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RIT 221-230:
Recognize sentences in which the subject of the sentence is the “doer” of the action
RIT 211-220:
• Determine the correct verb form to use in a sentence; Identify the verb form not used correctly
in a sentence; Recognize verbs that have the same form for both present and past tense;
Understand that there are names for various parts of speech; identify which word in a sentence
is the verb; Determine which verb to use in a sentence in which the auxiliary verb is separated
from the main verb; Understand the meaning of a complex verb phrase; Determine which verb
form is correctly used in a complex sentence
RIT 201-210:
• Understand the tense and meaning of verbs, replace with similar verbs of the same tense and
meaning; Determine the correct verb tense to use in a sentence; Determine the correct verb form
to use in a sentence: irregular verbs, verbs used with auxiliary verbs; Identify present tense verbs;
Determine the correct verb phrase to use in a sentence
RIT 191-200:
• Identify the past tense of a verb; Determine which verb to use in a question that has an auxiliary
verb at the beginning of the sentence; Recognize or determine the correct use of regular past tense
verbs; Determine the correct verb to use in a sentence with auxiliary verbs; Tell the meaning of
“past tense of a verb”; Determine the correct verb to use to tell future actions
RIT 181-190:
• Recognize a sentence that tells past action or events; Identify the correct past tense form of
common irregular verbs; Recognize or determine the correct use of common irregular past tense
verbs; Recognize or determine the correct use of past tense helping or auxiliary verbs; Determine
the correct use of a verb phrase; Recognize the correct use of gerunds; Recognize the correct use
of regular past tense verbs; Determine the correct verb tense to use in a sentence; Recognize or
determine the correct use of future tense verbs and verb phrases; Identify which word is a verb
RIT 171-180:
• Recognize the correct use of present tense verbs (will ____); Recognize the correct use of common
irregular past tense verbs; Recognize past tense verbs used correctly in sentences; Recognize the
correct use of present progressive verbs (is __ing); Determine the correct verb form to use in a
sentence; Distinguish which sentence tells past tense; Recognize the correct use of a past tense
helping or auxiliary verb; Identify the correct irregular past tense form of a verb
RIT 161-170:
• Recognize the correct use of past tense verbs (add –ed); Recognize the correct use of past
progressive (was __ing); Recognize the correct use of common irregular past tense verbs
RIT 151-160:
• No skills listed
RIT Below 150:
No skills listed