to lie near the extremities of a linear
chromosome, an Hfr male strain could be found that
transferred these two genes as adjacent and closely
linked. In other words, the chromosome of the F+ male,
from which these Hfr strains originated, must be a continuous or circular one, since it can be shown not to
possess extremities [7, 8]. It has now been confirmed
directly, by autoradiography, that the chromosomal
DNA of all sexual types of E. coli is in the form of a loop
[9]. Finally, in the case of any particular Hfr strain, the
male state and, therefore, the sex factor were shown to be
f+ d' /
Figure 1 The main sexual types of Escherichia coli. The
continuous, Irregular lfne within each bacterium represents the
bacterial chromosome; the broken line indicates the sex factor.
The letters at C. designate genetic loci (genes) on the bacterial
chromosome. A. No sex factor: the bacterium is female.
B. Cytoplasmic sex factor: the bacterium is an f+ male. C. The
sex factor is shown inserted into the bacterial chromosome at
two different locations: the bacteria are Hfr males and can
transfer their chromosomes from the point, and with the
polarity, indicated by the arrowhead in the sex factor.
by chance, one (2) within the sex factor, and the other (1)
on the chromosome between genes rand
In this case
recombination leads to release of a sex factor carrying the
Z region of chromosome, while the bacterial chromosome
acquires a fragment of sex factor. If the sex factor is now
eliminated by acridine orange, the 'cured' bacterium
should (and does) behave as a female. However if it is
reinfected, by conjugation, with a normal sex factor it
should behave, not as an F+ male, but as an intermediate
male, because the sex factor fragment retained in the
chromosome offers a good region of similarity with which
the immigrant sex factor can pair and become inserted.
Two cases of this kind have been reported.
A third possibility is also shown in figure 2B. In this,
two regions of the bacterial chromosome on either side
of the sex factor pair. One (I) is between rand and the
other (3) is between A and B. In this case, recombination
yields a sex factor that carries both genes A and Z· Two
apparently identical sex factors of this sort have been
obtained from independently isolated strains of the same
Hfr male type [10, 11].
Figure 2 Genetic Interactions between various regions of the
chromosome of an Hfr male bacterium. The continuous and
broken fines represent bacterial chromosome and sex factor
respectively. The arrow heads Indicate the Initiation point and
polarity of chromosome or sex factor transfer. The radial arrows
point to regions of genetic similarity between which pairing and
genetic exchange may occur. (A) shows the outcome of genetic
exchange between the regions which initially led to Insertion of
the sex factor. (B) shows the outcome of similar exchanges
between other regions of chromosome or sex factor. (From
Hayes, 1966)
being inserted into and released from the chromosome
so that the bacteria alternate rapidly between the expression of Hfr behaviour and of F+ behaviour. In support of
this hypothesis, if an F+ factor is introduced into a bacterial strain carrying a mutation which prevents genetic
recombination, it fails to promote chromosome transfer,
although it replicates and mediates conjugation in a
normal manner.
A final question that may be asked about these relationships is how the sex factor acquires a fragment of
bacterial chromosome in the first place. Figure 2 shows
three kinds of pairing interaction between integrated sex
factor and chromosome that could lead to recombination
and liberation of the sex factor. The circles on the left
represent the chromosome of an Hfr male in which the
inserted sex factor is indicated by the dotted line. The
radial arrows point to postulated regions of similarity
that will tend to pair, and between which recombination
will occur. The most common event is shown at A, where
the paired regions that originally led to insertion of the
sex factor are re-established. A normal sex factor is
released and a normal chromosome left behind. In the
second row (figure 2B), pairing is assumed to occur between two different regions of similarity, existing perhaps
The mechanism of genetic transfer
At the moment, the nature of the bridge connecting
male and female bacteria, and the mechanism that the
male bacterium employs to transfer genetic material
across this bridge, are controversial. It used to be
thought, and electron microphotographs appeared to
reveal, that conjugating bacteria are directly united by
contact between their cell walls (figure 3). However, it
has recently been discovered that the sex factor promotes
the synthesis, by the bacteria that harbour it, of special,
hair-like appendages called sex pili [12]. These can be
distinguished from the numerous pili that are commonly
produced by E. coli bacteria by the extraordinary fact
that they act as the sites of adsorption for certain virulent
viruses that infect only male bacteria (figures 4 and 5).
There is now little doubt that although common pili,
which are hollow protein tubes, play no role in bacterial
sexuality, the possession of sex pili is a necessary condition for conjugation. It has therefore been suggested
that if the sex pili are also tubular structures they may
represent the male sex organ of bacteria, through which
the genetic material passes. As yet there is no evidence
to confirm or refute this interesting hypothesis.
The problem of how the genetic material is transferred
is a twofold one. First, in view of the very high efficiency
with which genetic transfer may occur, how is it that the
sex factor of F+ males, or a particular extremity of the
chromosome of Hfr males, so easily finds the union
joining the male and female bacteria? The most promising hypothesis is that the sex factor, whether free or
inserted, is attached to the cell membrane and makes its
antigen (or pilus) locally so that contact is established
and the union made at the sex factor attachment site.
Although there is as yet no evidence for this, there is good
evidence [ 13] that the chromosome itself is connected to
the membrane and that this plays a key role in chromosome replication.
The second problem concerns the way that the circular
chromosome of either sex factor or bacterium is opened
up and transferred as a linear structure to females. The
most plausible hypothesis is that put forward by Jacob
and Brenner [14]. This supposes that some metabolite,
resulting from completion of the conjugation tube,
Figure 3 Electron microphotograph of a thin section of
conjugating E.coli bacteria. In this cross, the male bacteria
(strain K12.Hfr: right) and the females (strain C: left) have
quite different shapes, as shown; however, this Is a strain
difference and is not associated with sexual type. The less
dense regions indicate the chromosomal DNA. The photograph
was taken by Miss Maria Schnos and kindly provided by Dr
Lucien Caro.
