* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Standard 4-4.6 Vocabulary and Notes Predict weather from data collected through observation and measurements. weather – condition or state of the atmosphere at a given time and place meteorology – study of the atmosphere and its weather meteorologist – a person who studies the weather air mass – large region of the atmosphere where the air has similar properties throughout warm front – boundary between air masses that allows a warm air mass to slide up and over a cold air mass cold front – boundary where a cold air mass slides under a warm air mass stationary front – boundary between air masses that are not moving forecast – prediction about the weather Some weather signs can be seen by looking at clouds. Changes in wind speed or wind direction can indicate storms or temperature changes. Meteorologists interpret information from a variety of sources and use those sources to make predictions. The information they use is shown on a weather map. Weather maps may show large masses of warm or cold moving air. Lines between the air masses are called fronts. When a warm front passes over an area, the air temperature increases. When a cold front passes over an area, the air temperature decreases. Data related to temperature and precipitation can also be found on a weather map.