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Mr. Merel Social Studies Name: _____________________ Class: _______ Date: _________ *Ancient Greece Test* Directions: Use your notes and your worksheets to answer these questions. Time is a factor so if you’re having trouble move on and come back to it later. Good luck! Multiple Choice Part I– Carefully read the questions below and circle the correct answer. (2 points each) 1. Where did the Minoan civilization begin? A. on mainland Greece B. on the island of Crete C. on Mount Olympus 2. Which of the following goods were traded among the Greek city-states? A. salt, gold, and ivory B. horses and wheeled carts C. olives, grains, and metals 3. Which of the following people helped lay the foundation for Athenian democracy? A. Homer B. Aesop C. Solon 4. What is the name for a series of games that began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. and took place every four years? A. the Olympics B. the Democratic Convention C. the Fraternities and Sororities 5. Which group of adjectives best describes the Mycenaean’s lifestyle? A. kind and cooperative with others B. invade and steal from other cultures C. isolated, independent Short Answer – Read the question and answer to the best of your knowledge. (6 points) 6. ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER, COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING WRITING ASSIGNMENT. BE SURE TO WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES AS WELL: Explain how mythology was important to everyday life in ancient Greece. In your answer be sure to include issues about fear and the unknown, why Greeks had gods, and what purpose these stories served the ancient Greeks. Vocabulary Matching - Read the definitions on the right side and then write the letter of the correct definition for the vocabulary words in the space provided. (2 points each) 7. _____ peninsula A. a lawmaking group, similar to the one in Athens 8. _____ polis B. short story that uses animal characters to teach a lesson, such as the Ant and the Grasshopper 9. _____ helot C. open-air market where people gathered to trade and discuss the news of the day in Greek city-states 10. _____ commerce D. rule by a few 11. _____ tyrant E. stretch of land almost completely surrounded by water (land surrounded by water on three sides) 12. _____ agora F. large-scale trade 13. _____ oligarchy G. person conquered by Sparta who became a slave 14. _____ assembly H. a person who takes control of government by force 15. _____ democracy I. Greek city-state that connected a city and the farms, towns, and villages around it 16. _____ fables J. rule by the people True / False – Carefully read the statements below and circle the letter T for true and F for false. (2 points each) 17. All citizens in ancient Greek city-states were free and could vote for their leaders. T F 18. Most Greek civilizations started near the coasts because of fish and easy travel. T F 19. Apollo was the most powerful Greek god. T F 20. City-states developed separate from each other because of the mountains T F 21. The ancient Greeks never learned to develop their own alphabet but instead they used Egyptian hieroglyphs. T F Short Answer II – Fill in the chart below. Be sure to write clearly in the spaces provided for you. (2 points each) ATHENS SPARTA Location in Greece Type of Government Who ruled this city-state? Requirements to be a Citizen Age? Landholder? Wealth? Education Boys? Girls? Subjects taught? Extra Credit – These questions are more difficult but do not count against you if you answer them incorrectly. Do your best and let’s see what you’ve got! (2 points each) 1. Where did the Persians come from? 2. Name one story Homer was credited with writing.