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1. Compared with all other biomes, tropical rain forests generally have the greatest biodiversity. This means that, compared with the other biomes, the tropical rain forest has the A. largest populations of its existing species. B. highest number of different species present. C. most species that are also found in other biomes. D. greatest variety of climates and habitats. 2. According to the graph of world population over time, when did the human population start to grow exponentially? A. 1150 B. 1350 C. 1950 D. 2150 3. Which of these organisms represents a group that plays the important role of breaking down organic matter in an ecosystem? A. mushrooms (fungi) B. turtle (vertebrates) C. butterfly (invertebrates) D. tree (plants) 4. In the water cycle, water vapor enters the atmosphere through evaporation and A. condensation. B. transpiration. C. seepage. D. precipitation. 5. An energy pyramid illustrates that, when energy is transferred from one organism to another, much of it is lost to the environment in the form of A. organic matter. B. inorganic nutrients. C. heat. D. carbon. 6. The hypothalamus is the part of the nervous system that takes in and sorts all of the incoming messages to the brain. The hypothalamus is also a part of the endocrine system that releases hormones that stimulate other glands of the endocrine system. Which of the following best summarizes the role of the hypothalamus? A. The hypothalamus releases hormones. B. The hypothalamus produces refl ex arcs. C. The hypothalamus connects the two body systems. D. The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary. 7. Negative feedback loops allow the body to maintain homeostasis as internal conditions change or move away from a set point. Which of the following is the best example of negative feedback in the body? A. increasing cells' activity to warm the body when it is cold B. keeping large amounts of carbon available in the blood C. stimulating muscle contractions to move the arm D. releasing chemicals that will thin the blood 8. The diagram shows the transmission of a nerve impulse. Which statement best describes what is taking place? A. When the impulse reaches the axon terminal, it crosses the synapse in the form of neurotransmittors. B. The impulse is moving from right to left. C. The impulse must jump the synapse to reach the connecting neuron. D. There is no action potential. 9. Suppose you scrape your knee while rollerblading, and your friend recommends that you wash off your knee immediately. This is good advice because washing your knee will help you A. keep it clean. B. continue rollerblading. C. prevent infection. D. repair your skin. 10. When you get the flu, you will probably recover after a few days. Which statement best explains how you can recover from a disease, such as the one caused by the flu virus? A. The flu viruses die off naturally as their food supply diminishes. B. Fever kills the viruses before they reproduce. C. As viruses mutate, they can no longer reproduce. D. Your immune system generates antibodies against the virus. 11. Which of the following terms best describes a substance that B cells in the immune system produce to fight infections? A. antibiotic B. antiseptic C. antibody D. antigen 12. Vaccines are substances that contain pieces of a disease‐causing particle. The vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce memory B cells. Which statement best describes the main benefit of vaccines? A. They reduce the fever associated with an infection. B. They prevent disease caused by future infections. C. They may contain pathogen antibodies. D. They are useful for curing infections. 13. Antibiotics are substances that weaken cell walls so that when a cell tries to divide, its cell wall breaks, and the cell bursts. Which statement best explains why viruses are not affected by antibiotics? A. Viruses have developed resistance to antibiotics. B. Viruses have genetic material. C. Viruses have a protein coat and not a cell wall. D. The body does not recognize viral antigens. 14. If you have a cold, then your body might have gone through a __________‐term disruption in _____________________. A. long, immune system B. long, homeostasis C. short, homeostasis D. short, thermoregulation 15. What kind of receptors are the hair cells, which are found in the ear? A. chemoreceptors B. thermoreceptors C. photoreceptors D. mechanoreceptors 16. The endocrine system uses chemical signals called A. target cells. B. hormones. C. glands. D. neurons. 17. A clear, pale‐yellow fluid that makes up more than half of the blood is known as A. plasma. B. platelets. C. white blood cells. D. red blood cells. 18. Which of the following could transfer a pathogen that spreads by direct contact only? A. kissing an infected person B. getting bitten by an infected mosquito C. touching an infected door knob D. breathing in an airborne pathogen 19. Wind is considered to be an abiotic factor because it A. is not related to biodiversity. B. is a nonliving thing. C. is in equilibrium. D. is not in any ecosystem. 20. The correct order for the levels of Linnaeus's classification system, from general to specific, is A. kingdom, species, class order, family, genus, phylum. B. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. C. phylum, kingdom, family, class, order, genus, species. D. species, genus, kingdom, family, order, class, phylum. 21. Which of the following is correctly written in the binomial nomenclature system? A. Canis kupus B. Red wolf C. Ailurus Fulgens D. kingdom 22. The protein shell of a virus is called a A. capsid. B. spike. C. tail sheath. D. envelope. 23. Animal‐like protists eat other organisms, so they are A. heterotrophic. B. photosynthetic. C. non‐motile. D. multicellular. 24. The definition of a protist is a eukaryote that is A. single celled and animal‐like. B. multicellular and photosynthetic. C. funguslike but motile. D. not an animal, plant, or fungus. 25. The part of a fungus that grows above ground, releases spores, and is sometimes edible is the A. hypha. B. chitin. C. mycelium. D. fruiting body.