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First Semester Learning Targets
1.1.Can define major components of the scientific method
1.2.Can accurately carry out conversions using dimensional analysis
1.3.Can utilize and convert metric prefixes
1.4. Can make measurements with proper number of significant digits
1.5. Can identify relationships between quantities by examining an
algebraic equation.
1.6. Can identify relationships between quantities by examining a graph.
1.7. Can make predictions by interpolating/extrapolating from a graph or a
best-fit equation
101. I can distinguish between scalar and vector quantities
103. I can describe and analyze motion based on graphs, numeric data,
words, and diagrams.
2.2 I can represent the motion of an object using vectors.
2.3 I can interpret a position vs. time graph for one object or for multiple
objects overlaid on the same graph.
2.5 I can distinguish between position, distance, and displacement*
2.6 I can solve problems with distance, time, and velocity
101. I can distinguish between scalar and vector quantities
102. I can differentiate between accelerated and constant velocity motion.
104. I can differentiate between speeding up, slowing down, and change in
direction, based on the direction of velocity and [sign of] acceleration
107. I can justify that if the only force acting on an object is gravity, it will
have the same constant downward acceleration regardless of mass,
velocity or position.
3.2. For a velocity vs t graph, I can comment on the meaning of the
3.3. I can calculate displacement, distance, velocity, speed, and
acceleration both theoretically and experimentally
3.5. I can translate a word problem into a math problem by extracting the
given information (both explicit and implicit).* For example: freefall implies
a=-9.8m/s2, starting from rest implies that vi = 0
3.6. I can predict the shape of a velocity vs. time graph based on the
position vs. time graph and vice versa.
3.7. I can define average speed, average velocity, instantaneous speed,
and instantaneous velocity.
201. I can draw a free body diagram.
202. I can identify the Law of Inertia (Newton’s 1st Law) to various
situations in the real world.
205. I can recognize net force as the sum of the forces and not a force in
206. I can calculate the net force based on the forces acting on an object in
one dimension.
207. I can determine if an object will accelerate depending on the net force
acting on it.
208. I can solve problems using Newton’s 2nd Law
209. I can identify action-reaction force pairs (Newton’s 3rd Law) and the
fact that they act on two separate bodies.
o 4.01 I can identify forces
4.01 I can distinguish between mass, weight, and density and its
appropriate units
4.02 I can compare weight & mass of objects on different planets
4.04 I can convert between Newtons and kilograms.
4.03 I can define inertia and apply it to various real world situations
4.05 I can differentiate between contact and field forces
4.06 I can describe cause & effect relationships of force & acceleration
4.07 I can calculate apparent weight
4.08 I can explain process of achieving terminal velocity.
202. I can identify the Law of Inertia (Newton’s 1st Law) to various
situations in the real world.
205. I can recognize net force as the sum of the forces and not a force in
206. I can calculate the net force based on the forces acting on an object in
one dimension.
208. I can solve problems using Newton’s 2nd Law
4.01 I can distinguish between mass, weight, and density.
4.02 I can compare weight & mass of objects on different planets.
4.03 I can define inertia.
4.04 I can understand the relationship between newtons and kilograms.
4.05 I can describe cause and effect relationships of force & acceleration
and explain using free body diagrams.
4.06 I can calculate apparent weight.
4.07 I can explain process of achieving terminal velocity.
4.08 I can explain how Newton’s 3rd law applies to various scenarios.
210. I can rank the magnitude of frictional forces for various physical
211. I can identify the direction of the frictional force in relation to an
object’s motion.
5.1.Add two vectors using tip-to-tail and/or parallelogram method
5.2 find components, resultants, and angles via direct measurement (ruler
& protractor) and by calculation (Pythagorean theorem and trig)
5.3 represent vectors by drawing arrows and by reporting in (mag,angle)
and (x,y) formats
5.5 Make predictions and calculations about normal force on an incline as
angle varies
5.6 Make predictions about motion given circumstances involving
static/kinetic friction
5.7 Calculate force of kinetic & static friction and use them to solve
Newton’s 2nd Law problems
5.8 Explain how the force of friction varies with the applied force before
and after reaching the maximum force of static friction
5.9 Solve incline plane problems with & without friction
5.10 Recognize conditions for equilibrium (ΣF=0) and calculate a missing
force using this concept
107. I can justify that if the only force acting on a a projectile is gravity, it
will have the
same constant downward acceleration regardless of mass, velocity or
105. I can recognize the independence of X and Y variables in 2-dimension
6.1-1.Explain the difference between horizontal and vertical components of
projectile motion in terms of acceleration
6.1-2.Identify (qualitatively) the horizontal and vertical components of
velocity (and acceleration) at various points in a projectile’s motion
6.1-4.Apply kinematics equations to various scenarios of projectile motion,
solving for a desired variable
106. I can determine the range of a horizontally launched projectile given
initial launch conditions.
6.1-3.Given the appropriate parameters, calculate: -maximum height of a
projectile -time in air
6.1-5.Explain conceptually how the angle of firing affects the range and
max height/air-time
6.05 I know the basic vocabulary of projectile motion
6.5 Calculate centripetal acceleration of an object given speed and radius.
6.6 Determine the centripetal force needed for an object to move along a
curve of a certain radius.
7.01 Calculate force of gravity using Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation.
7.02 Calculate force of gravity at a given distance given the force of gravity at
another distance (making use of the inverse square relationship).
7.03 Calculate the gravitational field strength surrounding a planetary body.
7.06 Calculate the velocity& period of an orbiting satellite.
7.07 Calculate either the orbiting period or orbiting radius of a satellite using
Kepler’s 3rd law.
7.08 Conceptually relate mass and distance separation to the gravitational
force, field strength, orbiting velocity and period of orbit for planetary bodies.
7.10 Recognize Kepler’s first law and application.
7.11 Recognize Kepler’s second law and application.
7.12 Apply Kepler’s third law to applicable problems.
8.01. Determine arc length, angular velocity, and angular acceleration.
8.02 Demonstrate conceptual knowledge of angular momentum and how it
is affected by changing rotational velocity and moment of inertia.
8.03 Demonstrate conceptual knowledge of moment of inertia and how it is
affected by changing mass distribution
8.04. Determine whether momentum would be conserved for a given
situation based on criteria for conservation of momentum
8.05. Give examples of conservation of angular momentum for real life
8.06. Give explanation of torque in own words after doing balance-thetorques lab as an inquiry introduction
8.07. Locate center of mass of an object, showing force acting via freebody diagram
8.08. Determine whether an object will tip over based on locations of axis of
rotation and center of mass
8.09. Calculate torque, include situations where force is not perpendicular
to radius
8.10 Calculate missing torque needed to establish equilibrium