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Name: ________________________________
Date: ___________________
Period: ________
Living Environment Unit 11 Body Systems and Homeostasis Study Guide
Due Date: _______________ Test Date: ___________
Unit 11 Important Topics:
I. Aim # 59- Cell Organization
II. Aim # 60- Body Systems
III. Aim # 61- Relating Body Systems and Organelles
IV. Aim # 62- Making Connections Lab
V. Aim # 63- Immune System
VI. Aim # 64- Dynamic Equilibrium and Feedback Mechanisms
Aim # 59- Cell Organization
Match each level to its meaning:
____________ Organ
____________ Cell
____________ Organ System
____________ Tissue
____________ Organism
6) List the four characteristics of ALL LIVING THINGS
A group of cells
The basic unit of life
Any living thing
A group of organs
A group of tissues
Aim # 60- Body Systems
7) Homeostasis: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Directions: Match the correct body system with its function.
8) _____________This system provides support, protection, and movement for everyday life
9) ____________ This system is responsible for breathing in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide
via the lungs.
10) ______________ This system transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carbon dioxide
and wastes away from the cells.
11) ______________ This system digests and extracts nutrients from your food.
12) ______________ This system is the control center of the body.
A. Respiratory System
B. Endocrine System
C. Excretory System
D. Skeletal System
E. Muscular System
13) ______________ This system produces hormones which regulate mood, growth, and
development, tissue function, metabolism, and reproductive processes.
14) ______________ This system is responsible for moving your bones so you can move.
F. Digestive System
G. Circulatory System
15) ______________ This system removes waste products from your body, by filtering your blood
at the kidneys. This process is also known as excretion.
H. Nervous System
Body System Facts
16) At the lungs, which gas does the blood drop off so it can be released from the body? _____________________
17) At the lungs, which gas does the blood pick up to send to the cells? ___________________
18) At the cells, which gas does the blood pick up to bring to the lungs? ______________________
19) At the cells, which gas does the blood drop off so the cells can produce ATP? ____________________
20) Your cells use oxygen to make something very important that your body needs to survive. Identify the molecule created.
21) Your digestive system breaks down your food. What does your body EXTRACT from your food and uses in order to make
energy? _________________________
Aim # 61- Relating Body Systems and Organelles
23) Identify the two body systems that help you move?
_______________________________________, _______________________________
24) Identify the two body systems that help your cells to receive nutrients like glucose so you can perform cellular respiration to
make energy (ATP) ?
_______________________________________, _______________________________
25) Identify the two body systems that bring oxygen into the body and transport it to your cells so you can perform cellular
respiration to make energy (ATP).
_______________________________________, _______________________________
Identify the two body systems that identify when your body temperature lowers and then shivers to keep you warm.
_______________________________________, _______________________________
27) Identify the two body systems are responsible for the reproductive events that provide the opportunity
for pregnancy?
_______________________________________, _______________________________
28) Directions: Fill out the chart below. Use the functions of the cell organelles below as a review. You may use a cell organelle more than
Comparing The Function of Organelles in Single Celled Organisms to the Organ Systems in Multicellular Organisms
Regulation and
Organelle in a Single Cell
Body System in a Multicellular Organism
Nervous system
Transport of
Gas Exchange
Aim #62 – Making Connections Lab (Clothespin/Pulse Rate)
b) Identify one specific molecule that will increase in concentration in the blood as a result of increased activity of the circulatory
system during physical exercise.
Aim # 63- Immune System
33) Explain the function of the immune system. ___________________________________________________________________
34) Pathogens: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Give an example of 2 types of pathogens:
35) Allergy: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
36) Name the type of cell that patrols your blood looking for invaders, recognizes them, and then kills them: __________________
37) When an individual receives an organ transplant, explain why they receive special drugs and WHY these drugs often cause the
patient to become vulnerable to diseases:
38) The immune system protects against foreign substances and even some cancer. Explain how the immune system functions.
In your answer be sure to:
Identify one way the immune system fights pathogens.
Identify the substance in a vaccine that stimulates the immune system.
Describe the response of the immune system to the vaccine.
Identify one disease that damages the immune system and state how it affects this system
Aim #64 – Dynamic Equilibrium and Feedback Mechanisms
39) Dynamic Equilibrium: _________________________________________________________________________________________
40) Fill out the response for each change (stimulus).
Responses to Environmental Change
Change (stimulus)
Many plants
Air is hot and dry.
Leaf pores (stomata) __________________________________ to
conserve ________________________________.
Seasons change.
Monarch butterflies
Person’s temperature increases
The person begins to ____________________________, which cools
Down the body.
41) Identify an example of a positive feedback mechanism.
42) Shivering and maintaining blood sugar levels are both examples of negative feedback mechanisms. Choose one of these examples
and explain how these mechanisms maintain homeostasis.
In your response include:
What causes the feedback mechanism to begin (the stimulus)?
What does your body do to restore homeostasis?
When is the mechanism turned off?
When is the mechanism turned back on?