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epiCaPture A New Urine Test to Detect High-­‐risk Prostate Cancer Overview – What is epiCaPture? A urine test that detects the presence of prostate cancer cells, epiCaPture measures biochemical changes at 6 genes and identifies which men need
a biopsy to diagnose prostate cancer using an algorithm to assess prostate cancer aggressiveness.
What Problems does it Solve/Advantages? How epiCaPture works Traditional needle biopsies may miss cancer foci resulting
in repeat PSA tests and invasive biopsies. 25-45 million
PSA tests are performed worldwide per annum. A high
false-positive rate leads to unnecessary biopsies, which
are expensive and cause trauma and anxiety to patients.
epiCaPture alleviates problems with early detection of
prostate cancer
1.  Improved tumour-­‐specificity over PSA -­‐ Reduce need for unnecessary invasive biopsy 2.  Selec>ve detec>on of high-­‐risk disease -­‐ Alleviate over-­‐treatment of low-­‐risk disease -­‐ Aid risk-­‐stra>fica>on for selec>on of subsequent treatments or surveillance Diagnos>cs 3.  Provides informa>on about the molecular biology of the disease December 2014 Market IP Status Priority Patent Filed EP14199999 Opportunity Research collabora>on Available to license
Researcher(s) A Tuzova L DeBarra S O’Meachair A Perry Technology and Patent Status Contact Dr. Gordon EllioM, The opportunity This technology is currently undergoing valida>on in a large independent cohort of men. •  Post-­‐DRE urine sediment analysis Case Manager, Transla>onal Sciences •  Real-­‐>me PCR [email protected] •  Bisulfite conversion of DNA +353 1 896 4151 •  Quan>ta>ve DNA methyla>on analysis of 6 gene loci •  Patent applica>on submiMed Reference: AP02-­‐490-­‐01