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Name______________________________________Hour_________Date __________
Types of Reproduction
Purpose of Reproduction
To make sure a _________________________________________can continue.
Definition: ________________________ is the process by which an organism produces others
of its same kind.
Essential Questions
What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? (Mitosis & Meiosis)
What types of organisms produce sexually? Asexually?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to each type of reproduction?
What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? (Mitosis & Meiosis)
The process of ______________________________occurs when a cell copies its genetic
information once and then divides once.
The result is two identical cells with ______________chromosomes each (for humans).
Asexual Reproduction
Examples: Hydra, spider plant, flowers, bees, sea star, yeast cells, strawberry
____________________parent. The production of offspring by one parent without sperm and an
egg joining OR without a mate.
AKA ___________________________________.
A new organism is produced from ________________________organism.
No sex cells
Offspring produced by ___________________________________________________________
Offspring ________________________________to parent (same DNA). Genetically alike.
Several types in plants and ___________________________________________
Types of Asexual Reproduction
Fission (Binary fission)
Process by which a new, duplicate plant or animal begins to form at the side of the parent and
enlarges until an individual is created. Small bud grows out of parent cell.
Bud breaks off and ___________________________________________
Two different sized cells made (with identical _______________________)
In yeast and hydra
Very common in ____________________________
Repair/ grow lost ___________________________________
The ability to restore lost or damaged tissues, ____________________ or limbs.
Left over cells divide to make more cells
It is a common feature in invertebrates, like worms and ________________________________
Binary Fission
_____________________________________ divides in half
Becoming two by division of the complete organism.
2 identical _____________________________________cells produced
Daughter cells are half the parent’s size
Daughter cells grow, then divide too
A type of cell division.
In _______________________________________________
Meiosis: Sexual Reproduction
The process of meiosis occurs when the______________________ information is copied once
and the cell divides twice.
The result is four sex cells each with 23 chromosomes rather than _______________________
Sexual Reproduction
Examples: Humans, mammals, flowers, dogs, birds, whales, bees, fish
Requires two sex cells – _________________________________
The egg and sperm join to form an entirely new organism
__________________________________________from the parent organism
Each new gamete cell contains only __________________ of the number of chromosomes of
the parent cell.
Sexual Reproduction
Sex cells: sperm and egg
Sperm and egg join= fertilization
_____________________________________________look different from parent (mixed DNA)
Humans, some plants, mammals, fish, reptiles, etc.
Some Organisms do Both: Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
most plants that produce ______________________________(sexual reproduction) can also
reproduce asexually by things like cuttings or runners
this gives them an advantage for _________________________________
What are the advantages and disadvantages to each type of reproduction?
Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction
Lack of genetic _________________________________.
Few will survive environmental____________________________________________.
Harmful ________________________________________________can occur and passed on
Advantages of Asexual Reproduction
Does NOT require a __________________________________________
Takes less time to reproduce offspring since parent and offspring are genetically
Can adapt to same environment.
Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
Having to get an egg and sperm together for ________________________________________
Takes time for __________________________________to grow and develop until they
Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
Each offspring receives genetic material from two parents leading to genetic
_________________________ for offspring.
____________________________________________ variation helps with environmental stress.
Which is Better?
Asexual Reproduction
does not require special cells or a lot of _____________________________________
can produce offspring _______________________________________
in a stable environment creates large, thriving population
limited ability to adapt
face massive die-off if environment changes
Sexual Reproduction
lots of variation within a ______________________________________________
able to live in a variety of environmental settings
able to ___________________________________________ to changes in the
needs time & ____________________________________________
produce small _______________________________________________
Summary: Again!
Asexual Reproduction
involves only 1 parent
offspring genetically identical to parent
involves regular body cells
its quick
Sexual Reproduction
involves 2 parents
offspring genetic mix of both parents
involves specialized sex cells
its slow
________________________________________ results in offspring that are genetically
identical to the parent organism
_______________________________________ results in offspring that are genetically different
from the parent organisms