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According to the American Cancer
Society, prostate cancer is the secondmost common type of cancer found in
American men as well as the second
leading cause of cancer death in men.
Who Is at Risk?
Age is the most common risk factor for prostate
cancer. It’s most often found in men age 65 and older.
Some of the other risk factors are:
Family history—If men in your family, such
as your brother or father, have had this type of
cancer, your risk may be higher.
Race—If you have African ancestry your risk may
be higher. If you have Asian or Hispanic/Latino
ancestry your risk may be lower.
Diet—If your diet is high in unhealthy fats, mainly
red meat and high-fat dairy, it can raise your risk.
This risk may also be higher if you eat fewer plantbased foods such as fruits and vegetables.
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to sign up for the Healthyroads
Wellness® program! It’s part of your
benefits plan: Go to
to find tools that help you build a
healthy lifestyle.
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Incorporated (ASH). All rights reserved. Healthyroads Wellness
and the Healthyroads logo are trademarks of ASH.
Should You Get Tested?
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein made by
the cells in the prostate gland. The PSA in your blood
can rise above normal when you have problems with
your prostate or have been diagnosed with prostate
If you are 50 or older, or sooner if you have
risk factors, your doctor may use a PSA
test and/or a digital rectal exam (DRE)
to help screen for prostate cancer.
If the result of either of these tests
is not normal, your doctor may
recommend further tests. Cancer
found with the PSA test or DRE
is often detected at an earlier,
more treatable stage.
Learn More
Talk with your doctor about
your risk factors. He or she
can help you decide when and
how often you should be tested.