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Journal of Andrology, American Copyright #{176} vol. 12, No. 6, November/December Society of Andrology Response Testosterone Hyperplasia NELSON From of Prostate Volume, Prostate-Specific to Flutamide in Men with Benign N. STONE AND the Department Tulane 1991 University SANDA of Urology, Medical Sinai New School Orleans, of Medicine, ndrogen therapy has been tients with benign prostatic directed at shrinking the enlarged deprivation hyperplasia prostate used investigations have luteinizing hormone-releasing pounds or cyproterone acetate androgen deprivation. what successful, they most patients. This steroidal anti-androgen evaluated to treat the effects obstructive The relationship in men with BPH were someand potency in between prostate was also investi- gated. Materials and Methods Forty-three patients with a history of symptomatic BPH sidered for entry into a randomized clinical trial of the ness of flutamide for managing BPH. Inclusion criteria This at the manuscript Sixteenth Correspondence 79-01 Broadway, is derived Annual Meeting to: Nelson Room A4-l, from a lecture of the were con- effective- included presented on April 30, 1991 American Society N. Stone, MD, Elmhurst Elmhurst, New York and *Cljnjcal Laboratories, of Andrology. Hospital urinary symptoms In addition, confirmed the prostate by volumes conventional urologic of all - of several study evaluates the effect of the nonflutamide on prostate size, and PSA and testosterone levels. volume and PSA level York, patients were determined by planimetry (Johnson and Johnson Model 520, Corometrics, Wallingford, CT, 5-mHz chair-mounted radial probe). Before digital examination of the prostate, serum was obtained for PSA and testosterone levels. Blood was drawn and centrifuged, and the serum was decanted and frozen at 80#{176}C. All specimens were analyzed in one laboratory (S.C.). Prostatespecific antigen levels were determined using a Hybritech#{174}(San Diego, CA) enzyme immunoassay, and testosterone levels were determined using a solid-phase iodine125 radioimmunoassay in unextracted serum based on a testosterone-specific antibody kit (Diagnostic Product Corporation, Los Angeles, CA; normal range = 270-1,070 ng/ml). Patients were allowed to enter the double-blind study if they met the entry criteria, which included a residual urine volume between 30 and 300 ml, maximum uroflow greater than 4 ml! second but less than 15 mllsecond, and adequate performance status. More details about entry criteria and preliminary efficacy results have been previously reported (Stone, 1989). Twenty-two patients (II treated with flutamide and 11 treated with a placebo) elected to enter this double-blind, randomized trial. All patients gave their informed consent. Any patient with an abnormal gland determined by digital examination, a PSA level greater than 4 ng/ml, or an abnormality detected by transrectal sonography was offered prostate needle biopsy. All prostate biopsies were performed transrectally with a spring-loaded 18-gauge needle (Biopty#{174},C. R. Bard, Covington, GA) guided by ultrasound (Bruel and Kjaer, Marlborough, MA, Model 1846 with the 8538 or 8551 probe). Patients undergoing biopsy were given an enema the night before and oral fluoroquinexamination. is (LHRH) comfor achieving While these compounds did cause loss of libido New Prostate volume decreased by 35% and PSA by 65% (P < 0.001) within 6 months. These changes occurred despite a 58.3% increase in serum testosterone levels (P <0.01). Patients treated with a placebo experienced no significant changes. Side effects were minimal, and flutamide was well tolerated. These data suggest that androgen deprivation therapy with flutamide may be an effective and safe treatment for BPH. Key words: Treatment, benign prostatic hyperplasia, flutamide. J Androl 1991 ;12:376-380. pa- (BPH), and gland. However, hormone as a mechanism York, study. minimal data are available from controlled studies on treatment response or the effects of these agents on prostatespecific antigen (PSA) and serum testosterone levels. Previous New Louisiana. ABSTRACT: Patients diagnosed as having benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) had determination of prostate volume (PV), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and serum testosterone before consideration for entry into a double-blind, randomized trial of flutamide (750 mg/day for 6 months). The mean PSA level for these patients (N = 43) was 7.6 ng/ml (range: 1.0 to 45.7), and the mean PV was 76.8 cm3 (range: 24 to 198). Linear regression analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between the two (r 0.876, P <0.05). Every 10 cm3 of prostate volume accounted for 1.02 ng/ml of PSA in the serum. Twenty-two patients (11 treated with flutamide, 11 with a placebo) agreed to enter the A and J. CLEJAN* Mt. Center, Antigen, Prostatic Center, 11373. 