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Grade 5 Science
Pacing Guide 2015-2016
Quarter 2: Earth and Space
Unit #1: Sun and Earth Relationship
Describe how the earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star is the central part and the largest body.
Week 1
Oct. 20 - 23
(4 days)
Week 3
Nov. 2 – 6
(5 days)
Week 4
Nov. 9 – 13
(5 days)
Week 5
Nov. 16 – 20
(5 days)
Big Idea: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west and changes position from season to season
5.2.2 Observe and use pictures to record how the sun appears to move across the sky in the same general way every day but rises and sets
in different places as the seasons change.
Big Idea: Shadows form when sunshine is blocked by a solid object and shadows change depending on the position of the sun in the
Week 2
Oct. 26-30
5.2.3 In monthly intervals, observe and draw the length and direction of shadows cast by the sun at several chosen times during the day.
(5 days)
Use the recorded data as evidence to explain how those shadows were affected by the relative position of the earth and sun.
Unit #2: The Moon
Observe and record changes in the moon’s appearance over the course of a month to determine the patterns in the lunar cycle.
Big Idea: The position of the earth, sun, and moon determine the moon phases
5.2.4 Use a calendar to record observations of the shape of the moon and the rising and setting times over the course of a month. Based on
the observations, describe patterns in the moon cycle.
Big Idea: The moon orbits the earth
5.2.4 Use a calendar to record observations of the shape of the moon and the rising and setting times over the course of a month. Based on
the observations, describe patterns in the moon cycle.
Big Idea: There are 8 main moon phases in the lunar cycle
5.2.4 Use a calendar to record observations of the shape of the moon and the rising and setting times over the course of a month. Based on
the observations, describe patterns in the moon cycle.
Unit #3 The Solar System
Identify and describe the components of our solar system
Week 6
Nov. 23 – 24
(2 days)
Week 7
Nov. 30 – Dec. 4
(5 days)
Big Idea: Our solar system consists of the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like
asteroids and comets.
5.2.1 Recognize that our earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star, is the central and largest body. Observe that
our solar system includes the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like asteroids and comets.
Big Idea: Our solar system consists of the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like
asteroids and comets.
5.2.1 Recognize that our earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star, is the central and largest body. Observe that
our solar system includes the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like asteroids and comets.
Indianapolis Public Schools
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Grade 5 Science
Pacing Guide 2015-2016
Quarter 2: Earth and Space
Week 8
Dec. 7-11
(5 days)
Big Idea: Our solar system consists of the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like
asteroids and comets.
5.2.1 Recognize that our earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star, is the central and largest body. Observe that
our solar system includes the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like asteroids and comets.
Week 9
Dec 14-17
(4 days)
Big Idea: Our solar system consists of the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like
asteroids and comets.
5.2.1 Recognize that our earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star, is the central and largest body. Observe that
our solar system includes the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like asteroids and comets.
End of Quarter 2
Winter Break: December 20-January 4
Indianapolis Public Schools
Department of Curriculum and Instruction