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Your task is to make a flashcard for each of these and then STUDY them!
Put the information before the colon on the front of the card, information after the colon on
the back of the card.
Body Systems
1. Integumentary System: your skin, hair and nails protect underlying tissue
2. Muscular System: your skeletal muscles move your bones
3. Skeletal System: your bones provide a frame to support and protect body parts, also aid in
movement and make blood cells
4. Cardiovascular System: your heart pumps blood through all your blood vessels
5. Nervous System: receives and sends electrical messages from your brain and spinal cord
throughout the nerves in your body.
6. Digestive System: breaks down the food you eat into nutrients that can be absorbed in your blood
7. Respiratory System: your lungs absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide
8. Urinary System: removes wastes from the blood and regulates your bodies fluids.
Genetics (you should know how to create a punnett square to answer some of these questions)
9. The instructions for traits are found on : genes
10. If you cross two rabbits that have the genotype Bb, how many possible genotypes can be found in
the offspring?: three
11. How many chromosomes are present in a normal sex cell? : 23
12. An organisms appearance: phenotype
13. Passing of traits from parent to offspring: heredity
14. Different combinations of the same gene: allele
15. An organisms inherited combination of alleles: genotype
16. Two of the same gene (both dominant or both recessive): homozygous
17. Two different genes (one dominant and one recessive) : heterozygous
18. This type of reproduction creates offspring that is an exact copy of the parent: asexual
19. This type of reproduction creates offspring that share some traits with each parent but are not
identical to either parent: sexual reproduction
20. When the weaker gene is hidden by the stronger gene: Complete dominance
21. When neither gene is stronger than the other – they blend to create a third phenotype:
Incomplete dominance
22. Which scientist suggested that genes are found on chromosomes? : Walter Sutton
23. Which scientist discovered the principles of heredity by studying pea plants?: Gregor Mendel
24. Three basic needs for animal survival: food, defense against predators, ability to reproduce
25. Structural Adaptations: a body part that aids in survival (fins, gills, teeth, claws)
26. Behavioral Adaptation: an action that aids in survival (lions stay in packs)
27. Physiological Adaptation: life processes that aid in survival (dolphins have adapted to hold their
breath for long periods of time because they live under water)
28. Natural Selection: the process by which organisms with certain traits survive and reproduce at a
higher rate without these traits.
Energy Cycles:
29. Radiant energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy by the process of: photosynthesis
30. What is produced by photosynthesis? Oxygen, glucose, ATP
31. What is produced by cellular respiration? Carbon dioxide, water, ATP
32. Photosynthesis means: “made by light”
33. Equation for photosynthesis:
34. Equation for cellular respiration:
35. How do photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together? Photosynthesis in plants produces
oxygen and glucose that are needed by animal cells. Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide,
water, and ATP which are needed by plant cells.
36. Which organelle does photosynthesis occur in? : Chloroplast
37. Which organelle does cellular respiration occur in? : Mitochondria
38. Our most important energy resource: Sun
39. The food you eat gives you __________________ energy that allows you to walk, run, and move:
40. What does the law of conservation of energy say? : Energy is neither created or destroyed, it
simply changes from one form to another.
Food Chains/ Food Webs:
41. Simple diagram that shows energy flow from one organism to another: Food Chain
42. Complex diagram showing energy flow in a large environment: Food Web
43. A heterotroph is another word for : consumer
44. An autotroph is another word for : producer
45. These organisms eats both plants and animals: Omnivore
46. Eats only plants: Herbivore
47. Eats only animals: Carnivore
48. Absorbs any dead material and breaks it down into simple nutrients: Decomposer
49. How much energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next in an energy pyramid? : 10%
50. When looking at a food chain, which way do the arrows point? : In the direction of the energy
transfer (ex: from cricket to bird because bird gets energy from eating the cricket)
51. An ecosystem consists of; a community of organisms and its abiotic environment
52. Components of a desert include: a hot dry climate, deep rooted plants, animal that are mostly
active at night
53. Marine ecosystems: contain he largest animals in the world, exist in all ocean zones, and include
environment where organisms survive without light.
54. The most biologically diverse biome is the : Rain forest
55. This type of tree has leaves that change colors in the fall: deciduous trees
56. This type of tree produces seeds in cones and do not lose their leaves in autumn: coniferous trees
57. Deciduous trees are able to conserve water in winter by: losing their leaves
58. Coniferous trees are able to conserve water because of: the waxy coating on their needlelike
59. Biotic: part of the environment made up of organisms and the organic matter they produce.
60. Abiotic: physical or non-living part of the environment including water, rocks, light, and
61. The orderly changes an ecosystem goes through as it develops or regrows: ecological succession
62. When a community of living organisms starts to live in an area that did not have organisms
before: primary succession
63. The first species to live in an area (ex: lichen): pioneer species
64. When a new plant community begins to grow in an area where soil is already present: secondary
65. The natural breakdown of rock into smaller and smaller pieces : weathering
66. The breakdown of rock into smaller pieces by physical means: mechanical weathering
67. The chemical breakdown of rocks and minerals into new substances: chemical weathering
68. Oxidation is an example of what type of weathering: chemical weathering
69. Abrasion is an example of what type of weathering: mechanical weathering
70. The process by which wind and water move soil and sediment from one place to another: erosion
71. The geological process by which sediment is added to a landform (ex: sand dune): deposition
Eco-regions of Texas:
72. How many eco-regions are in Texas?: 11
73. Which eco-region of Texas do we live in?: Cross Timbers region of Oak Woods & Prairies