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The Industrial Revolution
Enduring Understanding: The global spread of democratic ideas and
nationalist movement occurred during the nineteenth century. To understand the
effects of nationalism, industrialism, and imperialism, you will explain how the
Industrial Revolution caused economic, cultural, and political changes around
the world.
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the late 1700s. It followed the
Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural Revolution is a time when new inventions
and techniques, such as crop rotation, were created to make farming easier and faster.
Because of this farming became more profitable and increased agricultural yields,
leading to a population increase. When Parliament allowed landowners to purchase and
fence off common land, which is public land that anyone could farm, peasant farmers
could no longer farm on this land. This is known as the enclosure movement. These
peasant farmers were forced to migrate from rural areas to urban areas (cities) in
search of jobs. This is called rural-to-urban migration or urbanization.
Great Britain had the factors of
production needed for
industrialization, including natural
resources, rivers and harbors,
experienced entrepreneurs,
rising population, political
stability, increasing world trade,
and economic prosperity and
progress. Following its start in
Great Britain, the Industrial
Revolution spread to the United
States and those countries of
continental Europe in which
factors of production were
available such as Belgium and
Germany. Later, in Japan,
industrialization began as a
response to growing imperialist threats against the nation.
Section Review
1) What was the Agricultural Revolution?
2) What was the “enclosure movement”?
3) What are the factors of production?
4) Why did the Industrial Revolution spread to the United States?
5) What five major countries were able to industrialize? Why?
The Industrial Revolution caused major economic, cultural, and political changes around
the world. The Industrial Revolution was an economic revolution, and therefore
economic changes were widespread and still
continue to impact our world today. These
economic changes led to cultural and political
These economic changes began in the textile
(cloth) industry with the invention of machines.
New textile machines for spinning and
weaving, chores that had previously been
done by hand, increased the production of
cloth goods. The modernization of textile
technology revolutionized industrialization.
Section Review
6) What are economics?
7) What is a textile?
The flying shuttle advanced textile production by doubling the
amount of weaving a worker could do in one day. This
machine was soon joined by the more advanced spinning
jenny, which allowed one spinner to spin eight threads at a
time. At first operated by hand, these machines were soon
powered by the water frame. In 1779, the spinning mule was
invented as a combination of the spinning jenny and water
frame. The mule produced a stronger product than its
predecessors. In 1787, the water-powered power loom
increased the speed of
weaving yet again.
The cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney, significantly
increased cotton production following its invention in
1793. Factories were built to house the machines
replacing the “cottage industries” of handwork
previously done at home. Therefore, jobs were moved
to factories. Due to the increasing demand for
waterpower to drive machines, factories were built near
rivers or streams. These factories were built in existing cities or established towns near
water sources. After the development of the steam engine, which was invented by
James Watt, factories began being built away from water sources because the steam
engine became the new power source
for machines. Coal and iron were the
main resources used to power and build
these engines and machines. The
second wave of the Industrial
Revolution began in the 1870s.
Electricity, chemicals, and steel were
the main sources for industries during
the second wave.
Section Review
8) How did the textile industry change over time?
9) Why was the cotton gin important?
10) What is the cottage industry?
11) How were factories first powered?
12) Where were factories first located? Why?
Transportation improved with the
development of the steam engine as well.
The steam engine was soon used to power
steamboats and locomotives (trains),
leading to the building of canals and
railways for trade and transportation. The
railroad boom created new jobs for railroad
workers and miners. They were needed to
obtain coal to power the new engines. With
less expensive means of trade and
transport of goods, industries developed
and trade over longer distances grew.
Travel for humans was easier as well.
The development of the factory system led
to the division of labor. Individuals were assigned specific tasks, which increased
worker productivity and increased output of manufactured goods. Interchangeable
parts, identical parts rather than unique items made by hand, made it possible to mass
produce and repair many goods with the aid
of machines. Mass production allowed
goods to be produced for a cheaper price,
making them more accessible to an
increasing portion of the population.
Workers spent long hours in the factories.
Often they worked fourteen hours a day, six
days a week. The working conditions were
dangerous and often resulted in injury, but
there was no recourse or support for such
Section Review
13) How did the steam engine lead to more industrialization?
14) How did division of labor increase productivity?
15) What is mass production?
16) How were workers affected by industrialization?
