Download 1. The animals which possess backbones are a. Insects b. Birds c

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1. The animals which possess backbones are
a. Insects
b. Birds
c. Earthworms
d. Starfish
2. Animals without backbone are called
a. Chordates
. b. Vertebrates
c. Metazoans
d. Invertebrates
3. A group of cells having common origin and structure, performing
similar functions is
a. Tissue
b. Muscle
c. Blood
d. Nerves
4. Porifera means
a. Pore bearing animals
b. Sponges
c. Aquatic animals
d. Multicellular
5. The body of the sponge encloses a large central cavity
a. Porocytes
c. Amoebocyte
d. Osculum
6. The internal skeleton in the form of crystalline structures in
a. Spikes
c. Spicules
b. Needles
d. Pinacytes
7. The fibrous skeleton of sponges is used for the purpose of
a. Bathing and washing
b. Decorative
c. Fodder
d. Wedding presents
8. The animals with hallow gastro-vascular cavity
a. Coelenterata
b. Porifera
c. Annelida
d. Arthropoda
9. The body wall is composed of two layers
a. Diploblastic
b. Triploblastic
c. Coelenteron
d. Cnidoblast
The tentacles contain stinging cells which are helpful for
a. Movement
b. Digestion
c. Capturing the prey as food d. Circulation
In hydra asexual reproduction occurs by
a. Flagellated cell
b. Budding
c. Gemmules
d. Gametes
The body wall in flat worms is composed of
a. Hallow cavity
b. Two layers
c. Three layers
d. None of these
In platyhelminthes, special structures like hooks and suckers
help to
a. Attach to the host and to obtain food
b. Circulation
c. Respiration
d. Digestion
Platyhelminthes excretory system consists of a special type of
a. Waste cells
b. Flame cells
c. Excretory cells
d. None of these
The worms with round body
a. Porifera
b. Platyhelminthes
c. Aschelminthes
d. Annelida
In annelida chitinous serves as
a. Respiratory organs
b. Loeomotory organs
c. Circulatory organs
d. Digestive organs
Setae are found in
a. Nereis
b. Earthworms
c. Leech
d. Ascaris
The body cavity of the annelida that exists between the body
wall and the digestive tube
a. Pseudocoel
b. Coelom
c. Metamere
d. Segmentation
Excretory organs in annelida
a. Nephridia
b. Flame cells
c. Ciliated cells
d. Excretory cells
In earlier days doctors used leeches to suck impure blood from
the wounds. Now this system used in medical field has the
a. Annelida
b. Hemantin
c. Glaucoma
d. Phlebotomy
Farmers’ friends are
a. Soil worms
b. Leech
c. Earthworms
d. Nereis
The invertebrates inter jointed appendages are found in
a. Echinoderms
b. Molluscs
c. Arthropods
d. Annelids
In arthropoda, coelom is reduced and the body cavity is filled
with blood is called
a. Dorsal heart
b. Pseudocoel
c. Haemocoel
d. Blood cavity
Ants are good guides to human beings with regard to
a. Social care
b. Social nature
c. Social status
d. Social life
The animals with soft body
a. Mollusca
b. Arthropoda
c. Annelida
d. Porifera
Respiration takes place through the special structures in
a. Radula
b. Ctenidia
c. Sepia
d. Gills
Octopus is one of the largest invertebrate. It gets the name
because of the presence of......long arms in its head region
a. 9
b. 8
c. 7
d. 10
Spiny skinned animals
a. Echinodermata
b. Arthropoda
c. Annelida
d. Aschelminthes
Echinoderms are characterized by the presence of
a. Malphigian tubules
b. Stinging cells
c. Canal system
d. Water vascular system
Which of the following groups of animals is found exclusively in
marine habitat?
