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BSC 1005L (General Education Biology Laboratory, Professor Chiappone)
1. The ______ helps plants retain water.
(a) hypha
(b) cuticle
(c) mycorrhiza
(d) skin
(e) lignin
2. ______ is a chemical that supports the physical structure of terrestrial plants.
(a) Lignin
(b) Parenchyma
(c) RuBP
(d) Calcium carbonate
(e) Mesophyll
3. Plants first moved onto land at least ______ years ago.
(a) 65 million
(b) 475 million
(c) 1.2 billion
(d) 3.5 billion
(e) 4.5 billion
4. Which of the following lack vascular tissue?
(a) flowering plants
(b) cone-bearing plants
(c) grasses
(d) ferns
(e) mosses
5. In ______ the gameotphyte is more obvious than the sporophyte.
(a) conifers
(b) mosses
(c) grasses
(d) ferns
(e) angiosperms
6. Gametophytes are ______; sporophytes are ______.
(a) male . . . female
(b) an adaptation to an aquatic existence . . . an adaptation to a terrestrial existence
(c) not a component of the angiosperm life cycle . . . a component of the angiosperm life cycle
(d) haploid . . . diploid
(e) the dominant stage of the conifer life cycle . . . the less obvious stage of the conifer life cycle
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7. Gametophytes reproduce ______.
(a) sexually
(b) by fission
(c) by alternation of generations
(d) by budding
(e) by undergoing the cell cycle
8. ______ are seedless vascular plants.
(a) Ferns
(b) Angiosperms
(c) Bryophytes
(d) Gymnosperms
(e) Grasses
9. Why are ferns considered incompletely adapted to the terrestrial environment?
(a) They lack flowers.
(b) They lack vascular tissue.
(c) Their sperm are flagellated.
(d) The gametophyte generation is dominant.
(e) They lack gametangia.
10. During the winter, what is an advantage of having needle-shaped leaves?
(a) Less snow and ice will accumulate on such a leaf.
(b) There is no advantage to needle-shaped leaves, just as there is no advantage to being
dependent on water for fertilization.
(c) Such leaves have increased surface areas for the absorption of solar radiation.
(d) Their shape attracts specific pollinators.
(e) Needle-shaped leaves conserve water without the need for a thick cuticle.
11. Which of these adaptations to a terrestrial existence evolved most recently?
(a) vascular tissue
(b) seeds
(c) gametangia
(d) cuticle
(e) stomata
12. Pollen is a ______.
(a) female gametophyte
(b) sporophyte
(c) type of seed
(d) male gametophyte
(e) megaspore
13. Your friend with plant allergies sneezes and then says: “I sneezed because ______ went up my nose.”
(a) male gametophytes
(b) nectar
(c) seeds
(d) sporophytes
(e) mycelia
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14. This diagram shows what process?
(a) dominance vs. recessiveness
(b) alternation of generations
(c) mitotic individualization
(d) evolutionary adaptation
(e) cotyledogenesis
15. ______ were the first plants that did not require water for transferring sperm to eggs.
(a) Bryophytes
(b) Gymnosperms
(c) Mosses
(d) Ferns
(e) Angiosperms
16. Seeds develop from ______.
(a) fruit
(b) carpels
(c) anthers
(d) ovules
(e) ovaries
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17. Why are gymnosperms "naked seed" plants?
(a) Their seeds are not protected.
(b) They do not produce seeds; they only produce spores.
(c) They do not produce fruit.
(d) Their seeds lack vascular tissue.
(e) Their seeds develop on the surface of sporophytes.
18. The parts of a flower include all of the following EXCEPT ______.
(a) stamens
(b) sepals
(c) carpels
(d) petals
(e) cones
19. In angiosperms, the male gametophyte develops within ______.
(a) male cones
(b) mycelia
(c) stamens
(d) anthers
(e) archegonia
20. Which of the following is a component of the female structure of a flowering plant?
(a) petal
(b) filament
(c) stamen
(d) anther
(e) stigma
21. Where does the pollen develop in a typical flower?
(a) anther
(b) style
(c) stigma
(d) ovary
(e) filament
22. The pollen grain is to gymnosperms as the ______ is to angiosperms.
(a) anther
(b) flower
(c) ovule
(d) stamen
(e) pollen grain
23. In angiosperms, what structures house female gametophytes?
(a) protonemata
(b) cones
(c) ovules
(d) hyphae
(e) anthers
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24. The edible portion of a(n) ______ is a ripened ovary.
(a) cucumber
(b) potato
(c) radish
(d) carrot
(e) onion
25. Biologically speaking, what is the function of fruit?
(a) It is where the male gametophyte develops.
(b) It is a mechanism for the dispersal of seeds.
(c) It provides structural support for the plant.
(d) It provides nutrients to germinating seeds.
(e) It attracts pollinators.
26. Why does it make sense that many fruits are green when their seeds are immature?
(a) Insects, which see the color green better than mammals do, can only carry seeds when they are
small (immature).
(b) All animals know that all green fruits taste bad.
(c) Green signifies less nutritive value.
(d) They are green because fruits with immature seeds are still capable of photosynthesis.
(e) They are harder to see and thus less likely to be eaten than are other fruits.
27. Nearly all food plants are classified as ______.
(a) bryophytes
(b) mycorrhizae
(c) gymnosperms
(d) ferns
(e) angiosperms
28. Which characteristic is shared by algae and seed plants?
(a) pollen
(b) cuticle
(c) vascular tissue
(d) cell walls
(e) stomata
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