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Chapter 27
Lecture 10
Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Forces
— Stay tuned for update on TA for 11am and 12pm Discussion Sections
— Exam next Thursday (will cover through Ch 26)
— Ch 26 HW assigned today (due next week)
Brief History of Magnetism
13th century BC: Chinese used compasses
• Possibly an invention of Arabic or Indian origin
800 BC: Greeks
• Discovered magnetite (Fe3O4) attracts pieces of iron
1600: William Gilbert
• Expanded experiments with magnetism to a variety of materials and
suggested Earth was a magnet
1819: Hans Christian Oersted
• An electric current in a wire deflected a nearby compass needle:
connects Electricity and Magnetism
1820’s: Faraday and Henry
• A changing magnetic field creates an electric field
1820’s: Maxwell and his equations
• A changing electric field produces a magnetic field.
Magnetic Poles
Every magnet, regardless of its
shape, has two poles
➡ Called north and south poles
̣ Like poles repel
• N-N or S-S
̣ Unlike poles attract
• N-S
The force between two poles varies as the inverse
square of the distance between them
Magnetic Poles
A single magnetic pole has never
been isolated.
̣ No matter how many times a
permanent magnetic is cut in
two, each piece always has a N
& S pole
A magnet can attract items that are not themselves
• Analogous to electrostatic attraction of charge
objects to neutral objects via polarization
• “Ferromagnets” (like Iron) can get induced to
become magnets in the presence of a strong
magnetic field.
Magnetic Poles, cont.
The name “pole” comes from the
way a magnet behaves in the
Earth’s magnetic field
If a bar magnet is suspended so
that it can move freely, it will
● The magnetic north pole
points toward the Earth’s north
geographic pole. This implies
● Earth’s north geographic
pole is a magnetic south
● Earth’s south geographic
pole is a magnetic north
Magnetism &
First evidence of relationship between magnetism and moving charges
discovered in 1820 by Hans Oersted. Current => Magnetic field.
Similar experiments by Ampere, Faraday and Henry discovered that a
moving magnet near a conducting loop can cause a current in the loop.
Ultimately, Maxwell showed that electricity and magnetism are different
manifestations of the same physical laws
•“Maxwell’s Equations” for electromagnetism
Magnetism &
First evidence of relationship between magnetism and moving charges
discovered in 1820 by Hans Oersted. Current => Magnetic field.
Similar experiments by Ampere, Faraday and Henry discovered that a
moving magnet near a conducting loop can cause a current in the loop.
Ultimately, Maxwell showed that electricity and magnetism are different
manifestations of the same physical laws
•“Maxwell’s Equations” for electromagnetism
Magnetic Fields
Reminder: an electric field surrounds any
electric charge
The region of space surrounding any moving
electric charge also contains a magnetic
A magnetic field also surrounds a permanent
Example Magnetic Fields for Common Sources
Magnetic Field
̣ Magnetic field is a vector: B
Direction is given by the direction
a north pole of a compass needle
points in that location
̣ Magnetic field lines can be used to
show how the field lines, as traced
out by a compass, would look
The compass can be used to trace
the field lines
̣ The lines outside the magnet point
from the North pole to the South pole
Iron filings in the figures show
the pattern of the magnetic field
The direction of the field is the
direction the north pole of a
compass would point
Remember N of compass would be
rotated towards S of magnet
Force on a Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field
! !
FB = qv × B
Direction: Force is perpendicular to the plane
defined by the velocity and the magnetic field.
Force on a Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field
! !
FB = qv × B
Velocity of
Direction: Force is perpendicular to the plane
defined by the velocity and the magnetic field.
Direction of Force: Right-Hand Rule
! !
FB = qv × B
cross products review
At a certain instant, a proton
is moving in the direction i
through a magnetic field in the
–k direction. What is the
direction of the magnetic force
exerted on the proton?
! !
FB = qv × B
The force is zero.
At a certain instant, a proton
is moving in the direction i
through a magnetic field in the
–k direction. What is the
direction of the magnetic force
exerted on the proton?
! !
FB = qv × B
The force is zero.
Quiz: Magnetic Force I
A positive charge enters a uniform magnetic field as shown. what is
the direction of the magnetic force ?
D.Into the page
E.Out of the page
Quiz: Magnetic Force I
A positive charge enters a uniform magnetic field as shown. what is
the direction of the magnetic force ?
D.Into the page
E.Out of the page
The charge is moving parallel to the magnetic field, so it does not
experience any magnetic force.
Electrons are traveling at
in a magnetic field:
What is the magnetic force exerted on the electrons (magnitude and direction)?
" !"
F = qv × B
Electrons are traveling at
in a magnetic field:
What is the magnetic force exerted on the electrons (magnitude and direction)?
