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Biology is the study of living things from familiar, complex multicellular
organisms that live in the many different habitats of our biosphere to
single celled micro-organisms that live in seemingly inhospitable
conditions. It is a study of the dynamic relationships between living things,
their interdependence, their interactions with the non-living
environment, and the processes that maintain life and ensure its
continuity. Biology enables students to understand that despite the
diverse ways of meeting the challenges of survival, all living things have
many structural and functional characteristics in common.
All living organisms, from a single celled bacteria to an elephant are
composed of cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of life, but not all cells
are made the same.
If you’ve ever seen a plant and animal cell you’ll notice they have different
structures and Organelles.
1. What is the role of the mitochondria, cell membrane, vacuole,
chloroplast, cell wall and cytoplasm.
2. Draw a Venn- Diagram, comparing a plant to animal cell
3. Why do plants need cell walls?
Specialised Cells
You should be able to explain the structure and function of the
following cells:
Nerve cells, Red Blood Cells (RBC), sperm cell, egg cell, root
hair cell and palisade cells
Multi-cellular organisms (like you and me) contain many
different types of cells.
Each cell serves a specific function and thus, has a specific
Unlike the roots of a plant,
the leafs constantly see light.
Therefore they photosynthesis while the root cells do
Cells in the
chloroplast, and tightly
packed to maximises the adsorption of light.
Root hair cells are found all
over the roots. The are special cells which are designed
to absorb the max amount of
water and minerals.
They have thin walls and long
finger like structure to increase their surface area
a thin outer membrane, to
assist in the diffusion of
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
1. Explain why root
cells do not contain
Their concave shape increases their surface are,
allowing them to carry
more oxygen, and when
matured, the loose their
nucleus. Making more
space for oxygen.
2. Explain how root
cells specialised for
the function.
carry impulses all
around the body. From
your brain to your toes,
the messages are carried
by neurons.
The are extremely long,
have connections at both
ends and use a series of
chemical and electrical
impulses to send messages.
contain only
1/2 the chromosomes.
They use a
move. This tail is packed
with mitochondria for
The head of the sperm is
streamline, and helps is get
into the egg cell.
3. What is the roll of
a RBC and how
does its function
4. Draw and label a
neuron. Explain how
its structure assists
its function?
5. What is meant by
the term Multi cellular? Give 2
examples of
unicellular and 2
examples of multicellular organisms.
Model Cells
You have been ....
All living organisms, from a single celled bacteria to an elephant are
composed of cells. Cells are the basic building blocks of life, but not all cells
are made the same.
If you’ve ever seen a plant and animal cell you’ll notice they have different
structures and Organelles.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Cells worksheet
1.a) From the list of things which living organisms can do, choose two which bees
can do and dandelions cannot do: (2 marks)
Move make their own food
breathe in and out
1.b) From the same list of words choose one which dandelions can do and bees
cannot do (1 mark)
1.c) Name two things not listed above which all living things can do (2 marks)
1.d) Fill in the gaps in the following sentences using the words given below:
All living organisms show these seven characteristics of life –MR GREEN
_____________ means they can move all or part of their bodies. Respiration means
they can release energy from _____________ . Growth means they
_______________ in size. _________________ means that new organisms are
produced. Excretion means the removal of _______________ produced by the
organism. Excitability means being able to react to a _____________ .
________________ Means being able to obtain food to use for growth and to repair the body. (7 marks)
2.a) On the diagrams of the cells below label three parts which both plant and animal cells have (3 marks)
2.b) Name two parts which plant cells have but animal cells do not (2 marks)
2.c) Join together the parts of the cells and their correct functions using a ruled line:
Cells become specialised to perform a particular function. For each cell below label
a part which allows it to perform its function well and also describe the function it
4. Why do root hair cells not have chloroplasts? (1 mark)
5. Euglena is a single celled organism. It lives in pond water. Euglena makes a sugar
called glucose.
a Give the name of the process in which Euglena makes glucose (1 marks)
b Euglena produces starch grains from glucose. Explain what will happen to
the number of starch grains in the cell if Euglena is kept in the dark. (2 marks)
30 Marks total
Cellular organisation
Info on chemistry
Vestibulum semper enim non eros. Sed vitae arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Praesent odio nisl, suscipit at, rhoncus sit amet, porttitor sit amet, leo.
Aenean hendrerit est. Etiam ac augue. Morbi tincidunt neque ut lacus.
Duis vulputate cursus orci. Mauris justo lorem, scelerisque sit amet,
placerat sed, condimentum in, leo. Donec urna est, semper quis, auctor
eget, ultrices in, purus. Etiam rutrum. Aliquam blandit dui a libero.
Praesent tortor tortor, bibendum vehicula, accumsan sed, adipiscing a,
pede. Nullam et tortor. Suspendisse tempor leo quis nunc fringilla
volutpat. Donec rutrum ullamcorper lorem. Nunc tincidunt sagittis
Particle model
States of matter
You should be able to
List the 4 states of matter
Matter can come in four states.
By this, I mean that matter can exist in a
We see these states all around us. In our bodies, matter
exists in all 3 forms (solid, liquid and gas).
In solids, particles are tightly
packed together. Held by
strong forces of attraction.
These particles can’t move,
but do vibrate in a fixed
In liquids, the particle are close
together, however they aren’t
held as strongly as in solids.
When we heat up the solid the
particle vibrate. They
eventually vibrate so much
that they break free from the
lattice pattern.
In gases, the particles are far
apart and move much faster.
As the liquid is heated the particles gain more energy and
being to take up more space.
Eventually they break free
completely from the forces
which hold them together.
This is called
It was long thought that there was only 3 states of
matter, Solid, liquid and gas. However after studying
the stars, scientists discovered a fourth state. Plasma.
This is ironic because plasma actually makes up 97%
of the visible universe.
As we add more energy to a solid structure, it eventually becomes a liquid. Add more energy and it becomes a gas. Add even more energy and it become a