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Name: ____________________
Period: ____________________
Atomic Structure and Periodic Table Review Guide
1.1 Atoms are the smallest form of elements
Answer each question. You may use your book, reading guides, or reinforcement guides
to help you. Answers do not have to be in complete sentences.
1. What does the atomic number tell you?
2. Where are electrons located in an atom and what is their charge?
3. What is the most common element in the universe?
4. If two atoms have the same number of protons, they would be the same type of:
5. What is the atomic mass number of an element?
6. How do isotopes of the same element differ from one another?
7. Atoms of an element always have a certain number of:
8. What is an isotope of an element?
9. What are the positively charged particles in an atom called? Negative? Neutral?
10. A substance that is made up of only one type of atom is called a(n):
11. What is an ion?
12. What particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
13. What does the atomic mass number of element tell you?
1.2 Elements make up the periodic table
Answer each question. You may use your book, reading guides, or reinforcement guides
to help you. Answers do not have to be in complete sentences.
1. How is the modern periodic table organized?
2. What are the rows of the periodic table called?
3. Does the atomic size generally increase or decrease from the top of a group to the
4. Elements in vertical columns on the periodic table are known as
_______________ and they show similarities in their chemical and physical
properties. These groups are called ______________.
5. What are the elements located at the far left of the periodic table called?
6. Using the periodic table in your book how can you tell if an element is a solid,
liquid or gas?
7. Using the periodic table in your book, how can you tell if an element is a metal,
non-metal or metalloid?
8. Who was the first scientist to organize elements into the periodic table?
9. What information can you obtain about an individual element from each element
square on the periodic table?
1.3 The periodic table is a map of the elements
Answer each question. You may use your book, reading guides, or reinforcement guides
to help you. Answers do not have to be in complete sentences.
1. Next to each family of elements, write some characteristics, uses and examples
a. Alkali metals
b. Alkali Earth Metals
c. Transition Metals
d. BCNO groups
e. Halogens
f. Noble Gases
g. Lanthanide Series
h. Actinide Series
2. Which group of elements are the least active?
3. Most of these elements are poor conductors of heat.
4. The majority of the elements on the periodic table are
5. What happens to an atom when the number of protons in the nucleus changes?
6. Which type of element does not react with any other element?
7. These are elements that conduct electricity and heat well, have a shiny
appearance, is typically solid at room temperature, can be shaped easily by
pounding, bending, or being drawn into a long wire.
8. This group of elements has properties of both metals and nonmetals;
semiconductors are usually made from this type of element.
9. The properties of these elements tend to be the opposite of metals.
10. These particular types of metals are on the far left of the periodic table and are
extremely reactive.
11. These elements are very reactive nonmetals that get their name from the Greek
words meaning “forming salts.”
12. This group of elements is found at the far right of the periodic table and almost
never reacts with other elements.
13. What are the group of metals called that are found in the middle of the periodic