Rural-to-urban migration led to many social changes. Unfortunately, the division of labor
also made clear the division between the worker and owner classes. Many European
cities doubled in population during this
period of history. Because of the low pay
for workers and because the living
conditions in cities were unregulated or
not monitored by the government, housing
conditions were often very poor. The
working class lived in crowded areas often
without basic utilities such as running
water. Conditions were often unsanitary
due to these circumstances. Pollution
from the factories increased, crime
increased due to poverty, and police
protection was often inadequate. The
middle and upper classes, usually
business owners or other professionals,
typically moved to nicer homes in the
suburbs, which was a tangible reflection of
the growing class divisions.
Section Review
17) How did rural-to-urban migration impact society?
18) How did city structures change during industrialization?
Because working conditions were so dangerous and
because of the growing class divisions, further economic
changes began along with political changes. Laissezfaire capitalism was the foundation of the Industrial
Revolution, as this was the economic system in which all
factors of production were privately owned and there
was no government interference. But capitalism, based
on laws of competition, supply and demand, and selfinterest, also allowed for great disparity in wealth, which
means that there was a large gap between rich and
poor. Supporters of capitalism opposed the creation of
minimum wage laws and better working conditions,
believing that it would upset the free-market system and
weaken the production of wealth.
The working class was increasingly oppressed by the middle and upper classes.
Support of socialism began to rise. People believed that socialism would provide
greater welfare of the masses of working class people
and allow the government to plan the economy in order
to promote equality and end poverty. Socialism at that
time offered workers more protection than capitalism
and it also promised that it would better distribute
wealth according to need. Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels, writing in The Communist Manifesto,
proposed a radical socialism, stating that society was
dividing into warring classes. It was proposed that the
proletariats, the “have-nots” or the factory workers,
who were oppressed in their current conditions, would
overthrow the bourgeoisie, the “haves”, or the factory
owners, and create a “dictatorship of the proletariat.”
Although this proletariat revolution did not occur during
the Industrial Revolution, Marx provided the fuel for
future reforms and revolutions.
Section Review
19) What is Laissez-Faire Capitalism?
20) What did supporters of capitalism oppose?
21) What is socialism?
22) Who wrote the Communist Manifesto?
23) Who are the proletariat? Who are the bourgeoisie?
In addition to the rise of socialism, labor unions and
reform laws came about in the 1800s as a means to
correct the disparities between social classes. Labor
unions negotiated for better working conditions, higher
pay, and shorter hours for factory workers.
Unions would strike, or refuse to work, if demands were not met. These unions were
restricted at first, but over time achieved little success. In the 1830s, the British
Parliament began regulating mine and factory conditions for women and children,
bringing much needed reform.
While individual gaps in wealth were problematic at this time, a global wealth gap also
was occurring. As industrialized nations gained power over non-industrialized nations,
these industrial powers began looking to exploit or take advantage of the weaker
nations for resources and markets. Thus, imperialism was born out of the industrial
Section Review
24) What are labor unions?
25) What reforms did Parliament create beginning in the 1830s?
26) What worldwide changes took place because of industrialism?
Image 1: "The Industrial Revolution Changes the World." : Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 19
June 2014. <>.
Image 2: "Hartmann Maschinenhalle 1868."
Http:// WikiMedia
Commons, n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.
Image 3: "The Radium Girls' Story." The Feminist EZine. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.
Image 4: "Lisa M. Lane's History of England: Industrialization." Lisa M. Lane's History of
England: Industrialization. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.
Image 5: "Guide to the Cotton Gin." K-12 TLC Guide to the Cotton Gin. University of
South Flordia, n.d. Web. 19 June 2014. <>.
Image 6: "Inventors." Bengal Students, n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.
Image 7: Brain, Marshall. "How Steam Engines Work." HowStuffWorks., 01 Apr. 2000. Web. 18 June 2014.
Image 8: "Portal 2, Un Análisis a Fondo a Nivel Intelectual." Taringa! N.p., n.d. Web. 19
June 2014. <>.
Image 9: "Rural to Urban Migration - American Industrial Revolution Lecture." Teachers
Pay Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.
Image 10: "Http://" N.p.,
n.d. Web. 19 June 2014.
Image 11: Nolen, Larry. "The OF Blog: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist
Manifesto." The OF Blog: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto.
N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2014. <>.
Image 12: "U.S. History - Unit I Labor Unions." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 19 June
2014. <>.