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Digestive System and Nutrition Assimilation
Dr. Jian Guan, PhD. RNC.
March 25, 2012
1. 消化系统 Digestive System
1. The digestive system:
digestive tract and
digestive gland.
2. Digestive tract: the upper
digestive tract and the
lower digestive tract.
1) Digestive Tract 消化道
1) Upper digestive tract上消化道
Upper digestive tract: the mouth, pharynx, esophagus
and stomach.
上消化道由口, 咽, 食道和胃组成。
• Cardia贲门: The top of the entrance of esophagus
• Pylorus幽门: The bottom part of the stomach, which
connects to the duodenum (the first section of the small
2) Lower Digestive Tract 下消化道
Lower digestive tract including the bowel and the
Small intestine小肠
Large intestine (colon)大肠
Appendix 盲肠(连接着阑尾)
Colon (including the ascending colon, transverse
colon, descending colon )结肠(包括升结肠,横结肠,
Anus 肛门
2) Digestion Process 消化
• The process of breaking large food
molecules down to smaller molecules for
use in the body.
• The digestive system prepares the food
so the cells can use it, absorb it , and
eliminate waste material, which cannot be
• The digestive system starts working even
before eating - Saliva唾液begins to form
when we smell a tasty food.
Digestive System at Work
1. It is busy at work on our chewed-up咀嚼food
for the next few hours - or sometimes days,
depending on what we‘ve eaten.
Chewing is the mechanical digestion that
breaks food into smaller pieces
2. As we chew the food, the body produces
enzymes酶to assist in the digestion process.
Salivary amylase ( 唾液淀粉酶)is an enzyme
produced by the salivary glands that begins
the chemical digestion of carbohydrates.
3. The process of digestion消化过程allows our
body to get the nutrients and energy营养和能
量 it needs from the food.
Functions of Stomach
1. to store the food储存的食物
2. to break down the food into a liquid
3. to slowly empty that liquid mixture into
the small intestine小肠
4. gastric enzymes胃酶help further digest
protein and kill bacteria细菌that might be
in the eaten food
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Gastric juice contains
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) – to denature
proteins and activate pepsin
Pepsin – an enzyme to digest protein
Gastric lipase – an enzyme to digest fat
Mucus – to protect the stomach lining
Chyme: semi-solid product of
mechanical and chemical digestion in the
Three Level of Digestion
1. Mechanical digestion机械消化:
Peristaltic contractions 蠕动收缩
squeeze and churn 挤压和翻腾 the
The stomach walls contain three
layers of smooth muscle平滑肌层
arranged in longitudinal, circular,
and oblique (diagonal) rows.
Three Level of Digestion
2. Chemical digestion化学消化:
The bolus mixes with strong digestive
juices that the stomach lining cells secrete
Stomach hydrochloric acid胃盐酸 helps
break down the bolus into a liquid called
chyme食糜. A thick mucus layer黏液层that
lines the stomach walls prevents the
stomach from digesting itself. When mucus
is limited, an ulcer 溃疡 may form.
Three Level of Digestion
3. Biological digestion生物消化:
Stomach enzyme胃酶 - Pepsin胃蛋白酶
breaks down most of the protein in the
Next, the chyme is slowly transported from
the pylorus幽门 through a sphincter and
into the small intestine where further
digestion and nutrient absorption occurs消
Solutions Poured Directly
into Stomach and Duodenum
Stomach Folds
Duodenal Sensors
Helicobacter pylori
• Helicobacter pylori
increases the risk of
stomach cancer
• Bacterium: Helicobacter pylori increases the
risk of stomach cancer
•Salt and salt-preserved foods are a cause of
stomach cancer (AICR)
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada
Small Intestine小肠
• The small intestine is a long tube
that's about 1.5 to 2 inches
diameter and 22 feet long. The
outside surface add up to about
200 square meters.
The small intestine breaks down the food mixture even
more for absorbing all the vitamins, minerals, proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats吸收所有的维生素,矿物质,蛋白
Food may spend as long as 4 hours in the small intestine
and will become a very thin, watery mixture液态混合物and
pass from the intestine into the blood 通过肠道进入血液.
Villi and Microvilli小肠绒毛微绒毛
• Inside the small intestine are thousands of finger-like
structures called VILLI 绒毛
• VILLI and microvilli微绒毛are
where all of the absorption of
nutrients, medications, chemicals,
& toxins into the blood stream
takes place吸收营养,药物,化学
• Everything that is absorbed
through the VILLI enters the blood
stream and lymphatics进入血液和
淋巴管, and is then carried &
distributed throughout the body
The Large Intestine大肠/结肠
• The large intestine is about 3 or 4
inches around and 5 feet long
• The colon is where the body gets
its last chance to absorb the water
and some minerals into the blood
• The waste废物product gets harder
as it keeps moving along until it
becomes a solid.
• The solid waste stays in the
rectum直肠until the next bowel
• Digestive disorders such as heartburn,
hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome,
and duodenal and stomach ulcers are
leading cause of hospitalization among
U.S. and Canadian adults aged 20-44
• More than 20 million Canadians suffer from
digestive disorders every year.
• Digestive disorders are common in children
as well as adults.
• At least one-third of U.S. adults experience
heartburn, and up to 28% of school
children experience constipation.
肠道炎症 Inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD): Crohn’s disease affects the small intestine
Interferes with absorption;Ulcerative colitis affects the
colon that results in bloody diarrhea
• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a persistent disorder of
the colon.
• Colon (or bowel) in people with IBS spasms leading to
painful cramps.
• Gas production, bloat, diarrhea and constipation are
common features of IBS.
• Mild IBS treated with low fat diet, counseling and fiber,
anti-diarrhea pills, and pain medications.
• Serious IBS responds to stress reduction, eating in
relaxed surroundings, anti-depressants, and drugs that
reduce colon muscle spasms.
• Most due to bacterial- or viral-contaminated food or
water, lack of immunizations against infectious
diseases, and vitamin A, zinc, and other nutrient
deficiencies that make children particularly
susceptible to diarrhea.
• Diarrhea depletes the body of fluid and nutrients
and produces malnutrition as well.
• Severe diarrhea leads to dehydration, heart and
kidney malfunction, and death.
• 3.5 million deaths from diarrhea diseases occur
each year to the world’s children five years of age
or under.
• Lactose maldigestion is caused by genetically
determined low production of enzyme that
digests lactose.
• People lacking this enzyme have free lactose in
their large intestine after consuming milk or milk
products containing lactose.
• Lactose in the large intestine = lactose
• Symptoms include bloated feeling and diarrhea
due to fluid accumulation, gas and abdominal
cramping caused by excretion of gas by
bacteria that digest lactose.
Complete intolerance for gluten, a protein
found in wheat, rye, barley.
Can damage the small intestine leading to
poor absorption of nutrients.
• Constipation and hemorrhoids are due to diets
with too little fiber.
• Adults need fiber intakes plus plenty of fluids.
Colon Infection病毒性肠炎
The red, somewhat ulcerated, ovoid
lesions caused by a parvovirus infection.
Colon and Cancer大肠健康与癌症
5. Digestive Gland 消化腺
gastric glands胃腺
intestinal glands肠腺
salivary glands唾液腺
The Functions of Liver肝的功能
• To metabolize macronutrients 营养素代谢,
• To synthesize and store vital biochemicals合成
• To eliminate a variety of unwanted chemicals
and toxins from the body消除有害化学品和身
In Absorption the end products of digestion are
taken up by lymphatic and circulatory systems for
distribution to cells of body.
• Blood carries toxins to the Liver, The liver
filters blood 肝脏过滤血液
• Excessive years of toxic filtration and the liver
may become impaired过多毒素过滤使肝脏受损
• When the liver becomes impaired, the toxin
produced by autointoxication will affect the
Lymphatic System自体中毒的毒素会影响淋巴系统
消化系统与全身各大系统紧密相连, 特别是循环系统
1) Circulatory System循环系统
The transport system for
your blood (heart, arteries and veins)
Before you have problems with your
circulatory system, like high blood pressure or
heart disease, you could have had problems
with - - -
• Digestion
• Assimilation
• Elimination
• Autointoxication
• Nutrient-rich contents of lymphatic system spill into
bloodstream near heart. Vessels from both systems
merge into one.
• Lymph and blood are sent to heart and then throughout
body via circulatory system.
• Circulatory system reaches every organ and tissue,
supplying cells with nutrients absorbed from food.
• pressure from the fluid
surrounding the capillary
forces these cells to separate
for a moment to allow lymph
to enter the capillary. Then
the cells of the wall close
together and force the fliud to
move forward.
