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Lecture 2
Prof Jane Farrar
Campbell Biology by Reece Taylor Simon Dickey
Or any Genetics textbook
Chapter 9: Patterns of Inheritance
Dr Sophia Millington-Ward
Next lecture in the series from Prof Farrar is 4pm Tues Oct 15th
  Genetics and Human Health/Welfare
1. Production of safer vaccines: recombinant single subunit vaccines
e.g. hepatitis B vaccine
2. Production of recombinant human therapeutic proteins
e.g. insulin, growth hormone, clot dissolving proteins
3. Inherited disorders can be diagnosed prenatally
4. Prenatal genotyping – in vitro fertilisation &
pre implantation diagnosis
5. Populations and individuals could be genotyped for
Quantitative disease alleles
e.g. predisposition to mental health problems, heart disease,
high blood pressure, cancer, Alzheimer s disease etc.
Issues of privacy: who owns the information and who has access
Implications for health insurance and employment
6. Pharmacogenomics: using genomics to genotype populations
and individuals for alleles that determine responsiveness to
drug therapies.
Aim: individualization of drug therapies
7. Gene therapy for inherited diseases (What about other traits?)
designer babies
Some Basics First!
What is Genetics?
-  the study of inheritance
- the flow of biological information from one generation to the next
Information about what?
-  How to construct a living organism
-  How the organism s physical characteristics are determined
The Information Flow: Inheritance
-  Is it governed by rules?
-  If so, what are these rules?
-  How can the rules be discovered?
Uncovering the Rules of Inheritance: A General Strategy
Mate or cross 2 individuals that show different forms of
the same physical trait
Hair color
Eye color
Disease X
Parent 1
Disease X
Parent 2
Ask: 1. How many distinct types of offspring?
2. How frequent is a given type?
3. Is there a predictable pattern of inheritance of the
(Refer to the dominant, recessive & sex-linked patterns of
inheritance in humans outlined in Lecture 1)
Mendel studied 7 traits
Flower color
Gregor Mendel
(1822 – 1884)
Flower position
Seed color
Seed texture
Pod texture
Pod color
Ref: You Tube
Gregor Mendel Rap
Plant height
Before Mendel s work (1860 s), no consistently predictable
patterns of inheritance were observed.
Mendel s successful experimental strategy:
1.  Choose an organism that is known to breed true
i.e. when crossed with itself it gives only offspring
that are the same as itself
2. Choice of experimental organism: pea (Pisum sativum)
Why? a. Many physically distinct varieties available
b. Varieties with alternative forms of a given trait
Additional reasons for Mendel s success
1.  He investigated the inheritance of only one or two traits
at a time
He kept accurate quantitative data about:
(a) how many different types of offspring were
obtained from a cross
(b) the frequency of occurrence of the various types
Pp x Pp
PP Pp pP pp
Mendel s First Experiments
Inheritance of a single trait = monohybrid cross
Parental generation
F1 offspring generation
all purple
Let F1 plants self-fertilize =
F1 X F1
F2 offspring generation
purple: 705
white: 224
Ratio: purple : white = 3 : 1
Each of the 7 individual traits that Mendel studied was inherited
in the same way!
P1 X P2
F1 offspring show one parent s phenotype only
said to be the DOMINANT phenotype
F1 X F1
reappearance of the second phenotype
called the RECESSIVE phenotype
Ratio of DOMINANT : RECESSIVE = 3 : 1
Mendel s explanation – some lateral thinking!
1.  Each trait is determined by a pair of unit factors which
we now call genes
Why a pair? Because each parent supplies one
2. There are two alternative forms = alleles of each gene
that determines a given trait: a dominant allele
a recessive allele
3. The two alleles segregate randomly during gamete formation
i.e. the male and female gametes each contain one allele
This is known as Mendel s law of segregation
4. During fertilization, when an egg cell fuses with a sperm
cell, the resulting zygote contains one allele from each
5. Since there are two alleles of each gene, there are
three ways in which pairs of allele can be combined
e.g. Flower colour: Dominant P allele + Recessive p allele
PP homozygous
Pp x Pp
Pp heterozygous
Pp heterozygous
pp homozygous
PP Pp pP pp F2
What about the inheritance of two traits? A di-hybrid cross
Will the inheritance of one influence the inheritance of the
other? i.e. dependent or independent inheritance: which?
Seed colour – yellow (Y)
or green (y)
Seed shape – Round (R)
or wrinkled (r)
This doesn t happen!
Just 2 sperm & ova types:
YR and yr
(Dependent inheritance)
Mendel s second law: Independent Assortment
Each trait is inherited independently of the other
yellow (Y)
green (y)
Round (R)
wrinkled (r)
4 types sperm
4 types egg cells
9: 3: 3: 1 ratio
  Where does the 9:3:3:1 ratio come from?
From the independent probabilities of inheriting a given allele
Single probabilities:
probability of Yellow 3/4
Seed color
3:1 ratio
probability of green
probability of Round
Seed shape
3:1 ratio
probability of wrinkled 1/4
Combined probabilities:
Probability of Yellow AND Round
Yellow AND wrinkled
green AND Round
green AND wrinkled
= 3/4 X 3/4 = 9/16
= 3/4 X 1/4 = 3/16
= 1/4 X 3/4 = 3/16
= 1/4 X 1/4 = 1/16