376 Stone and Clejan Flutamide in Men with BPH - 377 oline starting the day before and continuing for 3 days following biopsy. A diagnosis of prostate cancer excluded patients from entry into the study. Twenty-two patients agreed to participate in the clinical trial. Biopsies were done on 12; no evidence of prostate cancer was found in any of these patients. At the start of the study, patients were given flutamide tablets (250 mg/tid) or placebo tablets (250 mg/rid). Drugs were administered in a double-blind fashion. Patients were reevaluated after 3 months by transrectal ultrasound, uroflowmetry, and symptom improvement. Responders were permitted to continue drug treatment for 3 more months. All patients were taken off medication after 6 months, and reevaluated 6 weeks later. Patient follow-up consisted of serial measurements of prostate volume, and PSA and testosterone levels. Correlations were determined using linear regression analysis and determination of significance by one- or two-tailed student’s t test. D 30 Results y a Forty-three men with an average age of 68 years 51-84) met the criteria for entry PSA level for these patients was 45.7), = and the mean 24-198). Linear strong correlation scribed (r prostate prostate P PSA 0.05, < volume, Fig there was level prostate -3.2013 = 1.02 cm3 ng PSA (range a de- + 0. 14024 PV per 10 cm3 0 = of 101 cm3 (range = 54-198 cm3) 3 1-136 cm3, mean decrease 35%, P PSA decreased ng/ml (range during from = the 6 months prostate volume ng/mI, volume and PSA level = between taking 1.9-42) = 65%, There was 4.6 ng/ml) in the in prostate flutamide PV + 0.858 (r = for every 19% decrease 10% decrease in prostate Serum testosterone Initially, there or placebo-treated months, the crease elevated group was taking (range androgen levels = was also flutamide = was 0.058, was Fig to baseline and Lin= 3). Thus, a corresponding < the fluafter 6 a rise (range a mean 0.01). levels VOLUME (cc) FiG. 1. Comparison of prostate volume with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Every 10 cm3 of prostate accounts for 1.02 ng/ml of (PSA). after termination of flutamide therapy. Despite increased testosterone levels, androgen inhibition was maintained while on flutamide, as evidenced by decreasing prostate and PSA values (Fig The patients experienced in = 4). minimal toxicity while on flu- tamide. One (9%) suffered diarrhea, necessitating the cessation of therapy for 2 weeks. This patient was restarted (without breaking the blind) and slowly brought back to full therapy over other episode. comastia in these ng!dl for PROSTATE size between %PSA experienced P placebo found. determined of 336 400-732) 9%-lll%, returned in size no difference between patients. However, levels from a mean to 518 ng/dl (range = of 58.3% P in PSA, there volume. level patients. tamidetestosterone 250-597) 0.587, 200 0.001) < no change ear regression analysis demonstrated a correlation these two variables, described by the equation: 0.522 to 3.8 P 73.5 cm3, post-treatment level (initial level = 5.3 = the decrease in the patients to 66 cm3 (range 0.001). Serum (range 150 ml of serum. < decrease of treatment. post-treatment levels ng/ml mean volume (initial = 73.4 cm3) group (Fig 2). A relationship PSA 10.7 0.5-16, 100 50 of In this group of patients, 11 men took 750 mg of flutamide per day for a minimum of 6 months, and 11 men took a placebo for 3 months. Prostate volume decreased from a mean 3.201 U size, for every . = demonstrated and 1). Thus, was 76.8 analysis PSA by the equation: 0.876, = volume 0.140x 0.876 p e 0.05 0 0 into the study. The mean 7.6 ng/ml (range = 1.0- regression between (range - - 10 2 weeks. He completed Four patients (36%) that resolved completely patient (9%) noted a mild decrease complained of decreased libido. the study without anexhibited minor gyneat study termination. in potency; One no patients Discussion in- These 6 weeks Prostatic treated enlargement is probably the most common by the urologist, and makes up the bulk disease of most Journal of Andrology 378 % Of Baseline November/December . 