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Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) with or
without an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
(CRT/ICD) for the Treatment of Heart Failure
Provider Data Collection Tool Based on Medical Policy SURG.00064
Policy Last Review Date:
11/13 2014
Policy Effective Date:
Provider Tool Effective Date: 11/17 2014
Individual’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Insurance Identification Number:
Individual’s Phone Number:
Ordering Provider Name & Specialty:
Provider ID Number:
Office Address:
Office Phone Number:
Office Fax Number:
Rendering Provider Name & Specialty:
Provider ID Number:
Office Address:
Office Phone Number:
Office Fax Number:
Facility Name:
Facility ID Number:
Facility Address:
Date/Date Range of Service:
Place of Service:
Service Requested (CPT if known):
Diagnosis Code(s) (if known):
Please check all that apply to the individual:
Request is for FDA-approved biventricular pacemaker for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT)
Request is for a FDA-approved ICD, in combination with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT/ICD) (*** If checked,
you must complete and submit this document as well as the Clinical Data Submission Tool - SURG.00033 Implantable
Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) ***)
Individual has NYHA functional Class II, Class III, or ambulatory Class IV symptoms, secondary to heart failure who
remain symptomatic despite recommended, optimal medical therapy
Individual has a left bundle branch block (LBBB) morphology and QRS duration of 120-149 ms
Individual has any QRS morphology and QRS duration greater than or equal to 150 ms
Individual’s left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) less than or equal to 35%
Individual is in sinus rhythm.
Individual is in atrial fibrillation and AV nodal ablation or pharmacologic rate control will allow near 100% ventricular
The NYHA functional status and ejection fraction were measured after a 3 month trial of optimal medical therapy
NOTE to provider: Optimal medical therapy, now referred to as “Guideline-directed medical therapy” (GDMT), may include
use of the following medications either individually or in combination, unless contraindicated: angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers, digoxin, diuretics, and aldosterone antagonists, when appropriate.
Other (Please list):
Other (Please list):
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Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) with or
without an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
(CRT/ICD) for the Treatment of Heart Failure
Provider Data Collection Tool Based on Medical Policy SURG.00064
Policy Last Review Date:
11/13 2014
Policy Effective Date:
Provider Tool Effective Date: 11/17 2014
Please classify the individual according to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) definitions:
CLASS I – Individual with cardiac disease but without resulting limitation of physical activity; ordinary physical activity
does not cause undue fatigue, palpitation , dyspnea, or anginal pain; symptoms only occur on severe exertion
CLASS II – Individual has cardiac disease resulting in slight limitation of physical activity; they are comfortable at rest;
ordinary physical activity (e.g., moderate physical exertion, such as carrying shopping bags up several flights of stairs) results
in fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea, or anginal pain.
CLASS III – Individual has cardiac disease resulting in marked limitation of physical activity; they are comfortable at rest;
less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain.
CLASS IV – Individual has cardiac disease resulting in the inability to carry on any physical activity without discomfort;
symptoms of heart failure or the anginal syndrome may be present even at rest; if any physical activity is undertaken,
discomfort is increased.
This request is being submitted:
Post–Claim. If checked, please attach the claim or indicate the claim number
I attest the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the health plan or its
designees may perform a routine audit and request the medical documentation to verify the accuracy of the information
reported on this form.
Name and Title of Provider or Provider Representative Completing Form and Attestation (Please Print)*
*The attestation fields must be completed by a provider or provider representative in order for the tool to be accepted
Anthem UM Services, Inc., a separate company, is the licensed utilization review agent that performs utilization
management services on behalf of your health benefit plan or the administrator of your health benefit plan.
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