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ESCI 110: Solar System
Page 1-1
Exercise 1
Introduction to the Solar System
One of the challenges you face as a student in an introductory earth science class is to keep a sense of
perspective about the earth as a system. It’s very easy to get lost in the details of various topics we will
address, and loose sight of why these details are important and how various earth systems are
In this exercise we will consider the earth as just one among a number of objects in our solar system.
Upon completion of this exercise, you should be able to:
Distinguish the categories of objects in the solar system, including a star, planets, moons,
comets, asteroids and meteorites
Name the planets in order of their distance from the sun
Appreciate the size of the earth relative to the scale of the solar system and the sizes of the
other planets
One balloon
Play Dough or modeling clay
Metric ruler
Metric measuring tape
Brain in operational mode (preferably your own!)
Background Information
All of the following objects are part of the solar system. Make sure you can distinguish them
for exam purposes:
Star: An object so massive that nuclear fusion is triggered in its interior, and thus it shines.
Planet: Too small trigger nuclear fusion, these relatively large objects orbit a star.
Moon: Solid objects that orbit planets.
Asteroid: Small bodies of rock and/or metal that have their own orbit around the sun.
Comets: Small bodies made predominantly of ice rather than rock and metal.
Meteorites: Remnants of small bodies that fall to earth.
ESCI 110: Solar System
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Pre Lab Questions: To be answered before you come to class. Read pages 612-614.
1. What is the name of the star that’s closest to the earth? ____________________________
2. Which planet is closest in size to the earth? _____________________________________
3. Based on their size, the planets fall into two groups. Which planets are similar in size to the
earth, and thus considered terrestrial planets (list all 4)?
a. Which is the largest of the terrestrial planets, and what is its diameter?
b. Which planets can be grouped with Jupiter into the Jovian planets?
c. Which is the smallest of the jovian planets and what is its diameter?
d. The smallest Jovian planet is how many times larger than the largest terrestrial planet?
4. The sun is _______ times larger than the Earth and ___________ times larger than Jupiter?
5. Which group of planets is closer to the sun, the terrestrial planets or the Jovian planets?
6. What feature of the solar system separates the terrestrial planets from the jovian planets?
7. Pluto was recently demoted from its standing as a planet and was reclassified as a ‘dwarf planet.”
Your textbook has not even caught up with this renaming. However, Pluto’s standing as a planet was
always debated. Based on the information in your textbook, why have astronomers never been
completely satisfied with labeling Pluto a planet?
ESCI 110: Solar System
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In-Class Activity
The table below includes the basic data you will need to complete this exercise:
Table 1.1 Solar System Data Table
The Sun
The Moon*
Distance from Sun
(in km)
(in millions of km)
Relative Mass
(Earth = 1)
* The Moon is 0.348 million kilometers from the Earth
Data from Tarbuck & Lutgens, 1996, Earth, 5th Edition
*The asteroid belt is about 258 million miles from the sun.
For this exercise we will construct a scale model of the solar system. In a scale model, the size is
reduced while accurately maintaining the relative proportions of all of the features included in the
For our solar system, we will use a scale of 10,000 kilometers (approximately 6,200 miles) = 1
mm. Roughly 25 mm = 1 inch, so this is quite a dramatic conversion in scale.
Start with the sun, and determine its diameter in the scale model. Set up your scale conversion formula
like this:
Sun’s diameter = 1,400,000 km X 1 mm
10,000 km
*Note: The zeroes cancel out so you can also set up the problem as:
140 km x 1mm = _____________________
ESCI 110: Solar System
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When you set the problem up this way, the kilometers cancel out, and the answer comes out in
millimeters. Now blow up your balloon until the diameter matches that in the scale model, and tie it
Now go through and calculate the diameters of the Moon and the planets as they will be in our
scale model. Fill in the answers in the blanks below, and, as always, be sure to write down the units of
measurement for each one. You should round off each diameter to the nearest tenth of a millimeter,
because we can’t possibly make our models any more accurately than that.
Scale Diameters
Mercury ______________
Saturn ______________
Venus ______________
Uranus ______________
Earth ______________
Neptune ______________
Mars ______________
Pluto ______________
Jupiter ______________
The Moon ______________
When you have completed these calculations, use the Play Dough or modeling clay you will be making
a model of 1 planet. Ask your instructor which planet you are to model. The next step is to convert the
distance of each planet from the sun into a scale distance that we can use in our model. The best way
to do this is by using scientific notation. Let’s use Mercury as an example:
Mercury’s distance from the sun = 58 x 10 km X 1 mm
104 km = _______________
*Another way to set up this problem:
58x102 x 1mm (because 106 ÷ 104 = 102)
Now fill in the blanks for the distances to the planets from the sun.
Scale Distances from the Sun
Mercury ______________
Saturn ______________
Venus ______________
Uranus ______________
Earth ______________
Neptune ______________
Mars ______________
Pluto ______________
Jupiter ______________
The Moon ______________
ESCI 110: Solar System
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We will now use the tape measure to lay out our scale model of the solar system. Answer the
questions below based on this model.
Follow-up Questions
8. Are the planets evenly spaced as you proceed outward from the Sun? _____
What pattern do you see in the spacing of the planets?
a. Terrestrial planets? _____________________________________________________
b. Jovian planets? _________________________________________________________
c. Write a brief statement summarizing the overall spacing of the planets. ____________
9. “Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter an object contains. The masses of the planets are listed
on the table in relation to the mass of the Earth” –
Tarbuck, Lutgens, Pinzke, Applications in Earth Science.
a. Which planet is the most massive in the Solar System? _______________________________
b. How many more times massive is it than Earth? ____________________________________
c. Which planet is the least massive (Excluding Pluto) _________________________________
10. The gravitational attraction of a planet is directly related to its mass. Which planet exerts the
greatest pull of gravity? Explain.
11. Your weight is a function of the gravitational attraction of an object on your mass. On which planet
(excluding Pluto) would you weigh the least? Explain.
12. The Moon orbits the earth at an average distance of .348 million kilometers. What is the distance
between the earth and the Moon for our scale model (use the scale that you used at the beginning of the
lab)? (show work in space below)
Distance from the Moon to the Sun x 1mm
104 km
ESCI 110: Solar System
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a. Scale distance between earth and Moon: ___________
b. Place the earth and the Moon at their correct distance for our model, and compare the distance
between the earth and Moon to the distance between the earth and Mars. How many times farther
away is Mars in comparison to the Moon?
c. What can you conclude about the difficulty of landing astronauts on Mars compared to the Apollo
mission when astronauts landed on the Moon?