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BSC 2010 Study questions- 3nd exam
( these questions generally emphasize knowledge of processes and mechanisms. You will need to know
additional facts from your notes, such as definitions of terms.)
1. What was the rationale for the Hershey Chase experiment and what did it show?
2. What is the structure of RNA and DNA nucleotides? Which bases are purines and which are pyrimidines?
What's the difference between purines and pyrimidines? How are nucleotides linked together in strands of DNA
and RNA? Why are added nucleotides initially triphosphated ?
3. What bases are paired in double stranded DNA? What holds them together?
What does 3' and 5' mean and what is the 3’-5’ orientation of DNA strands?
4. From your HANDOUT, What are origins of replication, replication bubbles and replication forks? What are
the functions of helicase, single strand binding proteins, primase, RNA primer, DNA polymerase and DNA
ligase in DNA replication ? What is different about the synthesis of the leading strand and the lagging strand?
Can you predict the sequence of bases and 3’.5’ orientation in a newly synthesized DNA strand given the
sequence and 3,5’ orientation of bases in the parent strand it is paired with ?
5. What is a mutation? What are different types of mutagens ?
6. What happens in the initiation, elongation and termination steps in transcription? What are the specific roles
of the promoter, transcription factors, RNA polymerase , terminator sequence? Can you predict the sequence of
bases and 3’,5’orientation in a mRNA strand given the sequence of bases and 3’,5’ orientation in the DNA
strand containing the gene?
7. What are the steps by which eukaryotic cells convert pre-mRNA to mRNA? What are exons and introns?
8. How does tRNA bring about alignment of specific amino acids with specific codons in translation ? What is
the relationship between codons and anticodons? Can you predict the anticodon given the codon and viceversa?
9. What types of molecules are found in ribosomes and what are the ribosomal subunits ?
10. How are the 64 codons used? Can a codon code for more than one amino acid? Can there be more than one
codon for a particular amino acid? What happens in base substitution and base addition/deletion (frame shift)
11. What are the different types of viral Nucleic acids ( DNA, RNA, Single strands , Double strands) and
examples of diseases they cause?.
12 What is the difference between lytic and lysogenic viral infections? How does a retrovirus work?
13. How is DNA arranged in bacteria ? What are the different mechanisms for rearranging genes (DNA) in
14. How is transcription of genes for lactose digestion regulated by the Lac operon?
15.How is DNA arranged in Eukaryotic cells? What are the levels of control of gene expression in eukaryotes?
What are examples of posttranslational additions to proteins?
16. What is the difference between tissue, organ and organ system. Can you give examples of each?
17. Where in the digestive system does digestion of particular types of molecules occur in humans? What types of
enzymes are involved and what are the fluids that contain them ? What is the function of acid in the stomach and bile
from the gall bladder?
18. Where does absorption of nutrients and water occur? What is the role of villi and microvilli?
What does the liver do to absorbed nutrients?
19. How does peristalsis causes food to move through the digestive system?
20. What nutrients are essential in the diet? What is the need for particular vitamins and minerals ?