Figure 4 Electron-microphotograph of an E.coli male bacterium,
carrying a cytoplasmic sex factor (resistance transfer factor).
The two very long appendages of intermediate thickness are
flagella, the organs of locomotion. The numerous, much finer
and shorter appendages are common (type I) pill which play no
sexual role. The thick, darkly stained projections are pill
determined by the sex factor, which are densely coated with
adsorbed particles of a spherical, male-specific, RNA-containing virus ( x 42 000).
Figure 5 shows a sex pilus similar to
that in figure 4, with adsorbed virus
particles, at a magnification of 340 000.
Both preparations were made by negative
contrast staining, using uranyl acetate.
The original photographs were kindly
provided by Dr Alan Lawn. (From Datta,
Lawn and Meynell, J. gen. Microbio/., 45,
365, 1966, by permission of the authors
and editors.)
initiates polarized replication of the DNA of the sex
factor. The energy involved in the synthesis of the new
DNA is then sufficient to drive one of the daughter DNA
molecules through the tube into the female. If the sex
factor is independent of the chromosome, it alone is
transferred (figure 6A). But if it is inserted into the
bacterial chromosome, then replication initiated in the
sex factor DNA will continue along the chromosomal
DNA, which will therefore be transferred as well (figure
6B). If the sex factor carries a fragment of bacterial
chromosome, either the sex (F') factor alone or the
chromosome may be transferred. Which of these occurs
depends on whether or not a genetic exchange has
connected the F' factor to the chromosome at the time
when the replication point reaches the region of pairing
(figure 6C). In support of this ingenious hypothesis, there
is now good evidence from autoradiographic studies that
Hfr bacteria do not transfer the chromosome that preexisted at the time of conjugation, but a newly synthesized replica of it [ 15].
An important feature of the sex factor is that it is
widely infective. Thus it can be transferred from E. coli
to many other species and genera of intestinal bacteria in which it propagates itself and also determines
Figure 6 Diagram of the probable mechanism of conjugation
and genetic transfer in E.coli. In each pair of bacteria the male
is shown on the left and the female on the right. The bacterial
chromosome is represented by the continuous line, the sex
factor by the broken line. The black blob at the point of
bacterial contact represents the conjugal antigen (whatever its
nature) which is synthesized under sex-factor control. (A) The
sex factor is extra-chromosomal. (B) The sex factor is inserted
into the chromosome. (C) The sex factor carries a chromosomal
fragment. (D) A magnified representation of the transfer process.
The ring represents a molecule of replicating enzyme attached
to the cell membrane, through which the DNA passes as it is
replicated, one replica entering the female cell. The old,
parental DNA strands are shown as heavy lines, and the newly
synthesized strands as light ones. (From Hayes, 1966)
conjugation and its own transfer. However in only one
other genus, Salmonella, which is closely related to Escherichia, can the sex factor generate Hfr males and promote chromosome transfer. Presumably the chromosomes
of other genera do not possess sufficient genetic similarity to the sex factor to permit its insertion.
Other cytoplasmic factors
Within recent years it has become apparent that the sex
factor of E. coli is far from unique and, in fact, is only the
prototype of a host of cytoplasmic genetic elements of
about the same size, which present themselves to us under
a variety of different disguises. Most important among
these are factors which determine the synthesis of antibiotics called colicins, and the so-called 'resistance
transfer factors'. Only a few of the colicin factors are able
to promote conjugation and their own transfer. In contrast, all the resistance transfer factors are, by definition,
sex factors. Like the sex factor of E. coli, to which some
seem to be related both genetically and functionally,
they mediate conjugation and can spread epidemically
through populations of intestinal bacteria which lack
them. Some of these factors can also, rarely, initiate
chromosome transfer, but the equivalent of Hfr bacteria
have not yet been isolated from strains carrying these
factors. Resistance transfer factors are of considerable
importance in medicine because they have picked up and
incorporated into a single transmissible structu11e the
genetic determinants of bacterial resistance to a wide
range of antibiotics in common clinical use. As many as
seven such determinants have been reported to be carried
by a single transfer factor. These factors can become
extensively disseminated among the normal flora of the
intestine in human and animal populations, and thence
be transferred by conjugation to a wide range of dangerous intestinal pathogens to initiate epidemics which
cannot be treated effectively [16, 17].
It is interesting to speculate on the phylogeny of sex
factors. In the pattern of its relationship to its host cell,
the sex factor of E. coli closely resembles the genetic
material of those bacterial viruses that can be carried as
provirus, that is, their DNA can be incorporated in the
bacterial chromosome and the virus is not virulent. Both
are transmissible agents that are able to replicate autonomously in the cytoplasm, to insert themselves into the
chromosome, and to pick up and incorporate fragments
of host chromosome into their structure. Moreover, sex
factors as a class fulfil all the criteria whereby A. Lwoff
[ 18] defined viruses. They are infective, they depend for
their metabolism on the biochemical machinery of the
host cell, and they possess only one type of nucleic acid.
It therefore seems logical to regard sex factors as viruses
that ensure their efficient spread to a wide range of host
cells by the novel method of mediating conjugation between them. In this way they avoid the risks attendant
on exposure to the environment and the need to
elaborate a protein coat to protect their genetic material
from it. According to this idea, the role of sex factors in
promoting transfer of the bacterial chromosome, though
possibly of some evolutionary advantage to the bacterium, would be merely incidental to their function as
viruses. It should be remembered that although sex
factors appear to be common and widely distributed, at
least among intestinal bacteria, chromosome transfer
mediated by them is a rare phenomenon under natural
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