" !"
F = qv × B
Do we expect the force to be non-zero?
Electrons are traveling at
in a magnetic field:
What is the magnetic force exerted on the electrons (magnitude and direction)?
" !"
F = qv × B
Do we expect the force to be non-zero?
Which direction?
Electrons are traveling at
in a magnetic field:
What is the magnetic force exerted on the electrons (magnitude and direction)?
" !"
F = qv × B
Do we expect the force to be non-zero?
Which direction?
x-comp. of velocity “feels” y-comp. of B, force in z direction
y-comp. of velocity “feels” (-) x-comp. of B, force in z direction
both of those forces point in -z direction
Electrons are traveling at
in a magnetic field:
What is the magnetic force exerted on the electrons (magnitude and direction)?
" !"
F = qv × B
F = qe ⎜ 2.0 ×10 6
3.0 ×10 6
k̂ ⎞
0 ⎟
0 ⎟⎟
) (
= qe ⎡ 0 î + 0 ĵ + ⎡⎣ −0.15 × 2.0 ×10 6 − 0.03 × 3.0 ×10 6 ⎤⎦ k̂ ⎤
= qe ⎡⎣ −0.3 ×10 6 − 0.09 ×10 6 ⎤⎦ k̂
=-qe ⎡⎣ 0.39 ×10 6 ⎤⎦ k̂
Differences Between E and B Fields
̣ Direction
of force
The electric force acts along the direction of the E
(electric) field ~
F = qE
The magnetic force acts perpendicular to the B
(magnetic) field
̣ Motion
F~ = q~v ⇥ B
The electric force acts on a charged particle regardless
of whether the particle is moving
The magnetic force acts on a charged particle only
when the particle is in motion
A charged particle moves an infinitesimal distance, ds, under the
influence of a magnetic field (and no other force). What is the
work done by the magnetic field (B)? (FB below is the magnetic
A: q B v ds
B: - FB ds
C: |q| B v ds
D: 0
E: None of the above because it depends on the angle
between the velocity and the magnetic field.
! !
FB = qv × B
A charged particle moves an infinitesimal distance, ds, under the
influence of a magnetic field (and no other force). What is the
work done by the magnetic field (B)? (FB below is the magnetic
A: q B v ds
d~s = ~v dt
dW = F~ · d~s
B: - FB ds
C: |q| B v ds
F~B ? ~v
D: 0
E: None of the above because it depends on the angle
between the velocity and the magnetic field.
! !
FB = qv × B
Work done by Magnetic Fields
W = ∫ a FB • d s =
! !
FB = qv × B
€While electric force does work in displacing a charged
particle, the magnetic force associated with a steady
magnetic field does no work when a particle is
This is because the force is perpendicular to
the displacement
Work done by Magnetic Fields: KE
̣ The
kinetic energy of a charged particle moving
through a magnetic field cannot be altered by the
magnetic field alone.
̣ When a charged particle moves with a given
velocity through a magnetic field, the field can
alter the direction of the velocity, but not the
speed or the kinetic energy
KE = ½ m v2
v2 depends only on speed,
not direction!
Units of Magnetic Field
The SI unit of magnetic field is the tesla (T)
! !
FB = qv × B
N =C T
N s
= 2
m C mA m
A non-SI commonly used unit is a gauss (G)
1 T = 104 G
€● Earth’s field is about 0.5 G (5e-5 T) but varies over the
When vectors are
perpendicular to the page,
dots and crosses are used
The dots represent the arrows
coming out of the page
The crosses represent the
arrows going into the page
Quiz: Magnetic Force II
The figure shows a negative charge moving to the right, and a uniform magnetic
field pointing into the screen.
Which path does the charge follow?
A.Path 1
B.Path 2
C.Path 3
D.Not enough information to determine
! !
FB = qv × B
Quiz: Magnetic Force II
The figure shows a negative charge moving to the right, and a uniform magnetic
field pointing into the screen.
Which path does the charge follow?
A.Path 1
B.Path 2
C.Path 3
D.Not enough information to determine
! !
FB = qv × B
q < 0, so “qV” points left
Now… what path will the particle travel if we keep watching….?
Charged particle in uniform magnetic field
Consider a particle moving in an
external uniform magnetic field
If its initial velocity is
perpendicular to the field then
the force is always directed
toward the center of a circular
The magnetic force causes a
centripetal acceleration,
changing the direction of the
velocity of the particle
Circular Motion of a
Charged Particle in B field
Equating the magnetic and
centripetal forces:
FB = qvB =
mv radius
p depends on velocity
= x mass (momentum),
Solving for radius r =
charge, and B-field strength
qB qB
Period T = 2πr = 2π mv = 2π m
Angular €
v qB
v qB
ω= =
r m