Lymphatic System淋巴系统
• Runs along side of the circulatory
system. It has no pump: fluid is
moved passively during muscle
• When functioning correctly, the
Lymphatic System will dump its
waste排出废物into the colon where
it is trapped in mucus结肠粘液and
is excreted.
• However, when the colon and
liver are not working to full capacity,
the Lymphatic System will find
another place to release its waste
within the body.
3) Symptoms of Digestive Challenges
• Indigestion消化不良: upset stomach
• Esophageal reflux食管胃酸返流, heartburn:
stomach acid splashes up and irritates the
esophagus and can leave a sour or bitter taste
酸苦味in the person's mouth.
• Stomachache: pain or burning疼痛或灼痛
• Nausea or stomach sickness恶心
• Bloating腹胀
• Gas 排气
• Constipation便秘
Possible Symptoms of an
Unhealthy Colon & Liver
• Headaches头痛
• Fatigue & Dizziness疲劳与头晕
• Skin Disorders (eczema, psoriasis, acne)
• Body Odor & Bad Breath体臭和口臭
• Puffy Eyelids眼睑浮肿
• Difficulty Sleeping睡眠困难
• Hangover Feeling in the Morning早晨宿醉感
• Swelling/Edema肿胀/水肿
Long Term Results From Toxins
Leaking From The Colon
After years & years of running Toxic Blood
through our entire body, it is no wonder why
our health may start to deteriorate
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Arthritis/Gout关节炎/痛风 Cancer
High Cholesterol
{The list goes on}
The 2 Basic Principles
in Digestive Health
1. Feeding and nourishing the body
2. Cleansing and removing toxins from
the body
• The Canadian diet is full of white flour
and processed foods加工食品. As a
result, many Canadians are affected by
waste build up in their colons causing
• The production of toxic chemicals有毒
化学物by the colon bacteria结肠细菌,
and the continuous diffusion of these
toxins into the colon wall and ultimately
the blood stream, resulting in possible
damage to the colon wall as well as
distant sites in the body
Autointoxication and
Cause of Diseases
• Dr. Joel Robins is talking about cause of
the most health problems.
Real eye opener.
7. Nutrition Suggestions
Eat food raw 生食新鲜蔬果
Add a daily fiber supplement补充纤维
Add digestive enzymes消化酶
Add probiotics益生菌
Use a high quality herbal laxative and
liver cleanse高品质清肠清肝植物
6. Water
1-1)Raw Vegetables
• Raw Vegetables are mainly
carbohydrates that are high in
antioxidants, phytochemicals and fiber.
• Dark green vegetables will help to
alkalinize the body and are a great
source of calcium.
• Vegetables are also low in calories and
sugar so they feed your body with
nutrients without a lot of calories.
1-2) Fresh Fruits
Fresh raw fruits are loaded
with enzymes and when we
eat our foods raw, 30% of the
digestion is done for us by the food itself.
When we cook our food over 50 degrees, we
destroy the living enzymes and our body must
use its own enzymes for digestion robbing us
of energy.
Fiber 纤维素
• Helps maintain digestive health, helps cleanse colon
and promote colon health帮助维护消化系统健康,帮助
• Helps relieve occasional constipation, support normal
bowel regularity and fecal volume有助于缓解偶发性便秘
• Helps promote healthy growth of beneficial bacteria in
the colon促进结肠有益菌生长
• Supports healthy nutrient absorption健康营养吸收
• provides body with energy, without adding large
amounts of calories to diet, therefore, helps to control
weight gain.
• helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing risk of
high blood pressure and heart attack.
Amount of Fifer 纤维素需要量
• Fiber intake has been linked to reducing
the risk of heart disease, diabetes,
obesity and certain types of cancer.
