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Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Period: _________
Unit 4 – Meteorology Review (CH 22, 24, 25)
Test Details
65-70 multiple choice questions (two points each)
25-35 point short answer test (critical thinking questions, layers of the atmosphere, etc)
Test worth about 150 points
22.1 Characteristics of the Atmosphere
1. What are two functions of the Earth’s atmosphere?
2. What gases make-up the Earth’s atmosphere?
3. How is nitrogen removed from the air?
4. What 6 ways can oxygen be removed from the atmosphere?
5. How does the amount of oxygen made by plants compare to the amount of oxygen consumed by
6. What are three factors that affect the percentage of water I the atmosphere?
7. Compare an atom of oxygen to an atom of ozone.
8. What purpose does the ozone serve?
9. What are particulates, and how do large and small particulates differ (besides their size!)
10. As altitude increases what happens to atmospheric pressure? Why?
11. How is pressure measured?
12. What causes the distinctive pattern of temperature changes with increasing altitude?
13. What is an air pollutant?
14. What is a temperature inversion?
15. What is smog?
22.2 Solar Energy and the Atmosphere
16. How is Earth’s atmosphere heated? How is this accomplished?
17. What form of radiation can people see? Which can’t we see?
18. How does radiation travel and at what speed does it travel?
19. What molecules are in the thermosphere and mesosphere and what do they absorb?
20. What affect does U.V. rays have in the stratosphere?
21. What absorbs infrared radiation in the troposphere?
22. What happens to solar energy that reaches the Earth’s surface.
23. What human activity may have caused the average temperature of the atmosphere to increase in
recent years?
24. Why are the warmest hours of the day usually mid- to late afternoon?
22.3 Atmospheric Circulation
25. What causes the movement of air worldwide?
26. Where do high and low pressure regions form?
27. Which points travel further and faster in a day; points near the poles or points near the equator?
28. Why does air follow a curved path?
29. What determines the path along which the Coriolis effect deflects moving objects?
30. How does the speed of an object relate to the Coriolis effect?
31. What are prevailing winds?
32. How did the trade winds get their name?
33. What are fronts and how do they form?
34. Define jet stream and describe two different kinds.
35. Differentiate between doldrums and horse latitudes.
36. Define the term breeze and list and describe 4 different kinds of breezes.
24.1 & 24.2 Air Masses and Fronts
37. What is weather and what might it include?
38. In regards to both pressure and the polar regions, how does air move?
39. What happens when air pressure differences are small?
40. How are air masses classified? List four kinds of air masses, the type of air they have and where
they form.
41. What weather conditions do continental air masses generally bring when they move into a region?
42. How do air masses that form over the ocean differ from continental air masses?
43. What weather conditions do maritime air masses generally bring when they travel to a new
44. What is a front and what determines the kind of front that forms?
45. What is severe weather?
46. What weather events would be considered severe weather?
47. During a thunderstorm, what caused lightning and thunder?
48. What category of severe weather is considered to be the greatest storms on Earth?
49. How are hurricanes formed? What speed can hurricanes obtain? How are hurricanes measured?
50. During a hurricane what occurs that can cause damage?
51. What severe weather is classified as the shortest-lived, smallest, but most violent?
52. How are tornadoes created? What speed can the wind exceed during a tornado?
53. Where and what is Tornado Alley?
25.1 Factors That Affect Climate
54. How are climate and weather different?
55. What two characteristics are mostly used to describe climate?
56. What three factors have the greatest influence on both temperature and precipitation?
57. How does latitude influence the average annual temperature and precipitation?
58. What two factors affect the amount of solar energy that an area receives?
59. Why does land heat faster than water?
60. What is ENSO?
61. How does topography affect temperature? Explain the rain shadow effect.
25.2 Climate Zone
62. Name three tropical climates. What do they have in common?
63. Name five middle-latitude climates. What do they have in common?
64. Name three polar climates. What do they have in common?
65. What influences microclimates?
66. What effects do large bodies of water, such as lakes, have on a climate?
25.3 Climate Change
66. What is a climatologist?
67. How do climatologists study climate?
68. What are 4 potential causes of climate change?
69. Explain how each of the potential causes affects temperature and/or precipitation.
70. What is global warming?
71. What effects could global warming have on the Earth?
72. Why might the sea-level rise?
73. How can people reduce CO2 in the atmosphere?