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Science Department
Grade 7
Write the scientific term:
1) The part of Earth, where life exists; includes all of the living organisms on Earth.
2) The mostly solid rocky part of the Earth, extends from the center of the core to the surface
of the crust. Geoshphere
3) Literally, the "middle sphere"; the strong, lower part of the mantle between the
asthenosphere and the outer core. Mesosphere
4) In Earth science, the layer of rock between Earth's crust and core. Mantle
5) The central part of the Earth below the mantle. Core
6) Rock that forms from the cooling and solidification of lava at Earth's surface. Extrusive
igneous rock
7) Rock that forms when magma cools and solidifies.Igneous rock
8) The series of processes in which a rock forms, changes from one type to another, is
destroyed, and forms again by geological processes. Rock cycle
9) The hardest form of coal. anthracite
10) The process of recovering valuable or useful materials from waste or scrap. Recycling
11) Plant material, manure, or any other organic matter that is used as an energy source.
12) Unrefined petroleum. Crude Oil
13) A box that has a glass top. Solar collector
14) Abundant material that contains petroleum. Oil shale.
Science Department
Grade 7
Choose the correct answer:
1- The thin and solid outermost layer of the Earth above the mantle
a- System
b- Core
c- Mantle
d- Crust
2- Rock formed from the cooling and solidification of magma beneath Earth's surface
a- Organic Sedimentary Rock
b- Igneous Rock
c- Intrusive Igneous Rock
d- Extrusive Igneous Rock
3- The solid, outer layer of Earth that consists of the crust and the ridged upper part of the
a- Asthenosphere
b- Lithosphere
c- Biosphere
d- Atmosphere
4- A set of particles or interacting components considered to be a distinct physical entity
for the purpose of study
a- Ecosystem
b- System
c- Core
d- Mantle
5- The solid, plastic layer of the mantle beneath the lithosphere; made of mantle rock
that flows very slowly, which allows tectonic plates to move on top of it
a- Asthenosphere
b- Atmosphere
c- Mesosphere
d- Lithosphere
Science Department
Grade 7
6- Geosphere is
a- The central part of the Earth below the mantle
b- The mostly solid rocky part of the Earth, extends from the center of the core to the surface of
the crust
c- The thin and solid outermost layer of the Earth above the mantle
d- The portion of the Earth that is water
7- A process that occurs when magma comes into contact with existing rock.
a- Wind Farms
b- Native Elements
c- Contact Metamorphism
d- Solar Energy
8- A mineral, rock, or organic material that can be used as jewelry or an ornament when
it is cut and polished.
a- Veins
b- Ores
c- Gemstones
d- Fuel Rods
9- A type of mining that includes miners who work underground to recover the deposits.
a- Conservation
b- Subsurface Mining
c- Recycling
d- Surface Mining
10-The movement of air over earth's surface.
a- Lode
b- Wind
c- Veins
d- Ores
11-A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is
a- Non-renewable Resources
b- Impermeable Rock
Science Department
Grade 7
c- Permeable Rocks
d- Renewable Resources
12-Helps reduce the long lasting environmental impact of mining.
a- Conservation
b- Recycling
c- Nuclear Fusion
d- Reclamation
13-The specialized equipment in which controlled nuclear fission is carried out.
a- Nuclear Fusion
b- Nuclear Reactor
c- Nuclear Energy
d- Nuclear Fission
14-The process by which the nucleus of a heavy atom splits into two or more fragments.
a- Nuclear Fusion
b- Nuclear Energy
c- Nuclear Fission
d- Nuclear Reactor
15-A mineral deposit within a rock formation
a- Ores
b- Wind
c- Nodules
d- Lode
16-A non-renewable energy resource formed from the remains of organisms that lived
long ago.
a- Oil Shale
b- Nodules
c- Fuel Rods
d- Fossil Fuels
Science Department
Grade 7
True or false:
1) Atmosphere → a mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon. T
2) Hydrosphere → the solid, outer layer of earth that consists of the crust and the ridged upper
part of the mantle. F
3) Biosphere → the part of earth, where life exists; includes all of the living organisms on earth
4) Asthenosphere → a mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon.F
5) Veins → The movement of air over earth's surface. F
6) Placer Deposit → Unrefined petroleum. F
7) Impermeable Rock → Have interconnected spaces through which liquids can easily flow. F
8) Hydroelectric Energy → Energy that is produced by using these technologies.T
9) Bituminous Coal → The most abundant type of coal. T
10)Ores → A natural material whose concentration of economically valuable minerals is high
enough for the material to be mined profitably. T
11)Solar Energy → The energy received by Earth from the Sun in the form of radiation.T
12)Conservation → Helps reduce the long lasting environmental impact of mining. F
13)Non-renewable Resources → A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at
which the resource is consumed. F
Science Department
Grade 7
Match the following:
the portion of the Earth that is water d
a mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon b
carrying capacity a
Crust c
A the largest population that an environment can support at any given time
B atmosphere
C the thin and solid outermost layer of the earth above the mantle
D hydrosphere
Nuclear Energy J
Wind Farms d
Geothermal Energy e
Fuel Rods b
Native Elements g
Nuclear Fusion h
Nodules a
Surface Mining c
Hydrothermal Solutions f
Lignite i
Science Department
Grade 7
a Lumps of minerals on the deep-ocean floor that contains iron, manganese and nickel, and that could
become economically important if they could be recovered efficiently.
b Enriched fuel pellets that are placed into rods.
c A method where the overlying rock material is stripped away to reveal the mineral deposits.
d Wind turbines that can produce enough energy to meet the electricity needs of entire communities.
e The energy produced by heat within the Earth.
f Hot fluids.
g Metallic minerals, such as gold, silver, and copper, cu
h The process y which nuclei of small atoms combine to form a new, more massive nucleus.
i Also called brown coal. A denser material.
j Energy that is produced by using these technologies.
Science Department
Grade 7
Erosion & deposition
Melted rock
Erosion & deposition
Metamorphic rock
Heat & pressure
Sedimentary rock
Science Department
Grade 7
Metamorphic rock
Sedimentary ROCK
Science Department
Grade 7
The Earth layers: