Download Ancient Greece is our topic in Year 5 this term. Above are some of

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•To demonstrate that they can
classify features of different fiction
genres including Greek myths
•Children compose and manipulate
more complex sentences during the
writing of their own myths
Know when the Ancient Greeks lived
Understand the terms BC and AD
To understand that Ancient Greece was made up
of city states
To understand differences between the lives of
people living in Athens and Sparta
•Children write a new myth,
identifying their audience and
adapting their writing to suit their
To be able to deduce information about Greek
beliefs and religious practices from pictures of
buildings, pottery and stories
To understand the role of the theatre in Greek life
• Children retell a myth orally to a
specific audience
To know why the Olympic Games were important
to the Greeks and be able to compare with the
modern Olympics.
•Children to transform a myth into a
playscript and act it out
•Write a brochure persuading
people to visit Greece
•To use a graphic modelling package to produce
the Olympic Games’ logo
•To produce a clay 3D picture of
a mythological creature, painting
and decorating appropriately
•To create a Greek mask that
could be used in a play
•To produce a decorated pot
using collage to commemorate
the Olympic Games
•To design and make a flapping
mythological creature
•To be able to place modern day
Greece on a map
•To know what the country is like
in terms of climate and terrain
•To locate key ancient Greek
cities and islands on a map
Ancient Greece is our topic in Year 5 this term. Above are some of the
objectives the children will be working on.