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Issues and Debates Essays
Essay title: Describe and evaluate the nature–nurture debate in psychology.
(16 marks)
Amongst the most famous and consistently evoked debates
in psychology is that often summarised (and simplified) as
nature vs. nurture.
The nurture side of the debate suggests that our behaviour
is the product of environmental influences which are
caused by our interactions with the environment. These
interactions include our social and physical world and can
be referred to as ‘experience’. For example, it has been
suggested that attachment behaviours might be explained
as the result of classical and/or operant conditioning.
Nature refers to innate influences on human behaviour
and cognition (biological or genetic), i.e. to any
characteristics determined by genes, either at birth or
subsequently. Many psychological disorders, for example
schizophrenia, are said to have a genetic component.
Research has found concordances rates of 40% in
monozygotic twins and 7% in dizygotic twins, suggesting
that nature is a powerful contributing factor in
schizophrenia. Similarly, Huntingdon’s disease is a
genetically transmitted disorder that usually emerges
between the ages of 30 and 50, although it can appear at
any time since the genetic cause is innately present.
The term ‘nurture’
has been defined
While the example
is correct, it could
have been
developed further
to explain how
conditioning are
examples of
The term ‘nature’
has been defined
accurately and
research evidence
has been used
effectively to
enhance the
Research evidence
used to evaluate the
As psychological knowledge has deepened, the naturenurture debate has grown increasingly complex, to the
point where some psychologists believe that it is now a
meaningless distinction, and a pointless distraction from
more important matters. Plomin et al. (1977) have
suggested the idea of “passive influence” in which genetic
influences on parental behaviour create a particular
environment in which their children are raised. For
example, parents with a genetically influenced mental
illness (like schizophrenia) may create an unsettled home
environment. This suggests that disorders like
schizophrenia may be the result of indirect influences.
Furthermore, these ideas also demonstrate the possible
interaction between nature and nurture and demonstrate
that nature can actually affect nurture.
Other psychologists have suggested that the influence can
operate in the other direction. Research examining neural
© tutor2u AQA A Level Psychology Sample Essay (Edition 1)
Specification 7181, 7182 For Teaching from September 2015
A highly effective
evaluation point.
Issues and Debates Essays
plasticity suggests that life experiences (nurture) shape
our biology (nature). For example, Maguire et al. (2000)
investigated the hippocampi volume of London taxi
drivers. She found that this region of the brain was larger
in taxi drivers in comparison to non-taxi drivers.
Consequently, Maguire concluded that driving a taxi
(nurture) actually had an effect on the size of the
hippocampi (nature).
An excellent
evaluation point
drawing on
research evidence.
The concluding
sentence could have
Most psychologists now believe that we should consider
been developed
both nature and nurture and therefore adopt an
further to say why
interactionist approach. A celebrated example of the
this is a problem for
interactionist approach is the diathesis-stress model which the debate.
suggests that even though one may be born with a
biological vulnerability, for example, a gene for depression,
the depression will only develop if it is triggered by a
stressor in the environment. Research has demonstrated
An example of the
that not everyone with the gene for depression goes on to
develop it, suggesting instead that one’s nature is only
approach is used
expressed under certain conditions of nurture.
The interactionist approach has led to the development of
theories/models that have helped improve our
understanding and treatment of many physical and
psychological illnesses.
[502 Words]
Examiner style comments: Mark band 4:
This is a very clear and well-detailed essay which defines the key terms
succinctly and provides an interesting range of evaluation points. There were
two opportunities where the answer could have expanded or developed their
examples/explanations, however on the whole, this is good mark band 4 essay.
© tutor2u AQA A Level Psychology Sample Essay (Edition 1)
Specification 7181, 7182 For Teaching from September 2015