a. Porifera
b. Coelenterata
c. Mollusca
d. Echinodermata
The functional basic unit of life
a. Nucleolus
b. Tissues
c. Cell
d. Nucleus
32. The study of cells specially their formation, structure and
function is
a. Genetics
b. Histology
c. Ecology
d. Cytology
33. It is surrounded by double layered membrane, and it separates
the substance in the nucleus from the cytoplasm
a. Nuclear pore
b. Nucleolus
c. Nucleoplasm
d. Nuclear membrane
.34. Nucleus contains a clear jelly like ground substance
a. Chromatin
b. Nucleolus
c. Nucleoplasm
d. Cytoplasm
35. Thread like structures in the nucleus
a. Chromatin
b. Nuclear membrane
c. Chromatids
d. d. Nucleoplasm
36. The number of chromosome in every human cell
a. 44
b. 22
c. 23
d. 46
37. At this point two chromatids are held together
a. Mesomere
b. Telomere
c. Centromere
d. Centre of the chromatids
It controls each and every trait of an individual
a. RNA
b. Chromosome
c. DNA
d. Genes
The structure of a DNA molecule resembles a
a. Pair of ladder
b. Ladder
c. Twisted ladder
d. Straight ladder
40. The Deoxyribose sugar is a
a. Hexose sugar
b. Pentose sugar
c. Tetrose sugar
d. Octose sugar
The unique feature of the DNA is its property of duplicating
itself during cell division, this property is known as
a. Addition
b. Multiplication
c. Duplication
d. Replication
The sudden change that occurs in the structure of DNA is
a. Mutation
b. RNA
c. Duplication
d. Replication
Mitosis is the most common type of cell division observed in
plants and animals, it occurs in vegetative cells, it is called
a. Somatic cell division
b. Cell division
c. Cytoplasmic cell division
d. None of the above
44. It occurs in all cells in higher organisms
a. Meiosis
b. Mitosis
c. Interphase
d. All the above
Karyokinesis and cytokinesis are the two major divisions of
a. Mitosis
b. Cell
c. DNA
d. Chromosomes
The number of chromosomes is specific for a particular
a. Animal
b. Species
c. Genus
d. Family
It is the longest phase in mitosis
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
In this phase chromosomes move towards centre of the cell
a. Anaphase
b. Telophase
c. Prophase
d. Metaphase
It is the division of cytoplasm
a. Cytokinesis
b. Cell
c. Mitosis
d. Meiosis
Mitosis is a
a. Replication division
b. Equational divisional
c. Multiplication division
d. Reductional divisional
51. It is essential for healing of wounds and repairing worn and tom
parts of the body
a. Cytokinesis
b. Mitosis
c. Meiosis
d. Karyokinesis
52. It is a Reductional cell division
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis-I
c. Prophase
d. Meiosis
53. Reorganization of genetic material occurs during
a. Organogenesis
b. Metamorphosis
d. Meiosis
54. The pairing of homologous chromosome is called
a. Translocation
b. Crossing over
c. Synapsis
d. Exchange
55. Exchange of genes from one chromosome to another and viceversa during synapsis
a. Crossing over
b. Synapsis
c. Chiasmata
d. Transfer
56. Meiosis is
a. Equational divisional
b. Reductional divisional
c. Double divisional
d. All of the above
57. In meiosis the diploid number of chromosomes ‘2n’ is reduced to
haploid number ‘n’ in
a. Somatic cells
b. Reproductive cells
c. Body cells
d. All of the above
58. In meiosis every daughter cell receives haploid (n) number of
chromosomes from the
a. Gamete
b. Parent cell
c. Somatic cell
d. Zygote
59. If the diploid number of chromosomes in an organism is 2n = 40
chromosomes, after Mitotic division, each daughter cell will
a. 20 Chromosomes
b. 40 Chromosomes
c. 10 Chromosomes
d. 80 Chromosomes
60. Meiosis is mainly concerned with
a. Only asexual reproduction
b. Asexual and sexual reproduction
c. Asexual reproduction
d. None of the above