1991 Value FIG. 2. Decrease in prostate volume antigen (PSA) in patients (N = 11) with benign prostatic hyperplasia who took flutamide for 6 months. Prostate size decreased from a mean of 101 cm3 (range: 54 to 198) to 66 cm3 (range: 31 to 136 cm3), resulting in a mean decrease of 35% (P < 0.001). PSA decreased from a mean of 10.7 ng/ml (range: 1.9 to 42) to 3.8 ng/ml (range: 0.5 to 16), resulting in a mean decrease of 65% (P < 0.001). and prostate-specific 2 1 3 4 5 6 Months on flutamide urologic performed practices. Upward of 400,000 prostatectomies each year in the United States, with a direct of over one billion Surgical leading treatment reimbursement fey, 1990). surgical currently dollars per year of prostatic enlargement paid by Medicare It is no wonder that alternatives to the under investigation. Medical dynamic Decrease (Holtgrewe therapy for or the static in muscular 1988). is the second (Carter and Cof- several surgical standard and non- prostatectomy are BPH strives to reduce either the of the obstructing tissue. first studied by Caine with the use of phenoxybenzamine, and more with the selective alpha receptor blocker Reduction accomplished recently terazosin of the static component by androgen deprivation cause White prostate noted deprivation gland several therapy shrinkage positive has long been known in men with BPH. responses following vation therapy administration tency. Peters and Walsh, oral anti-androgen finasteride have more and Caine first reported BPH (Caine, 1986). attractive the minimal effects of the on on the use of flutamide A dose of 350 mg/day ease was was no objective some po- for managing was used for a report improvement in urine symptoms. The current study demonstrated that flutamide, when given for 6 months at a dose of 750 mg/day, resulted in a mean decrease in prostate size of 35%. Prostate-specific antigen is a single-chain glycoprotein localized to prostatic (Killian et al, et al, 1981). Several relationship between in patients who epithelial 1985; cells Liedtke lining and study, Babian (1987). acini 1984; reports have sought to quantitate PSA and BPH. Stamey measured underwent open prostatectomy and and Nadji the PSA trans- of the prostate (TURP) for BPH. Using he found 0.29 ng/ml per gram of tissue for and measured et a!, 1989). (Babian et al, gram of tissue from BPH for with PSA levels before and after therThe mean initial prostate volume of 87.6 g and the mean initial serum ng/ml compares favorably to the current also found a direct relationship between tate volume the Batjer, leuprolide, apy (Levine of oral and there there to Cabot and orchiec- libido size, the open procedure, and 0.31 ng/ml per TURP (Stamey et al, 1987). Levine et al treated 12 men suffering 1987). The introducflutamide and the 5-a made androgen depri- because Although in prostate of tomy for enlarged prostates (Cabot, 1896; White, 1895). More recently, the use of chemical castration with LHRH agonists has exhibited similar results (Bosch et a!, 1989; Gabrilove, 1987; tion of the potent reductase inhibitor of 3 months. on changes urethral resection the Yang assay, by Lepor (Caine, therapy. Androgen period ducts component tone was 1986; Lepor, 1990). obstruction has been et al, are cost 1990). The PSA level of 11.5 study. Babian et al PSA level and prosdata from the current as well as the data reported by Levine et al and et al, differ from those reported by Stamey et al The work by Stamey et a! relied on resected tissue, and took no consideration of either unresected BPH or remaining peripheral zone tissue. Our data, which reflect an in vivo determination of the relationship between the prostate and PSA, suggest a 10:1 The fact that this correlation ratio between is not perfect these has two. been pre- Stone and Clejan - Flutamide in Men with BPH 379 70 0 60 50 %dPV %dPSA U _-_ C a 0 40 U I- a IU a C a 0 y = 0.522x = + 0.858 0.587 p = 0.058 20 FL UT AMIDE 0 TIME weeksl 0 FIG. 4. Percent 10 1 00 90 specific treated antigen change in serum (%dPSA), with flutamide and testosterone prostate for 6 months (%dT), volume prostate- (%dPV) and no treatment in men for 6 weeks (P <0.05). PSA % Thus, for every 19% decrease in serum a corresponding 10% decrease in prostate FIG. 3. Correlation of percent change in prostate volume (PV) and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in men treated with flutamide for 6 months. For every 19% decrease in PSA, there was a corresponding 10% decrease in PV. For example, volume expect of a patient 100 a 10 cm3 cm3 presenting and a PSA decrease with level viously reported treated with a correlation ithelial and culties (Weber et a!, 1989). Seven the LHRH nafarelin acetate was found. Morphometric stromal content highlighted in trying to use PSA levels patients were for 6 months, and analysis of the epsome of the diffi- as a marker for BPH. Despite this evidence, the potential exits for using levels to monitor the success of androgen deprivation PSA ther- amounts of epithelium larly evident are