• Daily fiber intake goal:
Males 19-50
38 g per day
Males 50+
30 g per day
Females 19-50
25 g per day
Females 50+
21 g per day
Table for Fiber-less and Fiber-rich food
Fiber-less food
Grams of fiber
per serving
Fiber-rich food
Grams of fiber
per serving
Meat or poultry
0 g per 75 g or 2.5oz Red kidney beans
12 g per ¾ cup
Chicken noodle soup 2 g per 1 cup
Lentil soup
12 g per 1 cup
Corn Flakes cereal 1 g per 1 cup (30g)
Fiber first/ bran buds 12 g per 1/3 cup (30g)
Chili con carne
4 g per 1 cup
Vegetarian chili
9 g per 1 cup
White pasta
3 g per 1.5 cups cooked Whole wheat pasta
8 g per 1.5 cups cooked
Chocolate chip muffin 2 g per muffin
Raisin Bran muffin
5 g per muffin
Apple juice
0.1 g per ½ cup
3 g per apple with skin
White rice
0.8 g per 1 cup cooked Brown rice
3 g per 1 cup cooked
Chips – regular
0.8 g per 10 chips (20g) Microwave popcorn
3 g per 2.5 cups (20g)
White bread
1 g per slice
100% whole-grain bread 2.2 g per slice
3) Digestive Enzymes消化酶
– The most vital nutritional discovery since
Vitamins and Minerals
– Digestive enzymes make it possible for us to
digest and absorb proteins, fats, carbohydrates,
starches and sugars, and structure them into
healthy bodies.
– Digestive enzymes have three main jobs:
1. digest protein蛋白酶消化蛋白质
2. digest carbohydrate淀粉酶消化碳水化合物
3. digest fat 脂肪酶消化脂肪
Benefits of Digestive Enzymes
The most vital nutritional discovery since Vitamins
and Minerals
Supports a healthy digestive tract:
• Promotes digestion有助消化
• Supports nutrient absorption养分吸收
• May help ease stomach upset缓解胃部不适
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels健康的胆
Supports healthy immune functions 免疫功能
Digestion of:
• Carbohydrates
– Amylase (saliva & pancreas)
– Sucrase, Lactase, Maltase (small intestine)
• Fat
– Lipase (pancreas & a little in saliva)
• Protein
– Pepsin (stomach)
– Trypsin (pancreas)
4)Probiotics 益生菌
What Are Probiotics?
“Live microorganisms which when
administered in adequate amount
confer a health benefit on the host.”
---World Health
“益生菌是活性微生物, 足够量的益生菌为人体
带来健康的好处。” --- 世界卫生组织
Benefits of Probiotics
Promotes healthy digestion 促进健康的消化
Supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract支持健康的
Promotes bowel regularity促进排便的规律性
Promotes stomach comfort促进胃舒适
Promotes colon health促进结肠的健康
Supports a normal immune response支持正常的免
Promotes a healthy immune system促进健康的免
5-1) Herbal laxative清肠植物
Aloe Vera
• Health benefits including aiding digestion
and supporting the immune system.
• Supports a healthy digestive tract and promotes
regularity within the bowel.
• Has more than 200 nutrients, enzymes, vitamins
and minerals, including 13 of the 17 essential
minerals needed for good nutrition.
• Maintains cardiovascular health
• Supports a healthy immune system
5-2) Herbal Liver Cleanse 清肝植物
• Promotes liver detoxification, healthy glutathione
levels and normal cellular regeneration.
• help detoxify your body and rid your body of
impurities and toxins that can build up over time.
• Supports normal liver
detoxification activity
• Promotes normal cell
cycle activity
• Helps maintain healthy
glutathione levels
Insufficient water intake is a primary cause
of constipation. Constipation then causes
an imbalance in bacteria, promotes
inflammation of the intestinal lining, and
can even lead to the absorption of larger
molecules, a condition known as intestinal
Case Study:
Nutritional supplements for Chronic gastritis
Vitamin B12: Chronic gastritis can be caused by vitamin
B12 deficiency. 维生素B12缺乏引起慢性胃炎
Vitamin E: increased mucin protect the gastric mucosa and
reduce pain 增加粘蛋白的产生保护胃粘膜和止痛
Vitamin A: protect the gastric mucosa 保护胃粘膜
Vitamin C: has a protective effect on the stomach.
胃液中保持正常的VC 含量,对胃有保护作用,有效地发挥胃
Calcium: reduce the acid concentration, promote gastric
motility and digestion 钙降低胃酸,促进胃蠕动,助消化。
Aloe: Aloe juice has analgesic effects and to help
rehabilitation 芦荟汁有止痛和帮助康复作用
Enzyme: help digesting food and reduce inflammation
蛋白质分解酵素两餐之间服用可分解残留在肠中的食物, 减
Spirulina: a high quality alkaline food, adjust gastric acid
Royal jelly: regulate gastrointestinal function 蜂王浆调节胃