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Ancient Greece
Who, What, Where, When ?
1. Where is Greece
2. When were the Ancient Greeks
3. What's that there?
4. Greek Food
5. Greek Myths
6. Olympic Games
7. Greek Pottery
8. Greek Theatre
9. Greek War
10. Greece today
Where is Greece ?
• Greece has lots of islands around the country. See if you can see England
and Greece.
When were the Ancient Greeks?
• The Ancient Greeks lived from 146
BC to 776 BC.
• They conquered Egypt in 146 BC and
Rome conquered Greece in 776 BC.
• They lived about 100 years ago
before Jesus was born.
What's that there ?
(An original poem by Maisie Cochrane)
There once lived a boy called Rees ,
He lived in a lovely town in Greece.
He lived in a town called Sparta,
With his mother and father.
He went out for a walk one day,
And spotted something on his way.
He asked his father,
“What are those things on them pots, and those weird pictures that
looks like a frog? Wait that frog has snakes as hair!”
So his father said, “Son that is Medusa right there!”
Greek food
• Greece is known for having very nice healthy
• Greece has also been known for planting olive
trees. They are so nice they even put them in
their salads.
• Greek people put lots of lovely things in their
salads. Here is just some: feta cheese/
tomatoes/ lettuce/ celery and cucumber.
Greek Myths
• Greek people had their own way of telling
stories and this way was so interesting that it
even had its own name for them! They call
them Myths.
• A Myth is a made up story. In the Greek times
they actually believed in them.
• Most of the Myths include quests and gods
and goddess.
• Lots of people still read them these days!
• You should try one out!
Olympic Games
• Olympic Games was first made up in Greece.
• They started the Olympics at the bottom of
mount Olympus where they thought the gods
and goddess lived.
• They lit the torch at the bottom of mount
Olympus too. They lit the torch with the light
of the sun. It sounds complicated!
• They made up a lot of games. There are about
26 different sports and possibly more too!
Greek Pottery
• The Greeks used to draw pictures on pots that
told us what life was like in Greek times.
• If they didn't draw these pictures on the pots
we wouldn't know anything about what it was
like back then.
• The Greeks use lots of lovely patterns around
the edges of the pots that make them stand
Greek Theatre
• Greek people loved to act out there Myths.
• When they act they wore masks so that
people all around the theatre could see the
expression on their faces.
• The theatre had very good acoustics so the
people at the back could hear what they were
• Greek people also said no girls aloud to play
acts in plays. So unfair!
Greek War
• Greek soldiers always use to fight other
• Their temples that they built
unfortunately got knocked down by all of
the wars.
• They used to always while fighting
carried there swords and shields.
Greece Today
• Today lots of people visit Greece
either because they want to visit
lots of museums or temples or
just enjoy the sun.
• Greece is very different now to
how than it was in Ancient times.
It is a lot like Britain!