far from and in the current the line (Fig an initial of in prostate ng/ml drop in serum PSA. However, formula still needs to be determined stroma study, 3). PSA, there was volume (Fig 3). size for present. as some This this. Six months of enough for complete therapy blockade. with flutamide Conversely, can be successfully The decreasing ished PSA gland shrinkage levels, monitored prostate by serial size correlated and allowed by calculating of the therapy PSA measurements. well with for the estimation the percent of PSA the diminof prostate decrease. points may not be it is possible control (Weber et a!, 1989). treatment, some patients still that the effectiveness 1.9 Prostate-specific antigen levels did not decrease to zero in all patients. There are several possible explanations for 1972). suggest would is particu- of the data that flutamide, although a potent anti-androgen, totally abolish androgen activity. Weber et a! also that PSA expression may not be completely under data every the exact utility of this because of the variable apy for BPH. The current study used flutamide, a nonsteroidal anti-androgen that competes with dihydrostestosterone (DHT) for cytosol androgen receptor sites (Neri et al, Our prostate 10 ng/ml Despite produced does not suggested androgen 6 months of LHRH PSA, as evidenced by serum measurements and immunohistochemical staining. However, that study did not control for adrenal androgens, which may have contributed to androgen expression. Journal of Andrology 380 Gabrilove Evidence for minimal androgen activity and PSA expression was recently reported by Geller (Geller, 1990). Obviously, more data are needed to resolve this issue. Initial studies with cancer raised concerns rum testosterone tive blockade flutamide because levels in the overcoming androgen Binding of flutamide hypothalamus leads receptor the (Neri of high (HeIlman et a!, 1979; rent study, treatment Poyet with testosterone Heilman use 65% and prostate levels will further of flutamide, and whether volume increase such promise successful treatment, still need In summary, this study demonstrates to be studied. a relationship tween with PSA and prostate size in patients BPH. Role Frotscje HA, Evans RB. correlation specific clinical antigen application. and J Clin Lab Ri, Griffiths nign prostate size and Cabot AT. Di, Blom hyperplasia urodynamic The JHM, Schroeder by androgen parameters. question deprivation: J Urol. of castration FH. for Treatment effects M, Tabei ML. The of benign Carter HB, tate. present DS. role of alpha-adrenergic hypertrophy. The J Uro!. prostate: blockers prostate CA, PC. 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Medicine 1992 System Reproductive Houston, of a a luteinizing prostate of the antiandrogenic/androgenic acetate Disorders System in Childhood Function.” by internationally recognized authorities general and reproductive endocrinology, 855, profile 3’-trifluoromethyl :427-437. of nafarelin agonist, N, Hay antigen specific Pros- Suite of benign Gabrilove with Urology. and The in the gyneco- pathophysiology. Fannin, treatment in patients SCH effect cyproterone In Europe-Prof. G. Frajese, Via Di Porta States-Dr. E. Steinberger, Texas Foundation Medicine, in the et al. Prostate-specific F. Comparison l989;34 Weber Surg. of the symposium is “Reproductive and Their Impact on Adult endocrinology, prostate- B2 to D’ prostate of prostate-specific Q, The Symposium on Reproductive program will include presentations areas of pediatric endocrinology, op- 1987;317:599-604. N Engl NN. Ann The theme Adolescence stages F, Droller prostate hormone Yang prostate. l990;16:39-48. 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Transurethral Levine had decreased by Whether testosterone J Clin a 5 a-reductase inhibitor on prostate tissue prostate-specific metabolism Holtgrewe of treatment, elevated, of finasteride, L, Bradlow rophins. within the hormone concentrations were A, Droller M. Effect of a GNRH prostate hypertrophy. 1987;64:l331-1333. and tosterone 1972). Lepor levels 1991 1990;7 I:155 1-1555. and Labrie, 1985). In the curflutamide (750 mg/day for 6 testosterone Merab. androgens months) resulted in a mean increase of 58.3% in testosterone levels. Despite this increase, there was no evidence of decreased competitive inhibition by flutamide. At 6 months when Kirschenbaum (leuprolide) on benign Geller I. Effect competi- et a!, to the androgen receptors to an increase in luteinizing presence crinol as monotherapy for prostate of the risk of increased se- concentrations of the JL, Levine AC, analogue November/December . TX 4, 00187, Roma Italy. In for Research in Repro77054. of the prostate. J