Download Session I: Early European Exploration and Colonization 1492-1754

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• Warm-UP
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Session I: Early
European Exploration
and Colonization
The Founding of the
Class Objectives
• Identify 3 major causes for European expansion and exploration
during the late 15th and early 16th century.
• Debate 3 positive and 3 negative effects of Columbus’ discovery of the
New World.
• Analyze Columbus as a villain or hero based on a reading using 3
pieces of factual data.
• Define and Describe the Colombian Exchange
• Explain significance of the Treaty of Tordesillas
• Identify Spain’s 4 colonial rivals
• Explain 3 cause for the decline of Spain’s Empire.
Causes For European Expansion
and Exploration
1. The Rise of the Ottoman Turks: By the mid 1400’s, the Ottoman Turks had
gained control of the land route to Asia and barred European traders and
2. The Renaissance: This period of European history led to advances in science;
including development of oceanic navigation and ship building. (Prince Henry
the Navigator)
3. Portuguese Expeditions: Bartolomeu Dias’ successful expedition around the
African continent in 1487 opened up potential trade routes with Asia.
4. The unification of Spain in 1492: Led to the rise of a new super power in
Europe that sought to expand its economic interests abroad.
5. Columbus: An Italian (Genoese) explorer named Christopher Columbus
appeals to the Spanish Monarchy to sponsor a voyage across the Atlantic to find
an alternate route to Asia.
6. Discovery of the Americas: Columbus lands in what is believed to be the
East Indies. Subsequent voyages lead to the realization that a New World has
been discovered.
• 1. On your own, take 2 minutes to write
down everything you know about
Christopher Columbus
• Turn to someone next to you and share
what you came up with
• Group yourselves into teams of four- write a
short paragraph explaining why Columbus
is considered a hero
The Colombian Exchange
• A system of trade that was established between the Old World
(Europe and Africa) and the New World (the Americas) that
introduced new foods, goods and diseases across the Atlantic.
Check For Understanding
• 3 major causes for European expansion and
• 3 positive effects for European discovery of the
New World and 3 negative effects.
• 3 reasons why Columbus should be revered or
• 3 goods that went from the Old World to the New
World, and 3 goods that went from the New
World to the Old World during the Colombian
Activity: Spain’s Rivals
• The class will be divided in 5 groups and
will follow a series of directions.
• Questions to be answered:
– What was the Treaty of Tordesillas, what
countries were involved?
– Who were Spain’s rivals (be able to name 4),
what did they want and how did they get it?
– Were Spain’s rivals successful?
The Treaty of Tordesillas
In 1494, Pope Alexander VI drafted a
treaty in 1494 that effectively split the
Atlantic into 2 spheres. One controlled
by Spain and the other by Portugal.
Spain took control of the Americas
(except Brazil) while Portugal took
control of Africa and Brazil. (This is why
they speak Portuguese in Brazil and Spanish
everywhere else in S. America)
Other European nations refused to
except this treaty and began to
formulate ways of creating their own
overseas colonies.
Spain’s Rivals
France, England and the
Netherlands began sending
privateers (nice word for pirates) to
raid Spanish possessions to support
their own economies.
Later those nations, despite the
protest of Spain, began to develop
their own colonies causing wars to
break out continually.
By 1750, Spain had lost nearly half
of its colonial possessions and was
in major economic decline.
Spain’s Rivals
Decline of Spanish
Colonial Power
1. Size: The vastness of Spain’s
empire may it almost impossible to
populate, control and defend.
2. European rivals: Other European
nations began establishing colonies
in the New World chipping away at
Spain’s possessions.
3. Economics: Defense of the
Empire, wars in Europe and a
depleted workforce in Spain (due to
colonization and expulsion of nonChristians) significantly deflated the
economic power of Spain.
Check for Understanding
• What countries signed the Treaty of
Tordesillas? What did it accomplish?
• Who were the 4 main rivals of Spain? What
did they want, how did they get it?
• What are 3 reasons why Spain’s colonial
empire declined?
Next Class
• Homework: Note Check
(5 points)
• Session II: Exploration
and Colonization- The
British Southern Colonies
• Quiz: next Thursday